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Old 07-27-2011, 08:53 PM   #46
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Damn, Jeff, that evisceration was a work of art. I'm impressed. Methinks I learned a few things beyond my original topic (whether I wanted to or not).
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Old 07-27-2011, 09:46 PM   #47
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I am confused I guess, but if the lady did not ask for your help, did not ask to be outed and wished to remain UTR, then why would you even bother to get involved in her private business. Are things that slow at home or something?

Jeff where have you been, you in witness protection or something? Do I know you LOL!!!!!!!
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Old 07-27-2011, 09:54 PM   #48
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Mys last line in mys typing dere prebious to dis won waddnt no personnel infermaytions dere Fyrehydrant it was a valid alert cause LE was dere dat Tuesday night and some peeps new it ahead a time. I guaranty it b da truth. A hole lotta peeps gonna bes in trubble trubble dubble dubble. I b sorry ifn dere was sum udder stuff a liddle two close two home base fer some peoples wit large buttz but it was wat it was and is wat it is. Ya allz be carefulls who u being listenin too. ole KC1 he knows who gotz da goodz and dere gots to bes a reckonin. It b cummin soon lordy lordy wat will yas say on da judgin day? See mys postsins from b4 and knows KC1 knows.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:01 PM   #49
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I actually saw nothing wrong with the Sens comments and thought the criticism to be unwarranted. Do you want information or not? Bagging on the guy deters him and, moreso, others. The criticism was 'big deal' because I found the point of view interesting. In fact, I would be interested in how he found the UTRs in the first place,how did that information even come up if they weren't pros in the first place? It was a lost opportunity for well rounded information because someone decided to go off and others piled on.
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Old 07-28-2011, 01:38 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by bartipero View Post
It was a lost opportunity for well rounded information
whaaa? Cause wat u wan a lesson in hows ta bes a predatore? Dats da real deal goin on heres about. Makes no ifs ands ors buttz boudit. Dese gurls r scared 2 death it not b sumthin to bes proud of less yous a totale socio-pathe. fishin a gal off a suga dadeee sight is 1 ting. Turnin her out and heavie handin her is a hole nother level of putridity. U gotts to wunder whys most dese gurls dont stay but a day or week most casue soon as dey can get away from a certin sumone dey head fer da hills. I knows at least 2 dat dun says dey turned sum1 heres in 2 da boyz in blue becuss dey so freeked out by da situashun. Id knot wanna bes the one splainin dat one to mys wife iffin da door goes a nockin.
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Old 07-28-2011, 05:20 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by bartipero View Post
I actually saw nothing wrong with the Sens comments and thought the criticism to be unwarranted. Do you want information or not? Bagging on the guy deters him and, moreso, others. The criticism was 'big deal' because I found the point of view interesting. In fact, I would be interested in how he found the UTRs in the first place,how did that information even come up if they weren't pros in the first place? It was a lost opportunity for well rounded information because someone decided to go off and others piled on.
Well, no one will find out. Because this has gone too far. People are supposing to know things that, quite frankly, never happened. I made it clear I've never taken a penny. I've never set a date. I've never told a girl she HAD to see a guy. I've merely given them information on how to be safe, and, if asked, introduced them to other guys. I never set the fee, never knew when or where or what they did after that. The truth is, the vast majority of the UTR girls I've seen have never seen anyone else (at least through me). They haven't asked or shown interest in it, and if they're not interested in it, I could care less. I actually don't WANT to share my UTR girls. I only do it if they want me to. But some "pros" on here are incensed that a guy would stoop so low as to see an "amateur". And they're even more appalled that the amateur might not even charge as much as a PRO! Bottom line, they're scared of the competition they can't see. If they're here, there's an opportunity for collusion and because, regardless of the level of service they provide, they all ask about the same amount of money.

But apparently now I have some old "friends" coming out of the wood work wanting to score points at my expense. And our incoherent friend KC1 has outed my personal information. The fucker put my name in the post and made a reference to my wife in the deleted posts. And then, in a PM, told me that my wife would get a packet with all my posts and some pictures that I wouldn't want her to see in addition to alerting LE to me and warn them that I "drive drunk" from my favorite watering hole.

I understand for the girls this is a business. But this is my "hobby". Most of the girls on here are fabulous ladies. But apparently I've pissed off enough of them over the years that they feel the need hurt my personally. No one on this board is worth that. Apparently posting and giving your opinion, unless they meet with the opinions of some, only opens you to blackmail. So have fun with it boys. I've got plenty of good friends I've made here. You know how to reach me. But watch your backs. When they're done with me, who knows who's next.
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Old 07-28-2011, 05:32 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Sens55 View Post
Well, no one will find out. Because this has gone too far. People are supposing to know things that, quite frankly, never happened. I made it clear I've never taken a penny. I've never set a date. I've never told a girl she HAD to see a guy. I've merely given them information on how to be safe, and, if asked, introduced them to other guys. I never set the fee, never knew when or where or what they did after that. The truth is, the vast majority of the UTR girls I've seen have never seen anyone else (at least through me). They haven't asked or shown interest in it, and if they're not interested in it, I could care less. I actually don't WANT to share my UTR girls. I only do it if they want me to. But some "pros" on here are incensed that a guy would stoop so low as to see an "amateur". And they're even more appalled that the amateur might not even charge as much as a PRO! Bottom line, they're scared of the competition they can't see. If they're here, there's an opportunity for collusion and because, regardless of the level of service they provide, they all ask about the same amount of money.

