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Old 03-30-2021, 07:17 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Russ38 View Post
Only good thing that came from any communist was the AK-47....I keep one leaned up against my nightstand with a 75 round drum mag....

When you absolutely, positively have to kill everyone within 25 yds. AK47

It's a great weapon and the nemesis of the AR. It's reliable AF even with little to no maintenance and deadly.
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Old 03-30-2021, 07:21 AM   #47
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The AR is far from perfect and it has a spotted history.

Troops in Vietnam were getting their asses kicked with their outdated M14s for many reasons AND with the new AR15 against V.C.carrying AKs. The M16 was accepted to replace the M14 mostly because of rate of fire, 200 rounds per minute vs 60 with the M14. The gun and the ammo was lighter and with the original twist rates the 5.56 would tumble on impact making it very deadly. Too deadly in fact. The twist rate was modified to stabilize the bullet. Theory being, as I've heard it, is that a wounded soldier takes two more out of action. A dead soldier is left to lay.

Back to reliability. The original AR15s were a disaster. An article in Time Magazine in the 60's famously quoted a marine who said that the majority of the dead on any patrol were found with a broken down AR15. They died trying to get their weapon to work. Of course much of that was fixed by supplying cleaning kits, a new cleaning regimen and forward assist modifications. On the other hand a V.C. soldier could pick up an AK, from a fallen comrade in a rice paddy, and keep on firing.

If you study the shape of the bullet and the chambers you can see a why the AK is so damn reliable. The 5.56 chamber is so tight that any grit will prevent a round from fully loading Original ARs did not have the forward assist. It was a modification deemed necessary after some initial combat use. The AR also has failure to extract issues. My Colt Sporter has FTE issues with most reloads. The AK simply doesn't have those issues by design. The AK does sacrifice some accuracy vs the AR but it's not enough to overcome the reliability factor in less than perfect conditions.
Still, in home defense, a properly maintained AR is superior.
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Old 03-30-2021, 09:38 PM   #48
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Don't forgot that those nasty commies ditched the AK-47 in mainline service almost 50 years ago in favor of a smaller bullet firing AK-74. That round got the nickname 'Poison Bullet', basically they copied our 5.56 rounds ballistics. That has since been upgraded to the AK-12 still firing the 5.45 bullet. Now some units are being equipped with the 7.62x39 round in the new AK-15. Strange how that rounds hangs on. Both are solid weapons and untold millions of x39 are stashed all over the world. Funny how must Americans don't have a clue about the 'newer' rifle and round. They think every ruskie has an old AK-47 in 7.62x39.

I assembled an AR in 5.45 during an obama panic. Got 1.5K rounds and an complete upper for less than what 500 rounds of 5.56 was going for. They were great deals, and that gun was fun to shoot. Didn't lose any ground when I sold it.

Any person with even basic understanding of each rifle should be confident that each will take care of them in an emergency. I would not feel under-gunned with an AK or an AR in a fight.

Look around the world, the AR and the piston driven variant is being accepted as the primary choice of a lot more militarys than just those that get them for free. You can find Chinese, Iranian and even Russian AR-15 pattern rifles. It's come out of it's infancy and troubled teenage years to be an outstanding contributor.


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Old 04-02-2021, 05:25 PM   #49
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Unless he did the conversion prior to 1986, and got the paperwork to show it, it is illegal. No new machine guns (or parts to make a semi into one) have been allowed legally for civilians in the past 35 years.

It's only a 10 year and $100K fine if he is caught with an illegal machine gun.

not sure. he was 12 in 1986 lol

I did not know they sent Navy pilots to sniper school. Interesting.................

im not military so im sure your point is valid. when he was on the Peleaux (sp?), they dropped anchor for a swim-true story-and he and some marine snipers got orders to shoot anything with a dorsal fin. the dorsal finners musta got the memo, cause they were no-shows to the party..

First pxmcc, if you have a G-17, G-19, G-34 or G-45 put those 10 rounders in a drawer and forget about them.

Go buy some normal capacity magazines, not those restricted ones. The 15 round magazine is standard for the G-19. If it's a G-17, it will hold a couple more. Good news is G-17 magazines fit into the G-19. You can also find those that hold more.

If you have a G-26, G-43 or G-48 you are stuck with limited capacity, go buy more magazines and practice magazine changes.

Regarding an AR being awkward, not if you choose wisely. A rifle can be shorter than a shotgun which helps it in tight quarters. If you choose an AR pistol, or possibly one with a brace on it, they can get quite compact. Plenty of this board have SBRs and AR pistols that are set up as PDWs, (Personal Defensive Weapon).

Don't be afraid to go to a local gun show and look around.

Follow some of the better youtube personalities to learn more. I would suggest Colion Noir for his content.



[I]thx. you know your way around guns i see..

i like my ruger .22 pistol semi-auto with a 10 round "magazine" cause its super accurate and you can get off 10 rounds in a jiffy..

against an AR or an AK, lets just say i look for cover. but how many burglers remember to bring their AR-15 to their burglarizing ops..[/I
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Old 04-16-2021, 04:23 AM   #50
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Default thoughts and prayers..

Indianapolis: 8 more dead by rampaging gunman, 1 or more seriously wounded. i would like to send families of the deceased my sincere thoughts and prayers..
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