Originally Posted by Little Monster
Biden is doing the exact opposite of what Trump has done. He is employing qualified competent people to deal with the virus not his unqualified son-in-law. He won't tell people that it's all a hoax, or that it will just go away.
And Jan 20th is for parades and celebration. Jan 21st is when Biden will sit down and figure out how to clean up Trump's mess
I'm wondering how long Biden and his team will be able to blame any lack of success after Jan. 21st. which I anticipate. You know they will. It will go something like this. "You can't expect us to turn this thing around so soon". To which one might ask, "why not", you said you would do a better job. Are you willing to admit that you and your experts have no better idea on how to stop this or even slow it down?
What will Biden do on Jan. 21st should his expert advisers tell him a lock down is necessary? First, I guess I'll have to explain for the umpteenth time that a President, any President can not lock down the country. Then sit back and watch what happens when more and more Americans refuse to be told how to live their lives. Will the new Biden administration start putting Americans in jail who refuse to wear a mask? Who refuse to not let more than 2 people in your home that don't live in your home? I hear that the Gov. of California, I think it was, has decreed that for Thanksgiving, no more than two other family members that do not reside in your house, may have dinner in your house at one time. So what happens if you have 3 or 4 children with families and they all want to eat Thanksgiving dinner in your home? Which family is told "you can come"? How do we think that will fly in America?
If anybody thinks Biden is going to be able to control the behavior of tens of millions of Americans, you are dreaming but it might be interesting to watch him try and have much of American turn on him in his first hundred days.
A President can order government employees to stay home. He can order that masks and social distancing be observed in any and all "federal" facilities. Other than that, there isn't much he can do beyond being maybe a better "cheerleader" than Trump. He can ask, not mandate that Governor's carry out his orders. Some won't.
At least 2 Governor's so far in Miss and Florida, have said there will be no more lock downs in their states. Yes, their states and there isn't a damn thing a President can do to change that other than pleading.
Yeah, I too can't wait for Jan. 21st to see how long this optimism in Joe Biden lasts.