But apparently now I have some old "friends" coming out of the wood work wanting to score points at my expense. And our incoherent friend KC1 has outed my personal information. The fucker put my name in the post and made a reference to my wife in the deleted posts. And then, in a PM, told me that my wife would get a packet with all my posts and some pictures that I wouldn't want her to see in addition to alerting LE to me and warn them that I "drive drunk" from my favorite watering hole.

I understand for the girls this is a business. But this is my "hobby". Most of the girls on here are fabulous ladies. But apparently I've pissed off enough of them over the years that they feel the need hurt my personally. No one on this board is worth that. Apparently posting and giving your opinion, unless they meet with the opinions of some, only opens you to blackmail. So have fun with it boys. I've got plenty of good friends I've made here. You know how to reach me. But watch your backs. When they're done with me, who knows who's next.
You've never been anything but cool with me!
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Old 07-28-2011, 06:33 AM   #53
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Hey jizz for brains pay attention. It isn't old 'freinds' coming out of the woodwork. It is everyone now to your face or behind your back. Most behind you becasue they fear you. I do. I fear you. You would turn out your own mother if you thought it would score you something. You have no true sense of honor. This is not your 'hobby' it is your compulsion you cannot contain and that fact has put everyone here in danger both male and female but mostly us guys as we have the most to lose. To cut to the quick, you have to go. As for these girls you find you badger them until they can't stand you whether you know you do it or not. I've talked to enough of them and seen a few and they do fear you. They just don't have the guts to say it becasue you will try to ruin them after all that is what you and your buddies tell them will happen don't you. As for the real providers you berate and belittle every single one of them publicly and privately and there is not a single provider you don't talk down on and cut down every chance you get so you can lose the "Most of the girls on here are fabulous ladies" becasue you know that anyone who really knows how you are knows that you don't beleive that yourself for a New York Minute. You even do this to girls you haven't ever seen. All anyone has to do is go read your posts especially the locker room posts and see it all for themselves. The pattern and the crap you spew. You are nuts man. You can cry all you want but you have brought this all on yourself. If this is a bunch of girls you've pissed off you couldn't begin to know who it would be becasue you've burned through just about all of them, made almost all of their no see lists and you find these supposed UTR girls becasue few 'professionals' can stomach you. It isn't that you don't want to see a provider it is that you can't. There is not a bridge you won't burn I have sat and watched you burn them one by one. You burned me. Not all of them yet, but many in ashes behind you. I have sat and bought you a beer and listened to you man and I beleive you actually are a sociopath as mentioned becasue nothing else comes close to describing your Jeckyll-Hyde behavior with everyone you meet or that you come across. Or is unlucky enough to cross your path. You are not two faced because I can't count how many faces you do have. You are in sales and you lie so much you don't even know when you're doing it. The only time you lie is when your mouth moves or your fingers type. Just go man you are becoming the board jester. If some of these girls really have gone to 5-0 on you I can't really blame them from what I have heard them tell me about you in a incall. It isn't old timers talking on you it is your own UTR prizes they are just scared to tell YOU. You deserve everything you get.
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:28 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by throwawayhandle View Post
Hey jizz for brains pay attention. It isn't old 'freinds' coming out of the woodwork. It is everyone now to your face or behind your back. Most behind you becasue they fear you. I do. I fear you. You would turn out your own mother if you thought it would score you something. You have no true sense of honor. This is not your 'hobby' it is your compulsion you cannot contain and that fact has put everyone here in danger both male and female but mostly us guys as we have the most to lose. To cut to the quick, you have to go. As for these girls you find you badger them until they can't stand you whether you know you do it or not. I've talked to enough of them and seen a few and they do fear you. They just don't have the guts to say it becasue you will try to ruin them after all that is what you and your buddies tell them will happen don't you. As for the real providers you berate and belittle every single one of them publicly and privately and there is not a single provider you don't talk down on and cut down every chance you get so you can lose the "Most of the girls on here are fabulous ladies" becasue you know that anyone who really knows how you are knows that you don't beleive that yourself for a New York Minute. You even do this to girls you haven't ever seen. All anyone has to do is go read your posts especially the locker room posts and see it all for themselves. The pattern and the crap you spew. You are nuts man. You can cry all you want but you have brought this all on yourself. If this is a bunch of girls you've pissed off you couldn't begin to know who it would be becasue you've burned through just about all of them, made almost all of their no see lists and you find these supposed UTR girls becasue few 'professionals' can stomach you. It isn't that you don't want to see a provider it is that you can't. There is not a bridge you won't burn I have sat and watched you burn them one by one. You burned me. Not all of them yet, but many in ashes behind you. I have sat and bought you a beer and listened to you man and I beleive you actually are a sociopath as mentioned becasue nothing else comes close to describing your Jeckyll-Hyde behavior with everyone you meet or that you come across. Or is unlucky enough to cross your path. You are not two faced because I can't count how many faces you do have. You are in sales and you lie so much you don't even know when you're doing it. The only time you lie is when your mouth moves or your fingers type. Just go man you are becoming the board jester. If some of these girls really have gone to 5-0 on you I can't really blame them from what I have heard them tell me about you in a incall. It isn't old timers talking on you it is your own UTR prizes they are just scared to tell YOU. You deserve everything you get.
SERIOUSLY...How long have you been on this site...like 5 seconds
You don't even know what you are talking about
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:00 AM   #55
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I have seen sens more than once...and he has always been nothing but respectful and generous.
Address the thread...If you want to make personal attacks, do it on your own time...Don't waste ours with your ignorant posts!
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:22 AM   #56
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This thing has gotten completely out of hand. I am closing the thread. Perhaps someone can start a new thread on the question.
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