Originally Posted by Naughty Nali
Love it! Maybe I should change my "custom user title" from Verified Provider to Trailer Park Queen just for you.
Originally Posted by carkido45
What you need to do is eat a meal...flaca
Originally Posted by rubyred
uncalled for...she looks great to me! and many others 
Originally Posted by Naughty Nali
Thanks babygirl!
CK45: Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but retard's words never hurt me. 
Carkiddo is generally more interested in the romantic interaction with hot latin boys that are a little on the plump side. It's little wonder that the lovely Nali and rubyred aren't really his "type".
Besides it is always his modus operandi to try and denigrate any women not working at his latin spa, but the pimp hand is so very weak with carkiddo. If you look at his reviews they are so self serving that he has long been the laughing stock of this board. Now if we go back in time to the last board, the tales get even funnier, let's just say that his posting style mirrors his social skills.