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Old 08-13-2011, 06:33 PM   #46
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Umm Milf, unless Im wrong his post asked for the ladies to express their opinion about the guys with shitty attitudes as well. The guys have been very fair and honest, and unless you can take it I might suggest not dishing it out. Quite frankly I like this type of thread, controversial and stimulating. Anything besides what most providers put out there as advertisements for their bizness and kissing the guys asses. I happen to like men like SL and Burk, at least they have BALLS to say it like it is and are far from being delusional. In other words, they dont fall for the scam many ladies try to play on them. Plus I like the comeback they give me, love a guy who can attempt to put me in my place lmao.

Yep Im defending him....

bye for now

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Old 08-13-2011, 06:42 PM   #47
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If he asked for the ladies to post about the guys with a shitty attitude. Then he got his answer because I do believe I expressed such regarding his insulting posts.
And doll, I'm a strong woman. I'm ballsy enough to stand up to men like him. As I'm no ass kisser. Nor do I tolerate men who repeatedly insult & disrespect women.
As for dishing it out. I've not dished out anything. Rather I've conveyed my opinion regarding the OP's insulting disrespectful statements he's made time & again.

While you may enjoy insulting threads that are nothing more than to trash women. I for one find it repulsive and not conducive to enjoying this hobby lifestyle.

Your new here (I think). Either way. I'll leave you to defend him.

Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz! View Post
Umm Milf, unless Im wrong his post asked for the ladies to express their opinion about the guys with shitty attitudes as well. The guys have been very fair and honest, and unless you can take it I might suggest not dishing it out. Quite frankly I like this type of thread, controversial and stimulating. Anything besides what most providers put out there as advertisements for their bizness and kissing the guys asses. I happen to like men like SL and Burk, at least they have BALLS to say it like it is and are far from being delusional. In other words, they dont fall for the scam many ladies try to play on them. Plus I like the comeback they give me, love a guy who can attempt to put me in my place lmao.

Yep Im defending him....

bye for now

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Old 08-13-2011, 08:08 PM   #48
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MILF I think Still was trying to get some opinions on when a persons attitude outweighs the session or it's benefits. That would be from both sides. If a guy treats you like a piece of meat and is demanding I'm sure the money in his pocket becomes secondary. Likewise if a provider uses old pics or is not the gal in the pics or starts quoting rules and asking for the donation before you can get a "Hi how are you in" then the fact that she has a nice ass or a pretty face or big breasts kinda goes away. We all deal with this kind of person so I think the question is at what point do you say" Fuck it" Hit the road. I don't think he was trying to stir up shit with the thread.
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Old 08-13-2011, 08:21 PM   #49
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I was *hoping* that's what he was speaking of. BUT he has yet to convey that. As his posts speak otherwise.
If he was truly speaking of attitudes that come about while BCD, then he need to man up and state such and not post insults that are nothing more than to trash women he doesn't like, never met nor conversed with. This hobby lifestyle has enough women haters that we don't need another thread dedicated to trashing women or finding fault with everything fucking thing women supposedly do wrong.

Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
MILF I think Still was trying to get some opinions on when a persons attitude outweighs the session or it's benefits. That would be from both sides. If a guy treats you like a piece of meat and is demanding I'm sure the money in his pocket becomes secondary. Likewise if a provider uses old pics or is not the gal in the pics or starts quoting rules and asking for the donation before you can get a "Hi how are you in" then the fact that she has a nice ass or a pretty face or big breasts kinda goes away. We all deal with this kind of person so I think the question is at what point do you say" Fuck it" Hit the road. I don't think he was trying to stir up shit with the thread.
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Old 08-13-2011, 08:36 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Wicked Milf View Post
I was *hoping* that's what he was speaking of. BUT he has yet to convey that & his posts speak otherwise.
If he was truly speaking of attitudes that come about while BCD, then he need to man up and state such and not post insults that are nothing more than to trash women he doesn't like, never met nor conversed with. This hobby lifestyle has enough women haters that we don't need another thread dedicated to trashing women or finding fault with everything fucking thing women supposedly do wrong.
Lady I wouldn't know you if you came up behind me and bit me on the ass! And I'm not really sure what your problem in life is, but take note. I mean absolutely NO disrespect towards any provider / lady or any hobbyist. Perhaps my shity sense of humor rubs you the wrong way, well you’re just going to have to live with that. How about you just ignore me and my posts. Try it you might like it! Then when you have all that ignore time, go back and read your own posts. Other than the stock market, you're the biggest downer I've seen in quit some time! Some of us actually enjoy this community. We can disagree with each other and joke and at the end of the day, we just had fun! Maybe you should try that. But I think pretty much everyone is tired of your bullshit! I don't know who shit in your corn flakes, but I doubt it was any of us. And for the record, the last time you singled me out I changed my avatar. The current one is just for you! I hope you like it! Last time I let you get the final word. I have come to realize that’s inevitable because you can’t just shut up! So once again, let er rip! Oh, and have a blessed evening!

