Originally Posted by oeb11
That's right - sk - You do hate law-abiding legal holders ofweapons in teh US
Legal weapons threaten your Marxist narrative and violent evolutionary takeover of teh US.
Too Damn bad
Harris may try to ban weapons when she is POTUS - if biden is elected as placeholder.
That will precipitate Civil War in middle America.
Feel free to go to Venezuela and cuba - see the wonder of marxism - and stay there!
I wasn't on this forum back in 2009 when you started but I would like to know in the last 11 years just who was the last string of evil politicians that you claimed were going to turn this country communist that obviously didn't get the job done?
My guess is any candidate that ran as something other than a republican.
I should ask my local conspiracy theorist if he still thinks Obama is going to declare martial law, or if he just transferred that feeling onto the next candidate opposing the next great white hope he believes in.
So what's your list of politicians that you've thought were going to turn this country socialist over the last 4 or 5 decades....that obviously didn't or couldn't get the job done? Are there even any republicans on that list?
If it's too tough to answer maybe some other posters who have been here that long can put out your lifetime list of the anti-christs that never materialized and had to be replaced by a new guy every 4 years? Any idea who the next boogeyman is 4 years from now?