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Old 03-05-2020, 11:13 AM   #46
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Al Sharpton will stroke over that stance.

And rally cnn and msnbc to provide the screenshot that all black folks are united behind him.
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Old 03-05-2020, 11:21 AM   #47
Randall Creed
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Lol @ affirmative action.

So, the CHANCE to get a few 'good' jobs here or there makes up for dragging 14 million people across an ocean against their will?

Come on, dawg.

Everything is so neatly disguised these days. There's a guy I know that lost out on a job where they hired a female that was a student of his. Qualifications and experience be DAMNED. Let's get another set of tits walking around in the office, shall we?

I see on job applications where you can leave your demographic blank, so as to give you a better chance of getting hired. But my dumb ass, thinking my skill/qualifications will win the day for me, fill it in anyway, only to not get hired.

There could've been a myriad of reasons why I wasn't hired, though I'm sure it involved skin color and possibly lack of tits. Of course, I cannot prove it, but...whatever.

If I were a fat, disgusting pig who was picked on in school and didn't get any pussy, who would I want walking around in my office building, a man, black or white...or other, or a woman, whom I would have authority and power over and may oqccaiosnally get to rub up against in choke points in the building [qualifications being comparable]??

I'd prefer the other so....what's up with those reparations???
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Old 03-05-2020, 11:58 AM   #48
Lucas McCain
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I hear you, Randall about affirmative action. But it is better than nothing. Black people were never going to get reparations. The next best thing is affirmative action. It gives/gave people opportunities that they would not have had because of their ethnicity. I know that sounds weak, but it's just the truth.

A lot of people of color have greatly benefited financially from affirmative action. I have no problem with that. But, I just don't think it should still be around this long. And I would guess that most companies don't even adhere to the policy nowadays anyway.
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Old 03-05-2020, 11:59 AM   #49
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Lol @ affirmative action.

So, the CHANCE to get a few 'good' jobs here or there makes up for dragging 14 million people across an ocean against their will?

Come on, dawg.

Everything is so neatly disguised these days. There's a guy I know that lost out on a job where they hired a female that was a student of his. Qualifications and experience be DAMNED. Let's get another set of tits walking around in the office, shall we?

I see on job applications where you can leave your demographic blank, so as to give you a better chance of getting hired. But my dumb ass, thinking my skill/qualifications will win the day for me, fill it in anyway, only to not get hired.

There could've been a myriad of reasons why I wasn't hired, though I'm sure it involved skin color and possibly lack of tits. Of course, I cannot prove it, but...whatever.

If I were a fat, disgusting pig who was picked on in school and didn't get any pussy, who would I want walking around in my office building, a man, black or white...or other, or a woman, whom I would have authority and power over and may oqccaiosnally get to rub up against in choke points in the building [qualifications being comparable]??

I'd prefer the other so....what's up with those reparations???
I'm willing to support reasonable reparations for slavery, which was wrong, no doubt about it.

How much per direct descendant and what do we get in return?
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Old 03-05-2020, 12:06 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I believe that affirmative action is enough compensation for reparations and I don't even believe in affirmative action for this many years and counting.

My black friends don't want reparations, they just don't want to be discriminated against because of the color of their skin. I realize they don't speak for all black people, but they are pretty upfront that they simply don't believe they should be compensated for the abuse that many generations before them had to endure. My friends have the mindset that "why should I get a check for the bullshit my ancestors had to suffer through 3 generations ago?"

by that same logic it follows that these blacks don't feel whites who weren't even in the US at the time of slavery should be forced to pay reparations.

would they also acknowledge the known fact that the bulk of slaves were captured by other blacks in tribal wars?
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Old 03-05-2020, 12:22 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
by that same logic it follows that these blacks don't feel whites who weren't even in the US at the time of slavery should be forced to pay reparations.

would they also acknowledge the known fact that the bulk of slaves were captured by other blacks in tribal wars?
I assume they know their own history. Africa was corrupt then and they are still corrupt now. I don't need to spell it out for them.

I don't even know why people are even bringing up reparations. I'm not paying for that shit. I didn't do anything wrong. I make a considerable amount of money more than my black friends (actually all of my childhood friends) and I always pay for lunch. Those are the only reparations I'm paying
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Old 03-05-2020, 01:00 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Lol @ affirmative action.

So, the CHANCE to get a few 'good' jobs here or there makes up for dragging 14 million people across an ocean against their will?

Come on, dawg.

Everything is so neatly disguised these days. There's a guy I know that lost out on a job where they hired a female that was a student of his. Qualifications and experience be DAMNED. Let's get another set of tits walking around in the office, shall we?

I see on job applications where you can leave your demographic blank, so as to give you a better chance of getting hired. But my dumb ass, thinking my skill/qualifications will win the day for me, fill it in anyway, only to not get hired.

There could've been a myriad of reasons why I wasn't hired, though I'm sure it involved skin color and possibly lack of tits. Of course, I cannot prove it, but...whatever.

