Originally Posted by Wakeup
No Staff member is going to answer direct questions about what is and what is not permitted in signature lines. Staff is not here to give you a roadmap to try and skirt the guidelines after we give you that direction.
And yet a staff member very kindly did answer my question.
Your assumption on questions in here seem to be based on paranoia.
The current interpretation of the sig guidelines as written give one carte blanche to skirt the covility guidelines.
May be this will help your confusion...say the first amendment and the 2nd amendment clash.
The people take their case to the Courts to get a final ruling. Those things are usually settled by the Supreme Court.
That was what was trying to be done. This case was obviously above your pay grade...which I did not know intil I asked. Now that I know, I know.
btw , there is no shame in admitting that a conflict is above ones pay grade.
It is obviously above my pay grade, that is why I asked.
I hope this helps you better understand the my questions. I'm not wanting to skirt guidelines, I'm wanting to close a loophole that is allowing those to skirt one amendment with another.