Well I guess that answers the thread question. Case and point!

Normally I would say something funny, like let’s stop grinin and hit the linenJ

But I think this time I’ll say, “Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya!”

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Old 08-13-2011, 08:40 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz! View Post
Umm Milf, unless Im wrong his post asked for the ladies to express their opinion about the guys with shitty attitudes as well. The guys have been very fair and honest, and unless you can take it I might suggest not dishing it out. Quite frankly I like this type of thread, controversial and stimulating. Anything besides what most providers put out there as advertisements for their bizness and kissing the guys asses. I happen to like men like SL and Burk, at least they have BALLS to say it like it is and are far from being delusional. In other words, they dont fall for the scam many ladies try to play on them. Plus I like the comeback they give me, love a guy who can attempt to put me in my place lmao.

Yep Im defending him....

bye for now

I don't know her but I'm really starting to like her!!!
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Old 08-13-2011, 10:40 PM   #52
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i've thought about this and i think everyone has a bad day. It might not be their real attitude but instead of how they feel that day. Like i remember when i started out in chicago i used to watch the clock,txt,take call's i was rude as hell and didnt really truely know how to run myself. Then one day a customer gave me a rude awakening by giving me a bad review. I knew from that day forward i had to be a better person to keep people happy with me so long story short im a better person becaue some one finnally said hey!stop being a bitch!! lol anyways thats a ill mannered woman.

But men can be just as ill mannered..

IE: Making an appointment during the day and when i take the day off FROM WORK the customer then blows me off(this has happened to me ALOT!)

: when i set a price they try to haggle it lower!! wth. (i kno i kno economy but ive got mouths to feed too!)

:call my phone and try to "talk" to me but theydont set up an appointment no matter how nice i am(this is why i took my number down)

:Ask me what i do (service wise) and when i say i dont discuss that they continue to ask me in different ways.

to me these things are ill mannered ..i hope this didnt make me sound rude but its how i feel
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:04 PM   #53
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My name's not Lady. It's Wicked Milf.

For someone who states they wouldn't know me if I came up behind them. (given that you've never met nor personally conversed with me). You sure seem to think you know me enough to spew insults and call me wacko and haggered. Again very classless and disrespectful of you.
Yet not appreciated at all.

You put forth a thread trashing women and their attitudes. You did so in a piss poor way. It was not humorous at all. (go back and re-read your very first post). Nor was it at all in the way Burk indicated.
Because everything you've posted was insulting and has nothing to do with the attitudes of the providers you see BCD.
And yet again when someone doesn't agree with your insulting comments or whatever you put forth. You lash out and call them names. When instead you should be heeding your own advice and learn to accept that folks are not always going to agree with you. And you should learn to be respectful and agree to disagree. Rather than spewing insults at folks who don't agree with you.

And FYI, no one shit in my corn. And I'll shut up when I damn well please. I don't need the likes of you to tell me how and when I ought to speak my mind.
The difference between you and I. Is that I'm respectful when I voice my opinion. I don't start threads that are nothing more than to bash women and find fault with them. (and when called on it, use the excuse that it was humorous. Like you did.) Nor do I go around calling folks names and spewing insults.

You might need to take a closer look at your own avatar and yourself.

