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Old 08-22-2018, 12:19 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Listen to yourselves.

Try to make it about HE and not about me.

Unfortunately, any disagreement immediately results in an identity attack. There’s always someone else at fault. Never Trump.

It is not someone else’s fault that Trump assembled a posse of sycophants to help him drain the swamp, who not inconspicuously abused their power and the trust of the American people.

It’s not somebody else’s fault that ...

Shit, it’s not worth rehashing this again and again. Trump is your guy. I get it. I think you get that he’s not mine.

But I also believe there is a spiritual center of innate good in most Americans. And I believe that people tonthe political left, right and center are disturbed or annoyed or disgusted by Trump’s shit show — maybe for different reasons —and want this bullshit to end.

The compromises should take place between different sides of an issue, not the proverbial angel and devil inside us all.

then explain how he won. by your take on it, he should have lost. oh don't give me that popular vote thing ... it's all about the electoral college
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Old 08-22-2018, 12:25 AM   #47
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Don't you know Trump LOVES knowing all the RENT FREE space he's taking up in all these libtards heads!!
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Old 08-22-2018, 12:38 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Jim, don't you get it?

The fucking left in this country wanted to impeach Trump even BEFORE he was sworn in! Doesn't matter for what! He tied his shoes wrong! That's how incredibly fucked up they are! And the bozos post in this forum too! How can our democracy survive when we have people like that in our midst? The end justifies the means to these assholes! They will shred our Constitution and jettison our democracy to get rid of Trump! And they won't think twice about it either! Most of them were Vietnam draft dodgers! They ridiculed the same logic then that they espouse now! We must destroy the village to save it! You can't reason with these idiots!
Yes I get it. That's why I threw that question out there. No one on here can honestly answer that question ,because they can't. Besides that, none of these clowns know the law anyway. They just fantasize about Trump being impeached . Trump is not a politician and anyone with an ounce of sense knows that's a good thing.

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Old 08-22-2018, 01:02 AM   #49
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Unfortunately also not a chief executive or a good negotiator or even reputed to be an honest businessman ... or successful.

With the Mueller investigation getting ever closer, consider that in November’s midterms could return both houses of Congress to the Democrats. In December, Cohen trial,will be front and center. Shortly after that trial begins, the new Congress will be sworn in.

Unless by some miracle, Trump keeps his mouth shut —particularly until after the Manafort and Cohen stories die down — he might get Mueller to slow down a bit before reporting to a Congress waving torches and pitchforks.

Of course we all know he’ll shit the bed, if he hasn’t already gone BSC on Twitter.

Trumps only hope is for the GOP to hold on to both houses in Nov. And that means keeping away from the campaign. But do you think he’ll do that?

Fuck no!

Expect a couple more months of erratic, BSC.

And a blue wave in November.
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Old 08-22-2018, 05:42 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Try to make it about HE and not about ME.... Shit, it’s not worth rehashing this again and again. Trump is your guy. I get it.
No, you don't get it! At all!

Try to make it about the Constitution and not about Trump.

It doesn't matter if he's "your guy" or not. You can't impeach him for jaywalking. And by pretending you can, you weaken our democracy and set a horrible precedent for future elections and future Presidents.

Don't like the outcome? Impeach him! For what? Anything and everything! For having a lousy personality! No need to wait 4 years.

Sorry, yssup. Trump's not my guy, but you and your ilk scare the fuck out of me much more than any of his tweets.
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Old 08-22-2018, 06:49 AM   #51
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I have a question for you fine gents this morning. Who can take the OP serious with a sig line like this? I mean really. No one would hire this fool to teach. Maybe shine shoes in a titty bar.
This one made me pee my leg. Founder of LPSG

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“The Party Of Deplorables That Supports And Condones Sexual Predators And Pussy Grabbing”
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HAHAHAHA Good Luck With That One!

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Old 08-22-2018, 06:50 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I speak for/with the majority of Americans, by most any metric, The_Waco_Kid.

I understand that doesn’t mean everybody, but I am ever hopeful that we as a nation can once again find common ground on issues that affect us all. The current path of divisiveness will being our society lower than any Guatamalan kid can ever do.

I remember the unrest during he Vier Nam war, the Civil Rights Movement, etc. Don’t you? This is as much a rip in the fabric of our society as any of those dark times.

Time to fix it.
Our society is hopelessly divided, thanks to the hateful left. Our only hope at overcoming that is the left getting older and wiser.

Also, since Asians are victimized by affirmative action/diversity initiatives, maybe they will start to overwhelmingly vote for Republicans, who consider merit to be more important than race, to help stem the decline of our once great nation.
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:10 AM   #53
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Oh Yussup, we know we didn't elect the Pope. Sorry to pop your bubble but nobody gets in business like he did without getting their hands dirty. You know, shit happens.
I wouldn't bet on that blue wave yet sugar.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Unfortunately also not a chief executive or a good negotiator or even reputed to be an honest businessman ... or successful.

