Originally Posted by KendalClarkson
Well still looking since you want to call us all out there's many reasons. Well in my book there is! I have no shame and what I'm about to tell you because it made me one hell of a good person and change my life for the better. Number one reason I started I had just gotten out of prison for taking a charge for my brother. I got out to absolutely nothing not even clothes on my back except the s*** they give you when you leave. I don't care who judges me on this I'm keeping it real. I'm a good person with a good heart I had never been in trouble before but blood is thicker than water and I'll take one for my brother. Anyways that's a little off topic that's the reason I started the reason I keep doing it is because one I get to be a stay-at-home mom two it's hard for me to find a real World job that pays the kind of money that I'm used to making ....hey just keeping it real and last but not least I love to f*** I'm a true nympho. So for all you guys that have all these smart-ass comments try walking a day in someone else's shoes especially the ones that are privileged and never really been through anything tough in their life it's always been handed to them signing off -Kendall
That's dumb. Take the fall for your ghetto brother, smh. Did he stay out of trouble after that? You said you had kids. Was it fair to them their mom was locked up because you took a charge for your brother?
So you get out of prison for a crime you didn't commit and start selling your ass, which believe it or not is a crime.
Guess you aren't rehabilitated.