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Lady I wouldn't know you if you came up behind me and bit me on the ass! And I'm not really sure what your problem in life is, but take note. I mean absolutely NO disrespect towards any provider / lady or any hobbyist. Perhaps my shity sense of humor rubs you the wrong way, well you’re just going to have to live with that. How about you just ignore me and my posts. Try it you might like it! Then when you have all that ignore time, go back and read your own posts. Other than the stock market, you're the biggest downer I've seen in quit some time! Some of us actually enjoy this community. We can disagree with each other and joke and at the end of the day, we just had fun! Maybe you should try that. But I think pretty much everyone is tired of your bullshit! I don't know who shit in your corn flakes, but I doubt it was any of us. And for the record, the last time you singled me out I changed my avatar. The current one is just for you! I hope you like it! Last time I let you get the final word. I have come to realize that’s inevitable because you can’t just shut up! So once again, let er rip! Oh, and have a blessed evening!

Well I guess that answers the thread question. Case and point!

Normally I would say something funny, like let’s stop grinin and hit the linenJ

But I think this time I’ll say, “Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya!”

Odio’s Wacko!
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Old 08-14-2011, 03:51 AM   #54
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WetVelvetSat Post

I don't care who gets pissed at my comment. BUT, your post comes across as IF the men are suppose to step up and take care of you/other ladies IF something comes up in their life.


This hobby is about men seeing women they wish to enjoy downtime with w/o feeling obligated to financially help the women out at every turn in their life when things happen.
And no man is obligated to see a lady more than once if he doesn't want to. And thus seeing her once, he should be able to use her as a reference. (again w/o feeling obligated to do anything more for her) beyond taking care of her *date donation*.

Now let's turn the tables, Wet. You see a guy once, and he's in dire needs of help. Are YOU willing to step up and back him up and help him out? Because that's pretty much what your indicating to the men. To me that's selfish & greedy. Esp. the *you can't back us up but they still use you as a ref*

These men owe use women nothing beyond the date that takes place! Be thankful/grateful for those who do help because they can & will. W/o feeling obligated to do so.

That's my opinion as this is not the first time you've brought something of this nature up.

Now I'm going back to my 70 degree weather and a boat ride.

Sixxbach Post

I'd like to know why you mentioned my name in this topic?
Must be the numerous times I've told you NO!!

FYI: I'm in the prime of my life!And I'm fucking beautiful for my age!! My body nor my sexual desires have yet died.. and I sure as hell look at men throughout my every day life (no matter if I'm in an airport or grocery store)....and I find a reason to want to explore many of them in ways they've never imagined.
Men are beautiful souls and there will always be a reason to enjoy them. Regardless of a womans age.
To even hint that some women should give up the hobby IE: Sex.. & enjoyment with men...is to say she's dead inside and that is downright wrong.

as to the topic:
Why should a lady have to leave the hobby? Huh? The hobby is about sexual relations and the pleasurable journeys of all kinds.
And I feel every woman has the right to ENJOY sexual relations with men and all the pleasures that come with it. For as long as she wants to! And not stop enjoying it, just because some men say otherwise.

To even hint that some women should give up the hobby IE: Sex.. & enjoyment with men...is to say she's dead inside and that is downright wrong.
If a guy is going to suggest that some women leave the hobby. Then those same men ought to do the same.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!!

Still Looking Post

No, what I stated was you were insulting because you didn't like the honest feedback you were given, to the questions you put forth.
You were insulting because you didn't like what you read on my website.
You were insulting period! And a kiss ass to those who's comments you liked.

Yet you state I'm entitled to my opinion (regarding the ?'s you put forth to the community) and you didn't like my opinion so you choose to insult time & again. So much for your *your entitled to your opinion*.

And you state your not telling folks how they ought to do things.
But you sure are telling me what you think I ought to do and because I choose to do things my way. You state It's stupid.

Don't put forth questions if you can't handle the replies that are given.
And stop insulting someone just because they do or say something that doesn't appease you.

I'm done where your concerned. You've proven that to me that your not a respectful man.

Your * a shitty business person. You reap what you sow* comment must be meant for those ladies whom haven't replied to you. I'm sure they appreciate you calling them that.

Budman Post

Just because you don't like nor agree with what she posted. Doesn't give you the right to call her names & insult her. Nor tell her to stfu if she can't take it.
She nor anyone else should have to tolerate such nasty disrespect from you, just because you don't like what they post.

Wylademan30 Post

Wrong there, fella. Not my type of ball busting venue. I don't associate myself with women haters who spew lies, insults and pure hatred at folks. Just so they can feel like a man and be seen & heard.
I'll leave the garbage bucket for ya'll to wallow in.

