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Old 12-19-2017, 06:05 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
Unless you are a millionaire, you are getting fucked in the ass by Trump. It's amazing how easily he cons people. An example is Hancock County, the poorest County in Tennessee. It's 98% white. 83% voted for Trump. Why would they vote against their own interests? In short, ignorance. Racism plays a part, also lack of education.

Yea, because the economy taking off, and my taxes getting lowered is so much worse than the 400% increase in my health insurance under Obama.
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Old 12-19-2017, 06:38 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
Why would they vote against their own interests? In short, ignorance. Racism plays a part, also lack of education.
Your statement is amazing but expected of the left

Why is a vote for trump against anyone's interest?

Do you think that because Hillary promised more, what? Welfare?

Why is securing our borders, placing judges in power who follow the law and constitution, restoring the economy, draining the swamp and restoring the respect for law against their interest?

Oh, it's because Hillary would have what? Talked about women's rights? Stolen more money? Lied some more? Cackled? Hired a Lott of staff? Put miserable buffoons in judgeships? Hired more ESL teachers for ms-13 members?

Liberals ask themselves why would a working man "vote against their interests" when we would have had all these government programs?

How about we want jobs and what's in the interest of the country and our children and their children not some scraps while the country deteriorates around us.

And to you voting for something bigger than themselves shows a lack of education and oh yeah racism. What utter self important snobbish superiority
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Old 12-19-2017, 07:39 PM   #48
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Speaking of the government giving money to the rich I saw in the last couple of days that the mayor of Houston is pushing to set up some housing for the homeless folks who've been "tenting" under the freeway overpasses ... seems like an increase after Harvey.

Since goofball wants to talk about the "rich" getting the $$$$!

Back to his bullshit ....

... just what part of the spending pie do the "rich" get?


I guess goofball believes that having to pay less money in is "getting" money! Example: Tomorrow instead of paying $10 to suck his boyfriend's dick he only has to pay $8. So he thinks the boyfriend just paid $2 to let goofball suck his boyfriend's dick.

"Seeker" is a good name for him. "Seeker" of knowledge.
Many times projects like that become a reality, when rich people of the community invest or donate money into the project. Wealthy people who do that are called philanthropists. I wonder if these goofy Liberals in here ever consider that the generosity of rich people often benefit the poorest people.

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Old 12-19-2017, 09:22 PM   #49
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
Republicans didn't exist Till AFTER the civil war.. Not before..
actually, that's wrong. the republicans were around before the civil war.

I believe they were formed 10 years before the civil war or war between the states took place.

They were formed on the basis of an anti-slavery platform. It took 2 election cycles before they became house hold names. The Whig party (a precursor to the republican party) died out. many were former whig party members who had severe disagreements with the whig party members who supported slavery. the whig party had a major falling out and the membership split.
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Old 12-19-2017, 10:13 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
Unless you are a millionaire, you are getting fucked in the ass by Trump. It's amazing how easily he cons people. An example is Hancock County, the poorest County in Tennessee. It's 98% white. 83% voted for Trump. Why would they vote against their own interests? In short, ignorance. Racism plays a part, also lack of education.
Hahahaha... I love it! I hope the dim-retards keep spouting this bullshit until the cows come home. Shout it from every mountaintop! Keep telling voters they are stupid and ignorant and prone to vote "against their own interests"! Keep telling them YOU know what their best interests are better than they do! That's a winning message! A real vote-getter!

We need more dim-retards like seeker and standinstupid who look down their noses on voters. I love how they have a pathological need to feel superior to anyone who spurns their libtard bullcrap! Each time they spew their insufferable condescension, another county turns from blue to red!
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Old 12-19-2017, 10:23 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I guess goofball believes that having to pay less money in is "getting" money! Example: Tomorrow instead of paying $10 to suck his boyfriend's dick he only has to pay $8. So he thinks the boyfriend just paid $2 to let goofball suck his boyfriend's dick.

"Seeker" is a good name for him. "Seeker" of knowledge.
I DO honestly feel these turds in congress DO THINK that all the tax money we pay< IS really their money we are being LOANED by the govt, and our taxes is our paying our yearly fees on that loan.

Originally Posted by goodolboy View Post
Bernie Sanders was quoted as saying that cutting peoples taxes is a huge theft from the federal government. His mind set that it is the governments money not the people who earned it speaks volumes.
Cause he's a Commie rat bastard who thinks everything should be owned by the govt..
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