Originally Posted by oneeasygoingguy
No doubt they come running but I suppose my question was whether guys are gullible enough to believe you are actually reserving your first time with Greek for some pot bellied sweaty stranger in the hobby.
I personally have a hard time believing that but I guess you've answered the question.
I'm not trying to insult you but the fact is the hobby is entirely made up of lies.
Your name is a lie. My name is a lie. We both lie to friends and family about any involvement with the hobby.
Of course this is Not your first time experiencing Greek but if guys want to pay for the fantasy then power to them.
Darlin you're definitely entitled to your opinion, you know what they say about those, don't ya? Haha pun intended! (I know, hookers aren't funny but we can try)
To answer your statement/question as to why on here, it's simple. Average joes aren't typically experienced in Greek. They don't know what they're doing and most of the time are overly excited and not very careful. The lovely men of this hobby have probably been in more assholes than most so it's a no brainer to go with someone who knows what they're doing, will enjoy doing it and will coach you on it.
Plus, what if I do it and don't like it. My s/o or whoever I ended up doing it with would ask for it again eventually, that's one more thing to whine about.
I'm not a fan of whining, and would rather get comfortable with it before I invite whomever I'm dating, into that part of me.
Have a wonderful weekend!