My history? Of what? Being a strong woman who doesn't tolerate bullshit from bullies like you, whispers, sixx and others?
For not kissing ass and giving in every time you men fling hateful insults at me or other members??
For not voicing my opinions to appease you and the other bullies?
For being tolerant enough to stand up to men like you and never backing down or swaying my opinion??
Do tell me what my history is? Because from where I stand, I'm damn proud of the strong woman I am. And I ain't gonna change to appease a soul like you.

Do I have a piece? Piece of what? You make no sense there, fella.
Yeah I have a voice and damn proud to express it!

Hate's a very strong word. Show me, where I've expressed hatred for another soul let alone for a dog.
Now dislike, that I'll accept. I dislike, men who treat women like scum.
I dislike men who treat other men like scum.
I dislike men & women who insult others only to pat themselves on the back and in the same breath act as if their own shit don't stink.
Yeah I dislike self righteous,self-centered, egotistical folks who act as if everyone has to conform to their way of thinking & being.

Sofiaofhouston Post

Really? You, don't know me at all.

I'm a gal who speaks her mind and doesn't say something to appease the masses of men who bully women. I never back down on what I stand firm on and I sure as hell never beat around the bush about things. Nor do I insult or attack ones character for the differing opinions they put forth.

So hold me to my shit! Because you'll never see me sway my opinion nor kiss ass and the women haters can eat me alive all they want.
I'm woman enough to stand up to them in public and thus don't need some underground forum to do so.
That's a forum where folks spew hatred at another and tell them how awful they are. That's NOT who I am or what I'm about. I don't ever express myself in that manner to anyone. Regardless of the countless hateful insults they throw at me.

They can have that underground man cave all to themselves, to drop trough and see who has the bigger dick, loudest voice and who's the worst woman hater. Enjoy!!

CPT Savajo Post
(This explains a lot!)

I take the taboo and make it pleasurable.

Peeing on someone or allowing another to pee on you is erotic. (my personal opinion). It's sterile and if one drinks plenty of water, it comes out clearer. (making it even sexier)

The feel of hot wet pee gushingly sprayed on your skin is more intense feeling & erotic than a few drops of someones cum, which has minimal feeling when it hits the skin.

I get it's not for everyone. But for those who do enjoy it. It's amazing and it enhances the pleasure between the couple.

Now as for shaving. Hell no! Bigger is not always better. Plus hair on a man is sexy and manly!

Whispers Post

Man-hater? WRONG!!!! This coming from a man who's been recently begging numerous folks to introduce WM to you. Never gonna happen as long as I live!
No man pays my bills. Mr know it all!!! I have a JOB that pays my bills and it ain't no men. TYVM!!
This is MY hobby and I enjoy pissing on men who enjoy the erotic side of being UNINHIBITED with a woman who enjoys pleasuring them that way.
Not something you would ever understand. Since you hate on *women* who are strong and know what they want and who they won't tolerate.

And I don't need some underground forum to voice my opinion where the likes of you can continue to attack & hate on women who stand up to you. I know all about that forum thanks to being invited and I DECLINED!!

Still looking Post (Last but no least!)

I could never pick *just* one song. Because I've over 40, 000 songs & 800+ artists to choose from. That it's difficult to say which song would fit best with me & my date. And I enjoy letting them play randomly as there are many times when me & my lovers are going at it, hot & heavy. That the right song for that particular moment, just happened to randomly play and it makes the sexual experience all the more enjoyable and leaves us panting, sweating and laughing about how *that* song played when it did. Gotta love the spontaneous nature of how things flow together when they do. Sex, songs and great company.

Give me blues, old school rock, funky soul, jazz and some great sex can be enjoyed amongst that music.

Originally Posted by Still Looking
If you could only pick one song to make love to, which would it be!

Just a few of your favorites in the last 60 days! I consider myself in good company!

Notice how you don’t answer the question in the last post. Instead you brag how many songs you have on your iPod! My Ipod only as one song on it! It’s by Ray Charles: Hit the road Jack, and don’t cha come back no more no more!

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Old 08-14-2011, 09:58 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Wicked Milf View Post
So what YOUR saying is, that a woman you've never conversed with, thus don't know jack shit about. Has a bad attitude, because YOU personally don't like how she screens??
And thus because YOU don't like her screening. She's all about money. Even when her screening, declines men (thus declining $$$$) who don't meet her screening requirements. She's s still about money/?
And no where would you ever consider the fact that she gives a damn about her safety and that she might be selective in whom she wants to spend time with.