If I were a fat, disgusting pig who was picked on in school and didn't get any pussy, who would I want walking around in my office building, a man, black or white...or other, or a woman, whom I would have authority and power over and may oqccaiosnally get to rub up against in choke points in the building [qualifications being comparable]??

I'd prefer the other so....what's up with those reparations???
Reparations will never happen. Consider welfare, food stamps, affirmative action and sit around govt jobs "reparations."

Speaking of, my son went down to the City of Houston for a job that he was eminently qualified for. He was told "You don't fit in with culture here." In other words, he wasn't black.
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Old 03-05-2020, 03:20 PM   #53
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Reparations will never happen. Consider welfare, food stamps, affirmative action and sit around govt jobs "reparations."

Speaking of, my son went down to the City of Houston for a job that he was eminently qualified for. He was told "You don't fit in with culture here." In other words, he wasn't black.
Blatant discrimination against whitey is beloved by liberals.
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Old 03-05-2020, 03:29 PM   #54
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According to an Ancestry DNA test, he's 12% black.
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Old 03-05-2020, 04:01 PM   #55
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Why do people worry about shit that happen long before they were even conceived ? its good thing you people are banging on keyboards
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Old 03-05-2020, 04:27 PM   #56
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Gnadfly, I am assuming your son has dark features if he is 12% black. Tell him to claim being Native American and he'll have a job in no time if he wants a government or city job. I'm not even kidding. If he wants to game the system, that's how he can easily do so when the system is against him. But if he is blonde and has blue eyes, he shouldn't waste his time with that claim.
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Old 03-05-2020, 04:55 PM   #57
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He's dark brown haired with hazel eyes. In high school they called him "the hispanglo."

His mom, my ex, is puerto rican and 25% DNA from various places in Africa. She is also part Tiano Indian according to the results which my son also inherited. The Tiano is a tribe occupying the Caribbean.

Both he and my daughter/his sister are reluctant to game the system. Like their mother, they like to do things the hard way, be unsuccessful, and bitch. Thanks for the advice though.
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Old 03-05-2020, 05:00 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I assume they know their own history. Africa was corrupt then and they are still corrupt now. I don't need to spell it out for them.

I don't even know why people are even bringing up reparations. I'm not paying for that shit. I didn't do anything wrong. I make a considerable amount of money more than my black friends (actually all of my childhood friends) and I always pay for lunch. Those are the only reparations I'm paying

i wonder if that's true overall? oh certainly a lot of blacks do know the truth but with the constant misinformation and "blame nasty whitey" for .. everything i'd bet the majority believe that "nasty whitey" is solely responsible for all of slavery and even all of Africa's current problems, let alone their violent past going back hundreds of years before whitey ever saw the Ivory Coast.

i wouldn't be surprised if many blame whitey for the current issues in Africa today. despite the fact that Africa is about 80% black. another 9% "Colored" and about 8% white. and some token Indian/Asian at 2.5%.

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Gnadfly, I am assuming your son has dark features if he is 12% black. Tell him to claim being Native American and he'll have a job in no time if he wants a government or city job. I'm not even kidding. If he wants to game the system, that's how he can easily do so. But if he is blonde and has blue eyes, he shouldn't waste his time with that claim.

like this pale face?

one wonders how she sold that lie. oh wait she's female and a Democrat. never mind
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Old 03-05-2020, 05:10 PM   #59
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Hey boys, are there any Africans Americans weighing in on this conversation, or just the same old troop of grumpys old white men?

I finds it entertaining watching yous idiots discussing what black peoples think. Rip em, Randall. This fuckery is embarrassing!

LOLLING whites deplorables
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Old 03-05-2020, 05:24 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Both he and my daughter/his sister are reluctant to game the system. Like their mother, they like to do things the hard way, be unsuccessful, and bitch. Thanks for the advice though.
I understand but if the system is against you, I believe in skating behind the rules. Hell, we're on a whore board, everyone is doing that here. If the system is against you and you want it, you act accordingly without harming anyone. At least that's my motto.

You do what you have do to get ahead and you don't bitch and moan if you are unwilling to do so.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
like this pale face?
She didn't game the system. That was just kind of stupid of her but I guess she could just blame hair dye to diffuse the awkward lie and stick to her bullshit story.

I can't remember the white chick's name years ago who worked for the NAACP but that shit was funny as fuck to me when she got busted for being full of shit about being black. She may be related to Warren.

Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post
Hey boys, are there any Africans Americans weighing in on this conversation
It's been a civil discussion for the most part. There is no need to try to escalate it further. I've said my thoughts from my experiences with talks with my black friends and others have shared their thoughts as well. As far as the OP is concerned, he's just a racist troll looking for attention, so he is not even worth addressing any further.

I know you may like some drama but we're not doing that now in this thread. Maybe in a few hours though LOL
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