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Old 10-28-2020, 02:56 PM   #46
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Yea I don't give a shit about "black people" fuck off faggot LOL

T R U M P lookin THICC btw

Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
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Old 10-28-2020, 03:21 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
8%. That’s all he’ll get. Anyone that believes it’ll be more is just being foolish and can’t accept the plain and simple truths.

The Republican Party has no love whatsoever from blacks. It’s more like disdain. The few blacks that support Republicans are basically nonfactors and have zero influence within the black community. Trump has proven more often than not that he has no love for nor desire to actually help black people as a whole or black communities. Neither has about anyone in the Republican leadership for that matter. They aren’t even well meaning.

At least blacks can identify with members of the Democratic Party. There are actually members who aren’t seen as stodgy old white dudes that give less than two shits about black people. Sadly for the Republicans, even if they had some members that did care about black people or the black community, they have a distinct image problem. It goes beyond their look but goes deep into their actions. Not actions from the 1860s or the 1960, but their actions from the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and now 2020s. No actions of the Republican Party within the past 20-30 years are positive for black folks. And Republicans still have a difficulty with disavowing white racists. It’s always qualified, always.

Moreover, Republicans saying dumb shit like “Democrat Plantation” or other pejorative terms only reinforces that disdain. Being insulting never changed a mind.
Hogwash. Trump will get 95% of the black vote. He said so:

In 2016, campaigning in a Michigan suburb that is around 2 percent Black, Donald Trump prodded Black voters to give him a chance, asking: “What the hell do you have to lose?” and boasted to the nearly all-white audience: “At the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote. I promise you.”


I don't agree with this: "No actions of the Republican Party within the past 20-30 years are positive for black folks." Republicans have led the way on school choice. And, laugh if you will (and you will), the Ryan/Trump tax cuts for corporations, small businesses, and pass through businesses that employ lots of people as well as deregulation played a big part in increasing median income, reducing poverty, and driving unemployment for black Americans down to the lowest levels since at least the early 1970's. That was admittedly before Covid. From the Wall Street Journal --

Real median U.S. household income last year (2019) rose by $4,379 to $68,709. In dollar amounts, this is nearly 50% more than during the eight years of Barack Obama’s Presidency.

....lower and middle-income folks were also finally sharing more in the country’s growing wealth. Notably, median household incomes increased more among Hispanics (7.1%), blacks (7.9%), Asians (10.6%) and foreign-born workers (8.5%) versus whites (5.7%) and native-born Americans (6.2%).

Poverty fell 1.3 percentage points last year to 10.5%, the lowest level since 1959, and declined more for blacks (2 percentage points), Hispanics (1.8), Asians (2.8), single mothers (2.6), people with a disability (3.2), and no high-school diploma (2.2). The black (18.8%) and Hispanic (15.7%) poverty rates were the lowest in history.

These income gains weren’t magical. Policy changes mattered. The Obama Administration’s obsession with income redistribution and regulation retarded business investment and economic growth. This in turn led to slower income growth for most Americans.

Business investment and hiring increased amid the Trump Administration’s deregulation and the GOP’s 2017 tax reform that unleashed animal spirits. New business applications increased twice as much during the first two years of the Trump Presidency versus the last two Obama years, other Census data show.

Employers competed for workers by increasing wages and digging deeper into applicant pools by hiring folks with disabilities, less education and even criminal records. Rising economic growth lifted all classes. The record of his first three years are why voters still give President Trump an edge over Joe Biden on the economy.

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Old 10-28-2020, 03:26 PM   #48
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0b0 - none so blind as refuse to see the reality
u are just blinded by the promises of reparation, welfare, and food stamps .
such a pity - to waste a life in slavery to the plantation masters - and the DNC and DPST leadership is Lily White!
Biden is more racist than George Wallace ever conceived of Being!
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Old 10-28-2020, 03:38 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Hogwash. Trump will get 95% of the black vote. He said so:

In 2016, campaigning in a Michigan suburb that is around 2 percent Black, Donald Trump prodded Black voters to give him a chance, asking: “What the hell do you have to lose?” and boasted to the nearly all-white audience: “At the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote. I promise you.”


I don't agree with this: "No actions of the Republican Party within the past 20-30 years are positive for black folks." Republicans have led the way on school choice. And, laugh if you will (and you will), the Ryan/Trump tax cuts for corporations, small businesses, and pass through businesses that employ lots of people as well as deregulation played a big part in increasing median income, reducing poverty, and driving unemployment for black Americans down to the lowest levels since at least the early 1970's. That was admittedly before Covid. From the Wall Street Journal --

Real median U.S. household income last year (2019) rose by $4,379 to $68,709. In dollar amounts, this is nearly 50% more than during the eight years of Barack Obama’s Presidency.

....lower and middle-income folks were also finally sharing more in the country’s growing wealth. Notably, median household incomes increased more among Hispanics (7.1%), blacks (7.9%), Asians (10.6%) and foreign-born workers (8.5%) versus whites (5.7%) and native-born Americans (6.2%).

Poverty fell 1.3 percentage points last year to 10.5%, the lowest level since 1959, and declined more for blacks (2 percentage points), Hispanics (1.8), Asians (2.8), single mothers (2.6), people with a disability (3.2), and no high-school diploma (2.2). The black (18.8%) and Hispanic (15.7%) poverty rates were the lowest in history.

These income gains weren’t magical. Policy changes mattered. The Obama Administration’s obsession with income redistribution and regulation retarded business investment and economic growth. This in turn led to slower income growth for most Americans.

