Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Don't get caught up in this coed drama. Next thing you know you'll be starting passive aggressive threads about hookers that won't let you stick your peepee in their bunghole.
Apparently you don't know the definition of passive aggressive. Here's what I do know.
You Never contribute by starting threads controversial or otherwise (Unlike myself) See view count.
You Never contribute by writing reviews (Same here)
You Never contribute by posting anything remotely positive (Unlike myself)
You Never contribute by posting anything remotely humorous (Unlike myself)
You Never contribute by posting anything remotely supportive of anyone (Unlike myself)
You do sit back in your dark corner and throw rocks at those passing by for self entertainment.
You're somewhat intelligent but you never use it to benefit anyone. You only use it to lash out with sarcasm or degrade others when the mood strikes.
In other words you contribute zero to the board which puts you on the same par with Ricky.
The only difference is you're bright enough to know better but act the hostile idiot regardless.
You've been here less than half the amount of time I have yet your post count is more than three times higher without a single post being beneficial; supportive or positive toward anyone.
Banter and jab all you like but the facts are what they are.