So to wrap it up. You don't like the way a lady screens and you automatically judge her to have a bad attitude and that she's all about money.
Nice to know that's it OK for you to judge women who put safety first!!
First off, I just knew you would chime in Actually, I respect a provider's right/need to screen. I gladly will go through the screening process of any provider that I'm interested in seeing.

Maybe the "bitchy attitude" isn't the best analogy to make; however, I've seen ads/webpages for a lot of providers who put so many hoops in front of a perspective client, I just wonder why a guy would even bother. There are sometimes I even wonder if providers know what they are asking guys to give them in order to get screened. I see it all the time on certain providers' ad/webpages. Providers need to realize the following:

1-- Some guys don't have business phone number. Some work out of the home or on a personal cell phone. Others have direct lines. Others may have a business that does not permit incoming calls or incoming personal calls. If you do call a place of employment, you don't know who's answering the phone. Every hear of office gossip? Even "innocent" sounding calls can start rumors. Finally, there are some guys whose place of employment is best not called. Bottom line, using any sort of employment related information for screening just won't fly for a lot of potential clients. If a provider I want to see insists on some form of information coming from my place of employment, I will pass on her.

2-- I think most guys feel very uncomfortable in providing our full names. This is an anonymous hobby. There is a whole host of reasons NOT to give this information. If you want my real name, tell me your real name.

3-- Phone number, again this falls into being an anonymous hobby. I'll give you my hobby number, but that's all.

For the most part, a lot of this screening information is very sensitive and private to us guys. Giving out this information really opens us up to a host of potential nasty things.

About all I'm willing to give a provider are references, my hobby e-mail, my board names, my hobby phone #, and P411 info (via P411).

That was part 1 of what portrays a provider of possibly having a "shitty attitude". The other is some of things she puts in her ad or website. Granted, this can be subjective but can be best summed up the following way. "Everything you need to know is in my ad or on my website. Don't bother contacting me with questions." Again, this may be a broad generalization but can imply the provider has no desire to interact with clients/potential clients and could be an indicator of a "shitty attitude".

All I'm trying to do is answer the OP's original question. For me, attitude start with first contact/first impressions. For the most part that is going to be seeing a provider's ad and/or website. Of course most ad/websites try to portray the provider in a positive light in order to attract clients, but by reading between the lines on some of the info, one might be able to glean a little info about the provider's potential attitude. Like I said, I'm not opposed to screening.

Originally Posted by evietaylor View Post
Considering I read & replied to the thread you commented in about getting through screening or excuse me, not getting screened at all by bullshitting your way around it, I gotta do this:

What is it with your issues with screening?? I simply don't understand. Any honest & real hobbyist knows that this is just part of hobbying. Of course, we expect you to be screened & if that means 'jumping through hoops' to see us, then so be it. If the gentleman wants to see the lady bad enough, he'll comply....or he'll shell out the $30-40 per month for a screening service.

Expecting a hobbyist to supply pertinent information for screening is not having a "shitty attitude", for petes sake! We're trying to be SAFE!

Oh, and only being in it "for the money"...what the hell do you think we're in it for? You clearly have no idea the "hoops" we have to jump through as the one supplying the service. If there was another industry where I could make the amount of money I make as a provider, I'm there!

I love my job for more than just the money, BUT it has also helped me pay off 40K in college loans that I wouldn't have been able to pay otherwise.

First off, I don't try to BS my way through screening. My example was when I was a newbie, and for reasons I stated above, I was unwilling to provide certain information. At the end of the day, it was the provider's choice to see me based on the info I was willing to give out along with our on-going conversation.

As stated above, I'm not opposed to screening-- just screening that requires too much personal information that I'm unwilling to give up.

Umm, yeah I know you are in it for the money, but there are some providers who actually enjoy having fun and don't see it as just a job. Believe it or not, there are some providers who see it as only a job. I'm not trying to mean; just stating a fact. I'm sure you are not one who thinks it is just a job.
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Old 08-14-2011, 09:59 AM   #56
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And your reason for going through MY posts and posting my statements made across the board on various other topics, is why?

FYI, you indicate above each statement as IF those other members made those posts. WRONG!