With the Mueller investigation getting ever closer, consider that in November’s midterms could return both houses of Congress to the Democrats. In December, Cohen trial,will be front and center. Shortly after that trial begins, the new Congress will be sworn in.

Unless by some miracle, Trump keeps his mouth shut —particularly until after the Manafort and Cohen stories die down — he might get Mueller to slow down a bit before reporting to a Congress waving torches and pitchforks.

Of course we all know he’ll shit the bed, if he hasn’t already gone BSC on Twitter.

Trumps only hope is for the GOP to hold on to both houses in Nov. And that means keeping away from the campaign. But do you think he’ll do that?

Fuck no!

Expect a couple more months of erratic, BSC.

And a blue wave in November.
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:26 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Our society is hopelessly divided, thanks to the hateful left. Our only hope at overcoming that is the left getting older and wiser.

Also, since Asians are victimized by affirmative action/diversity initiatives, maybe they will start to overwhelmingly vote for Republicans, who consider merit to be more important than race, to help stem the decline of our once great nation.
If race is unimportant, why do you constantly rail about it, friendly fred?

Additionally, your blaming the division in the country on “the hateful left” is both erroneous and unfair. Naw, it’s outright laughable.

Without getting into alt-right talking points with you, I’ll just say that the big social division - the class warfare as it used to be called - is a byproduct of the Bush era.

The right had to try and stomach Obama. It couldn’t. And look where we are today.
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:30 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Oh Yussup, we know we didn't elect the Pope. Sorry to pop your bubble but nobody gets in business like he did without getting their hands dirty. You know, shit happens.
I wouldn't bet on that blue wave yet sugar.
Patronizing speech aside, Ellen, why didn’t you? It used to be that our leaders were at their core shining examples for us and our children. Representing the best of America.

If you are trying to say that we knowingly and intentionally put the world’s biggest asshole in the White House because he was such a hands-on business success — then you were bamboozled and made a huge mistake.

He’s likely a criminal, definitely a conspirator and must assuredly not an example for anybody in this country. He’s not even Nixon.

Because you knew he wasn’t “the Pope,” doesn’t mean he gets a pass. Those who support and enable his unacceptable behavior and thuggish tactics should share the accountability as well, because we’re already well aware that Trump refuses to take accountability for himself.

The only October surprise that would lift the American spirit would be for Trump to man up and step down.
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Old 08-22-2018, 08:32 AM   #56
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Yea , wow Tax fraud , concealed 4 million form IRS and some how this is all dumpers doing. Even the Wash Post and NY times and AP could only say Per Daniel Petalas " this brings dumper closer into criminal conduct"
The liberal papers writers aren't even jumping to that conclusion yet , just how that the haters will ever change.
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Old 08-22-2018, 09:17 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I speak for/with the majority of Americans, by most any metric...this is as much a rip in the fabric of our society as any of those dark times.

Time to fix it.

Crying shame HilLIARy didn't win a couple of Novembers ago. On her watch, no doubt, none of this would be taking place, would it? Wouldn't be a gotdam thing to fix becuz over night she would've created Perfection in America by her mere presence in the Oval Office. My God, look at what we were denied....

No doubt the market would be cresting 40,000 by now; everybody's 401K's bursting at the seams...unemployment would be at Zero-Point-Zero and the GDP would be hovering at SIX+ and rising; all becuz of her, of course....free healthcare for all (in fact..free healthcare for ALL 7+ Billion humans on this planet.....why not? Hear, hear!!!)

After all, HilLIARy would have created Heaven on Earth the day she was sworn in. That said, what would be the need for healthcare with her in charge? She would've have single-handedly wiped out all disease and illness that plague mankind.....HilLIARY the Healer!

The deficit would be receding daily, heading toward Zero....NATO countries would have started making good per their budgetary obligations (on their own, of course)….and NoKo would have completely disarmed their nuke program (also...on their own accord).

Life as we know it would be perfect today. No wall...Open Borders....only the Best of the Best would be migrating daily into America; moving into only the finest of neighborhoods, increasing prop values in tandem. And Vlad Putin would be HilLIARy's personal puppet, doing whatever she demanded of him.

What a damned shame thing that lying, con artist, Donald Trump, was voted in as POTUS. Look what this man has denied Americans....the world...the universe.

As I look at the rubble that is America today, truly we are living in the Worst of Times.

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Old 08-22-2018, 09:18 AM   #58
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:26 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Sorry yssup you are losing the debate
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Old 08-22-2018, 11:02 AM   #60
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Really? Exactly which debate are you referring to. Hotrod511?

This isn’t a debate. It’s a fact. Yesterday, two of Trump’s closest advisers were found guilty of eight felonies each.

No matter how you try and dress it up, Cohen’s plea deal implicates Trump directly in the commission of a felony.

Like I said. That’s the fact.

Whining about Clinton and Obama and anybody not Trump is simply What Aboutism, not debating. Clinton was impeached. Trump will be removed from office, though he may voluntarily walk away if he has a soul...
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