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Old 09-16-2020, 12:28 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post

Actually this whole discussion is moot now cause Trump in his own voice has acknowledged that he knew all about the severity of the virus early and how it arose, whether from nature or a lab is not pertinent.What is pertinent is his lying to the people regarding it.And his inadequate response to it.

Certainly if this were to be a "Weaponized" virus intentionally created and released by China then their part would be bad but in another way it would still come down to Trump's response to it.
You were doing fine walking that fine line between science and bullshit until you slipped on the above pile of shit. You've got the smell on you now.

You can merely provide a short lined bullet list of the FACTS you claim about which Trump "lied"! Or you can not do so, which is understandable.

As a "sports fisherman" you are familiar with fishy stench. Often worse than shit.
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:15 PM   #47
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I would call it lying.You may feel better calling it "misleading" the people regarding what he knew about the virus in late January.

Until the Woodward tapes it had been proposed that China misled Trump or withheld info from him regarding the virus thus leading to him downplaying it's severity.From the tapes it is obvious Trump had the info whether he got it from China or our own intel sources is not disclosed.

I suppose you deem his public statements as "Truthful" compared to his private statements to Woodward ?

It would be interesting to know if Trump told his family about how bad the virus was ? Melania and his youngest son,Ivanka and Jared and their children ? You know he did.
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:23 PM   #48
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Default Let's compare notes

Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
I would call it lying.You may feel better calling it "misleading" the people regarding what he knew about the virus in late January...

What were San Fran Nan, Bill DeBlowsmeo and Joe-mentia Biden saying about into early March?
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:33 PM   #49
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trump's actions were serious

much more than his medical advisors advised

much more than the dims, who only and always say black if trump says white, and were totally wrong because of that

trump attempted to keep America calm but informed, while he acted in a serious manner beyond all advice
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:35 PM   #50
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I don't know that they would have the same intel available to the president.

Obviously they did not or somebody would have spilled the beans.Trump must have had a tight leash on the info he had or someone would have come forth to refute Trump's downplaying of the virus.
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:42 PM   #51
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Trump's actions were very serious ; He withheld vital information from the public in a very Overly Paternalistic way.

One way to keep people calm is to not disclose to them the debacle coming their way.

I don't know how you could reconcile that as to "keeping us informed" as well.
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:48 PM   #52
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Default there is a fairness needed in a proper judgement

wishing to be a calming influence while being informative to the extent of your understanding of what people should do are not mutually exclusive things, but to see that you have to be actually willing to use your mind and not your bile
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:55 PM   #53
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Was Trump trying to keep us calm and not panic when he exaggerated the "threat" of the caravan of Central Americans trekking their way up to invade us and rape our women and steal the jobs that no one else wants?
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:59 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
this is not new. I posted a video of this dr's claim in april.

its just a rehash of her claims on tucker.
I agree mostly. I don't have the background to really understand the details.

People are getting hung up that this was "genetically engineered" virus. It could have been. It could also have been "sought out", "isolated," "grown", "enhanced", and many other adjectives that still cast blame solely on the Chinese.
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Old 09-16-2020, 02:07 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
trump's actions were serious

much more than his medical advisors advised

much more than the dims, who only and always say black if trump says white, and were totally wrong because of that

trump attempted to keep America calm but informed, while he acted in a serious manner beyond all advice
Let's be apolitical for a second.

Where's the cure or treatment or vaccine for CV19? US? France? China? Russia? Korea? Brazil? I'm seeing where "everyone else is doing such a great job but us because of Trump (say like Tucker)"...but not really. There's little faith in other countries fatality numbers. Everybody else sickness and fatalities numbers are in the same ballpark except a few isolated countries.

So the Democratic Socialists stand around and say "Elect us and we'll cure COVID! And while were at we'll cure Climate Change! Like we did last time." Ridiculous.
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Old 09-16-2020, 02:12 PM   #56
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chinese wuhan corona virus
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Old 09-16-2020, 02:36 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Let's be apolitical for a second.

Where's the cure or treatment or vaccine for CV19? US? France? China? Russia? Korea? Brazil? I'm seeing where "everyone else is doing such a great job but us because of Trump (say like Tucker)"...but not really. There's little faith in other countries fatality numbers. Everybody else sickness and fatalities numbers are in the same ballpark except a few isolated countries.

So the Democratic Socialists stand around and say "Elect us and we'll cure COVID! And while were at we'll cure Climate Change! Like we did last time." Ridiculous.

good point especially considering no one should believe China's numbers at all. does anyone believe less than 5,000 died in China from this? i don't. so throw that number for China out the window and look at other countries that do not have a large motivation to blatantly misreport and you see exactly what you state, the US numbers are in line with the rest of the world. in some cases better like per capita death rate.

so what country did such a great job compared to the US? no one. yet the leftards want to scream "Trump is a MURDERER". ridiculous. even more ridiculous is Biden claiming he'd save us all, would have prevented any deaths, etc etc. i know Biden hasn't quite gone that far but close enough with his rhetoric.

recall it was Biden who called Trump's travel ban racist and xenophobic then later said he would have done the same thing. i guess it's not racist when Biden says it but is when Trump does it. bahhaa. Harris even had to walk back Biden's so-called national mask mandate which if he had any marbles left in his head should have known a president can't do. unless you really are some dictator with absolute control.

and back to China which does have a dictator i still do not believe their numbers. they don't have enough police or troops to enforce such lock-downs on a population has large as they have.
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Old 09-16-2020, 02:49 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post
At least yous don’t know if it’s factual, but chose to repeats it, eh?

Get some help. WSNDs
Like yous...https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2735287
As yous say..."get some help"
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Old 09-16-2020, 03:47 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post
Better Lawyer Up!
You should Barrister up!
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Old 09-16-2020, 04:13 PM   #60
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Default COVID placed in Hospice care - Part 1

The one constant about nature -- it don't like fake.
So... as mentioned before, the thing is reverting to it's natural self - which is not biased towards humans. Go figure. The HIV insertions are dieing off. It is mutating out or reverting back to a bat virus.

At the same time, numbers fuggery continues unabated.

Horowitz: More evidence that most coronavirus cases are now weaker than the flu

Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico. Those two facts continue to be obscured from our policy debate over containing the virus in the southern states. The governors of California, Arizona, and Texas refuse to recognize that the mild nature of these cases is good news going forward...

Digging into the numbers fuggery a little:

...The New York Times reported on Sunday: “One-third of all patients admitted to [Miami’s] main public hospital over the past two weeks after going to the emergency room for car-crash injuries and other urgent problems have tested positive for the coronavirus.”

That is huge news that most people are not properly dissecting. Car crashes plummeted by as much as 75% in some states during the shutdown because the roads were empty. Now we are back up to normal levels of car crashes. For that matter, hospitals are now back up to normal levels of cancer, heart, stroke, and any number of procedures and treatments that were either suspended or declined because people were too scared to come in. Now that we have universal testing in the hospitals, we are merely discovering what already existed, but we never detected because hospitals were empty and we did not have universal testing capability....
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