They're not Wet's, Sixx, Whispers nor yours or anyone's posts.
They're all my honest, respectful and straightforward opinions on VARIOUS topics posted ELSEWHERE on this board.
And if you think your above me or anyone by calling out my posts that have ZERO to do with this thread or your insults & name calling and the fact that you started this thread solely to call attention to the faults of women and thus trash them. Then you need to go check yourself. Because your not above anyone.

FYI, I'm proud of every one of my statements you put up. I don't regret (respectfully) voicing my opinion. ESP the one you highlighted (This explains a lot) regarding the pissing and how erotic I find it to.
Damn straight it explains a lot. I fucking enjoy it and so do MANY others. And read! Because the answer to your last comment, was staring you right in the face. But you knew that already. You feel your above others and felt it was your right to go through all of Wicked Milfs posts and find the ones that didn't suit your fancy and post them here in this thread. As if you were doing something grand. WRONG!

Get over yourself and learn to respect women.

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
WetVelvetSat Post

I don't care who gets pissed at my comment. BUT, your post comes across as IF the men are suppose to step up and take care of you/other ladies IF something comes up in their life.


This hobby is about men seeing women they wish to enjoy downtime with w/o feeling obligated to financially help the women out at every turn in their life when things happen.
And no man is obligated to see a lady more than once if he doesn't want to. And thus seeing her once, he should be able to use her as a reference. (again w/o feeling obligated to do anything more for her) beyond taking care of her *date donation*.

Now let's turn the tables, Wet. You see a guy once, and he's in dire needs of help. Are YOU willing to step up and back him up and help him out? Because that's pretty much what your indicating to the men. To me that's selfish & greedy. Esp. the *you can't back us up but they still use you as a ref*

These men owe use women nothing beyond the date that takes place! Be thankful/grateful for those who do help because they can & will. W/o feeling obligated to do so.

That's my opinion as this is not the first time you've brought something of this nature up.

Now I'm going back to my 70 degree weather and a boat ride.

Sixxbach Post

I'd like to know why you mentioned my name in this topic?
Must be the numerous times I've told you NO!!

FYI: I'm in the prime of my life!And I'm fucking beautiful for my age!! My body nor my sexual desires have yet died.. and I sure as hell look at men throughout my every day life (no matter if I'm in an airport or grocery store)....and I find a reason to want to explore many of them in ways they've never imagined.
Men are beautiful souls and there will always be a reason to enjoy them. Regardless of a womans age.
To even hint that some women should give up the hobby IE: Sex.. & enjoyment with men...is to say she's dead inside and that is downright wrong.

as to the topic:
Why should a lady have to leave the hobby? Huh? The hobby is about sexual relations and the pleasurable journeys of all kinds.
And I feel every woman has the right to ENJOY sexual relations with men and all the pleasures that come with it. For as long as she wants to! And not stop enjoying it, just because some men say otherwise.

To even hint that some women should give up the hobby IE: Sex.. & enjoyment with men...is to say she's dead inside and that is downright wrong.
If a guy is going to suggest that some women leave the hobby. Then those same men ought to do the same.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!!

Still Looking Post

No, what I stated was you were insulting because you didn't like the honest feedback you were given, to the questions you put forth.
You were insulting because you didn't like what you read on my website.
You were insulting period! And a kiss ass to those who's comments you liked.

Yet you state I'm entitled to my opinion (regarding the ?'s you put forth to the community) and you didn't like my opinion so you choose to insult time & again. So much for your *your entitled to your opinion*.

And you state your not telling folks how they ought to do things.
But you sure are telling me what you think I ought to do and because I choose to do things my way. You state It's stupid.

Don't put forth questions if you can't handle the replies that are given.
And stop insulting someone just because they do or say something that doesn't appease you.

I'm done where your concerned. You've proven that to me that your not a respectful man.

Your * a shitty business person. You reap what you sow* comment must be meant for those ladies whom haven't replied to you. I'm sure they appreciate you calling them that.

Budman Post

Just because you don't like nor agree with what she posted. Doesn't give you the right to call her names & insult her. Nor tell her to stfu if she can't take it.
She nor anyone else should have to tolerate such nasty disrespect from you, just because you don't like what they post.

Wylademan30 Post

Wrong there, fella. Not my type of ball busting venue. I don't associate myself with women haters who spew lies, insults and pure hatred at folks. Just so they can feel like a man and be seen & heard.
I'll leave the garbage bucket for ya'll to wallow in.

