Originally Posted by oeb11
The DPST's are ...... dancing with delight.....!
Yep you got that right...
It wasn't too long ago that the orange bozo was bragging about how wonderful the markets were and the economy was the best in the history of the universe.
Well he says that about everything where he tries to take credit...all he’s done so far is cut taxes for the ultra rich...
At least he pulled his finger out and finally did something positive for a change instead of whining.
Yeah he put together a $850bn. Cash injection to help folks out..and you know what that is ??
SOCIALISM....not Capitalism!! The merits of Socialism that Capitalism can’t do without...
Today bore out what I predicted a few days ago...that the DOW would plunge below 20,000 and sure enough, it did...I’ll take credit for that.. oil plunged too.
I love that too. Diesel prices are low in TX.
Get used to it that the economy is on the ropes. I’m lucky I’m still doing OK but things can change rapidly..
Many are not going to be as lucky..
But you’re right.
The sooner we get rid of this 6 time bankrupt and con artist, the better.
Otherwise it’s only a matter of time before we end up in a massive recession because of Trump and the Repugnant party..and guess who will have to clean up the mess As usual.