Originally Posted by TheOracle
Well put. When I touched on the power dynamic earlier I was told these things don't occur and everyone's just lazy. Lol. (Which I know better, of course.)
Generalizations are another way of saying, "Not all, but most." They come from a real place. While you're saying you don't fall into this generalization, you're also saying you literally had to become a ho to learn to become a housewife (proverbially speaking). That's an abnormal extreme that most women do not go to in order to learn what you say you've learned and arrive where you say you've arrived. Every rule has exceptions, but it doesn't change the rule.
I didn’t say I HAD to become an escort to learn how to take care of a man. My 2 failed marriages taught me a lot. I do learn from my mistakes. But of course I also learned a lot from providing. I wouldn’t have been as successful at it if I didn’t learn how to make a man feel special, wanted, and appreciated, as well as a talented lover. I also learned a LOT from reading the forums on Eccie, especially the CoEd, the reviews and the Powder Room. I’m smart enough to listen to what the highly rated ladies have to say and also read in CoEd what the men value in a good provider.
And I don’t think all married women turn into sexless nags. I know a lot of very happy couples. Eccie just happens to cater to the men who are not happy in their relationships. Generally happy, satisfied men don’t visit escorts. Or have a membership on Eccie or P411. Which is fine with me, I loved being of service to them and making them feel good and wanted. This is an escort/client information website.specifically designed for hookups. So obviously there’s a very skewed opinion on marriage and a wife’s behavior here. It is not indicative of the state of most marriages in the US or worldwide.