My history? Of what? Being a strong woman who doesn't tolerate bullshit from bullies like you, whispers, sixx and others?
For not kissing ass and giving in every time you men fling hateful insults at me or other members??
For not voicing my opinions to appease you and the other bullies?
For being tolerant enough to stand up to men like you and never backing down or swaying my opinion??
Do tell me what my history is? Because from where I stand, I'm damn proud of the strong woman I am. And I ain't gonna change to appease a soul like you.

Do I have a piece? Piece of what? You make no sense there, fella.
Yeah I have a voice and damn proud to express it!

Hate's a very strong word. Show me, where I've expressed hatred for another soul let alone for a dog.
Now dislike, that I'll accept. I dislike, men who treat women like scum.
I dislike men who treat other men like scum.
I dislike men & women who insult others only to pat themselves on the back and in the same breath act as if their own shit don't stink.
Yeah I dislike self righteous,self-centered, egotistical folks who act as if everyone has to conform to their way of thinking & being.

Sofiaofhouston Post

Really? You, don't know me at all.

I'm a gal who speaks her mind and doesn't say something to appease the masses of men who bully women. I never back down on what I stand firm on and I sure as hell never beat around the bush about things. Nor do I insult or attack ones character for the differing opinions they put forth.

So hold me to my shit! Because you'll never see me sway my opinion nor kiss ass and the women haters can eat me alive all they want.
I'm woman enough to stand up to them in public and thus don't need some underground forum to do so.
That's a forum where folks spew hatred at another and tell them how awful they are. That's NOT who I am or what I'm about. I don't ever express myself in that manner to anyone. Regardless of the countless hateful insults they throw at me.

They can have that underground man cave all to themselves, to drop trough and see who has the bigger dick, loudest voice and who's the worst woman hater. Enjoy!!

CPT Savajo Post
(This explains a lot!)

I take the taboo and make it pleasurable.

Peeing on someone or allowing another to pee on you is erotic. (my personal opinion). It's sterile and if one drinks plenty of water, it comes out clearer. (making it even sexier)

The feel of hot wet pee gushingly sprayed on your skin is more intense feeling & erotic than a few drops of someones cum, which has minimal feeling when it hits the skin.

I get it's not for everyone. But for those who do enjoy it. It's amazing and it enhances the pleasure between the couple.

Now as for shaving. Hell no! Bigger is not always better. Plus hair on a man is sexy and manly!

Whispers Post

Man-hater? WRONG!!!! This coming from a man who's been recently begging numerous folks to introduce WM to you. Never gonna happen as long as I live!
No man pays my bills. Mr know it all!!! I have a JOB that pays my bills and it ain't no men. TYVM!!
This is MY hobby and I enjoy pissing on men who enjoy the erotic side of being UNINHIBITED with a woman who enjoys pleasuring them that way.
Not something you would ever understand. Since you hate on *women* who are strong and know what they want and who they won't tolerate.

And I don't need some underground forum to voice my opinion where the likes of you can continue to attack & hate on women who stand up to you. I know all about that forum thanks to being invited and I DECLINED!!

Still looking Post (Last but no least!)

I could never pick *just* one song. Because I've over 40, 000 songs & 800+ artists to choose from. That it's difficult to say which song would fit best with me & my date. And I enjoy letting them play randomly as there are many times when me & my lovers are going at it, hot & heavy. That the right song for that particular moment, just happened to randomly play and it makes the sexual experience all the more enjoyable and leaves us panting, sweating and laughing about how *that* song played when it did. Gotta love the spontaneous nature of how things flow together when they do. Sex, songs and great company.

Give me blues, old school rock, funky soul, jazz and some great sex can be enjoyed amongst that music.

Originally Posted by Still Looking
If you could only pick one song to make love to, which would it be!

Just a few of your favorites in the last 60 days! I consider myself in good company!

Notice how you don’t answer the question in the last post. Instead you brag how many songs you have on your iPod! My Ipod only as one song on it! It’s by Ray Charles: Hit the road Jack, and don’t cha come back no more no more!

