Well we decided to still make that 12 hr round-trip trip.
During spring break and after 2 major busts.
MAN OH MAN. But her airlines could not be changed back home.
Ill be headed back solo.
It can still work if board guys come through.
I disagree with statements about the economy being bad in El Paso when Trump just made a comment about that and safety boy he was reemed a new one... And most providers see 3 a day no more well that is what one told me said her bottom half could not take more than that. Me 5 is perfect if I am visiting makes the trip worth my while. I do not have to worry about my bottom half lol as long as my arms are strong and I can smile I am more than good.

So if I am in your city 2/3 days pay 2 nights in hotels gives you 3 different days to schedule. The day of check in late after noon, all day the next day and the morning of check out to ask for 10 out of 683,577 people the 19th most populated city in the USA. Should not be a big deal.
If I get 8 of my 10 I an still ok if I get less than 6 why drive 12 hrs ???????? Wont make that trip again for a LONG WHILE... Just my math.