Business investment and hiring increased amid the Trump Administration’s deregulation and the GOP’s 2017 tax reform that unleashed animal spirits. New business applications increased twice as much during the first two years of the Trump Presidency versus the last two Obama years, other Census data show.

Employers competed for workers by increasing wages and digging deeper into applicant pools by hiring folks with disabilities, less education and even criminal records. Rising economic growth lifted all classes. The record of his first three years are why voters still give President Trump an edge over Joe Biden on the economy.

Biden won't that's for sure. At least not from Blacks that have more than two Brain Cells.
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Old 10-28-2020, 03:50 PM   #50
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Old 10-28-2020, 03:55 PM   #51
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There is no such thing as a "Black Trump Vote".

It's a figment of your imagination.

In Fantasyland !

This is the funniest shit.

One Term Donnie !!

Flaming out like a Supernova !!

Landslide !!
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Old 10-28-2020, 03:55 PM   #52
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Triggered much - need a 'safe place' SF???
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Old 10-28-2020, 04:36 PM   #53
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doubt it will be a landslide, either way
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Old 10-28-2020, 04:59 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
There is no such thing as a "Black Trump Vote".
We know thats true because if you vote for Trump you ain't black! Biden done told 'em so.
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Old 10-28-2020, 05:10 PM   #55
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Old 10-28-2020, 05:44 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
8%. That’s all he’ll get. Anyone that believes it’ll be more is just being foolish and can’t accept the plain and simple truths.

The Republican Party has no love whatsoever from blacks. It’s more like disdain. The few blacks that support Republicans are basically nonfactors and have zero influence within the black community. Trump has proven more often than not that he has no love for nor desire to actually help black people as a whole or black communities. Neither has about anyone in the Republican leadership for that matter. They aren’t even well meaning.

At least blacks can identify with members of the Democratic Party. There are actually members who aren’t seen as stodgy old white dudes that give less than two shits about black people. Sadly for the Republicans, even if they had some members that did care about black people or the black community, they have a distinct image problem. It goes beyond their look but goes deep into their actions. Not actions from the 1860s or the 1960, but their actions from the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and now 2020s. No actions of the Republican Party within the past 20-30 years are positive for black folks. And Republicans still have a difficulty with disavowing white racists. It’s always qualified, always.

Moreover, Republicans saying dumb shit like “Democrat Plantation” or other pejorative terms only reinforces that disdain. Being insulting never changed a mind.

Please review your own posts - 0b0 - for patronizing, supercilious, and insulting!
but - of course - you think you are 'protected' by the Plantation.

and get a dictionary =- it is KumHoela!

Biden defines 'who is black" - he told u so - so - are you????
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Old 10-28-2020, 06:27 PM   #57
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Biden is cool like that
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Old 10-28-2020, 08:33 PM   #58
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Default Yall's gots some Tiny minds

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Hogwash. Trump will get 95% of the black vote. He said so:

What you are skeeered of is actual reality. In 2016 GEPOTUS got between 6-9% of that demographic. What you are deflecting is will it be more this round? I say yes, easily double - likely more. He doesn't need 100% of any demographic and you know it. Of course it scares you. But C'om on man, ya'll are a skittish bunch. Though I do like the smell of fear on ya'll.

BTW: Your narrative is failing badly while we speak:

Civil Rights Leader Rev. William Owens Endorses Donald Trump

In his personal capacity as a private citizen, civil rights leader and Christian activist Rev. William Owens endorsed Donald Trump for president Tuesday.

The founder and president of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), Owens, along with his wife, Dr. Deborah Owens, are the authors of A Dream Derailed: How the Left Hijacked Civil Rights to Create a Permanent Underclass...
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Old 10-28-2020, 10:12 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
What you are skeeered of is actual reality. In 2016 GEPOTUS got between 6-9% of that demographic. What you are deflecting is will it be more this round? I say yes, easily double - likely more. He doesn't need 100% of any demographic and you know it. Of course it scares you. But C'om on man, ya'll are a skittish bunch. Though I do like the smell of fear on ya'll.

BTW: Your narrative is failing badly while we speak:

Civil Rights Leader Rev. William Owens Endorses Donald Trump

In his personal capacity as a private citizen, civil rights leader and Christian activist Rev. William Owens endorsed Donald Trump for president Tuesday.

The founder and president of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), Owens, along with his wife, Dr. Deborah Owens, are the authors of A Dream Derailed: How the Left Hijacked Civil Rights to Create a Permanent Underclass...
Fear???? I'd love to see a Republican candidate for president get a lot more than 18% of the black vote. The future of the party depends on it. In the long term, Republicans have to boost their appeal to minorities, women and younger voters or they'll go the way of the Whigs.

Is Trump going to get 12% of the black vote? I seriously doubt it. He'll be lucky to get the votes of 12% of black men, and will do much worse among black women.
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Old 10-29-2020, 05:50 AM   #60
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Default Another one rides the Trump tain

Democrat Vice President of Flint, Michigan, City Council Endorses Trump

Maurice Davis, a lifelong Democrat who serves as vice president of the Flint, Michigan, city council, endorsed President Donald Trump for re-election on Wednesday ahead of a speech by Vice President Mike Pence in a visit to the city...

A-N-N-N-N-D, he's black.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
... In the long term, Republicans have to boost their appeal to minorities, women and younger voters...
Cubans for Trump car parade - 75,000 vehicles. Joe-mentia had a 15 car parade in same city - Miami, of all places.

Women - ain't buying guns in Michigan to go support the BLM riots
Michigan Gun Shop Owner: Riots Brought Flood of Single Moms Arming Themselves to Protect Their Children
Young and educated voters is one of the biggest draws he has. Why do you think they are trying so hard to censor them on campus and social media?
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