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Old 08-14-2011, 10:11 AM   #57
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Your talking to a lady who knows all about screening and not accepting sensitive personal information.
So I get most of what your saying. If you re-read my previous comments regarding the screening. (which is another thread).
You will see that I indicate that IF a guy hobbies, then he ought to provide hobby related screening. And like a clebraty stated once. (If you dont meet my standards. You don't serve my guests.). Same theory applies to men who hobby & screening. If they don't meet a lady's screening requirements. Then they don't meet.
No need for any hobbyist to insult women for how they choose to safeguard themselves in this adult lifestyle.

If they're newbies, choose to hobby and have zero ref. And they see gals who require personal information. There's not much they should be complaining about. Because while I don't allow nor accept personal info. The women taking the chance on seeing those newbies behind locked doors, have every right to safeguard themselves with whatever personal info they need from the new guy.

There's no golden rule when it comes to screening. That states what's right or wrong. If men respect women. Then they'll either respect how she screens. Or move on to someone who doesn't screen.

Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
First off, I just knew you would chime in Actually, I respect a provider's right/need to screen. I gladly will go through the screening process of any provider that I'm interested in seeing.

Maybe the "bitchy attitude" isn't the best analogy to make; however, I've seen ads/webpages for a lot of providers who put so many hoops in front of a perspective client, I just wonder why a guy would even bother. There are sometimes I even wonder if providers know what they are asking guys to give them in order to get screened. I see it all the time on certain providers' ad/webpages. Providers need to realize the following:

1-- Some guys don't have business phone number. Some work out of the home or on a personal cell phone. Others have direct lines. Others may have a business that does not permit incoming calls or incoming personal calls. If you do call a place of employment, you don't know who's answering the phone. Every hear of office gossip? Even "innocent" sounding calls can start rumors. Finally, there are some guys whose place of employment is best not called. Bottom line, using any sort of employment related information for screening just won't fly for a lot of potential clients. If a provider I want to see insists on some form of information coming from my place of employment, I will pass on her.

2-- I think most guys feel very uncomfortable in providing our full names. This is an anonymous hobby. There is a whole host of reasons NOT to give this information. If you want my real name, tell me your real name.

3-- Phone number, again this falls into being an anonymous hobby. I'll give you my hobby number, but that's all.

For the most part, a lot of this screening information is very sensitive and private to us guys. Giving out this information really opens us up to a host of potential nasty things.

About all I'm willing to give a provider are references, my hobby e-mail, my board names, my hobby phone #, and P411 info (via P411).

That was part 1 of what portrays a provider of possibly having a "shitty attitude". The other is some of things she puts in her ad or website. Granted, this can be subjective but can be best summed up the following way. Everything you need to know is in my ad or on my website. Don't bother contacting me with questions. Again, this may be a broad generalization but can imply the provider has no desire to interact with clients/potential clients and could be an indicator of a "shitty attitude".

All I'm trying to do is answer the OP's original question. For me, attitude start with first contact/first impressions. For the most part that is going to be seeing a provider's ad and/or website. Of course most ad/websites try to portray the provider in a positive light in order to attract clients, but by reading between the lines on some of the info, one might be able to glean a little info about the provider's potential attitude. Like I said, I'm not opposed to screening.

First off, I don't try to BS my way through screening. My example was when I was a newbie, and for reasons I stated above, I was unwilling to provider certain information. At the end of the day, it was the provider's choice to see me based on the info I was willing to provider along with our on-going conversation.

As stated above, I'm not opposed to screening-- just screening that requires too much personal information that I'm unwilling to give up.

Umm, yeah I know you are in it for the money, but there are some providers who actually enjoy having fun and don't see it as just a job. Believe it or not, there are some providers who see it as only a job. I'm not trying to mean; just stating a fact. I'm sure you are not one who thinks it is just a job.
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Old 08-14-2011, 11:23 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Wicked Milf View Post
There's no golden rule when it comes to screening..... If men respect women. Then they'll either respect how she screens. Or move on to someone who doesn't screen.
That is the essence of it! It is the same as doing any other voluntary business transaction. Both sides need to find common ground they are comfortable with.

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Old 08-14-2011, 11:25 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
That is the essence of it! It is the same as doing any other voluntary business transaction. Both sides need to find common ground they are comfortable with.

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Old 08-14-2011, 11:27 AM   #60
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Yet some men (in the hobby) feel it's OK to constantly insult ladies who are screening savoy and praise the ones who'll see them based on zero screening.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
That is the essence of it! It is the same as doing any other voluntary business transaction. Both sides need to find common ground they are comfortable with.
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