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Old 06-27-2016, 02:16 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Ha, ask Whispers who I am...I'm sure the freckle on my right boob has been thoroughly catalogued by his team of eagle eyed would be social scientists.
i need to see this boob ... and examine the freckle .... closely ... maybe lick to make sure it isn't a mark that can be removed with water ... additional tests may be required

ps ... whoops ... it seems ms leah is not a fan of septuagenarians ...though there is still time for me ... maybe i can convert to another ideology.
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Old 06-27-2016, 04:10 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
First, a reminder to never publicly tie a current handle to a prior guested identity. That may put the person in danger of a stalker, an ex-lover, a disgruntled member here, her employer, her landlord, etc.

Key word there being "Guested" identity. A "disabled" identity would not have the same protection

When a member (male or female) requests to have their account disabled or guested, they are required to provide a reason for the request. The admins will not guest someone's account unless there is sufficient reason for doing so. Without a security, privacy, or safety issue, the account ends up being disabled.

So a "disabled account" is a pretty solid indication a provider left for reasons unrelated to security, privacy or safety.

If a member tries to reinvent themselves and we determine that they had a prior disabled handle, they have to reclaim that disabled handle (perhaps with a name change) but the history associated with the handle (posts, reviews, etc.) stays. The system is not foolproof and we (mods and admins) don't catch everyone, but we try.

Is there any punishment for a member that evades this process?

Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Maybe a provider has gained weight and doesn't want to mess up the old brand as she plans to come back to it when she loses weight?

Per the explanation from staff above that is not a valid reason that is recognized by ECCIE

or maybe her old name was known for doing anal but now she doesn't want to do anal?

Per the explanation from staff above that is not a valid reason that is recognized by ECCIE

Maybe she felt the name was too common?

Per the explanation from staff above that is not a valid reason that is recognized by ECCIE nor does it seem like a reason that could not be accommodated with a name change....

Or maybe...just MAYBE...in the hobby world where she meets literally hundreds of guys with all kinds of motivations one guy out of those hundreds posed a legitimate risk to her safety?

Per the explanation from staff above that WOULD be a valid reason that is recognized by ECCIE. However it is not a reason that should really occur over and over and over now is it?

What's it to you?

People shout and rant all the time about the guidelines. RTM people for being rude or posting something they don't believe they should. The Guidelines are what they are and we all agree when registering to abide by them.....Right

So with guidelines explained by staff.......why do you feel that some should be exempted from them? Why do YOU believe YOU should not have to reclaim your old handle and the reputation associated with it?

Tell me Leah, I'm eager to hear your reasoning.....
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Old 06-27-2016, 04:12 PM   #48
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oh .. and Leah.....

The freckle on the boob had nothing to do with it.....

Like all whores that try to leave and come back and pretend they were never here before... you just talk too much...... and that, in the long run, tells people who you are.....
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Old 06-27-2016, 04:25 PM   #49
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Old 06-27-2016, 04:44 PM   #50
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Whispers, your constant whining sure does get old. Did you ever pay her, or loan her money? If not, then why bitch? I bet there's something in the rules about respecting other board members too.
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Old 06-27-2016, 04:50 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
Whispers, your constant whining sure does get old. Did you ever pay her, or loan her money? If not, then why bitch? I bet there's something in the rules about respecting other board members too.
So why is it people feel it right to call me or others out on guidelines nuggie yet suggest one of the ladies is not staying above board and it's demonizing her?

Playing field should stay even right?
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Old 06-27-2016, 05:09 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
So why is it people feel it right to call me or others out on guidelines.

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Old 06-27-2016, 05:23 PM   #53
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LOL.... I've been called worse.....
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Old 06-27-2016, 07:23 PM   #54
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If a provider wants to change her name that's fine by me. What I DONT like is a provider saying its not me,its not me, then be like SURPRISE it's been me! Naw,really? As if everyone didn't already know.
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:22 PM   #55
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Cat in the Hat!
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:41 PM   #56
Leah Layada
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I only ever borrowed money from a hobby guy once and though we were seeing each other often at the time to hang out I don't even remember his eccie name. I do recall thinking that maybe we should post our experience because it was so different from what we usually hear about when guys loan girls money here.

So for posterity's sake I'll share with you the tale of the hobby guy loaning a hooker money and it working out to the benefit of both with zero drama and good wishes all around:

I'd seen the guy maybe 8 times and he saw lots of girls during that time, so there was no romance going on. I was getting ready to move apartments and needed like a thousand bucks that I didn't have at the time. So I asked this guy and rather than try and work out some pre-paid sessions in bulk situation or get anything out of it at all he came to my apartment in the pouring rain within an hour of my asking and had TWICE the amount of money I'd asked to borrow- though there was no pressing time crunch. He said it was no big deal, he was glad to help and to pay him back when I could. I said "Thanks so much, you really helped me out!" and took the money he offered for loan, saying I couldn't guarantee exactly when I could pay it back but as soon as I could I would.

A full month passes and I still have not paid this dude back the 2k. He never makes a fuss or even asks about it. Definitely no dramatic "ALERT!" threads like the ones we often see here on eccie. I remind him every couple weeks I haven't forgotten and will pay him back when I can. Finally at about the month and a half mark I get a very nicely paying unexpected trip with someone and I give the guy I borrowed the money from the 2k back in full plus $100 interest for helping me out. He doesn't count the money then but later when he realizes I gave him money for interest he gives me half of it back because he said $100 interest for a month seemed excessive.

A couple weeks later while getting shit faced drunk (as was my habit at the time) I think he said he saves that money and uses it when he meets new random girls off BP because he thinks it's especially lucky money now. LOL.

Unrelated but interesting fact about this guy: He had the cleanest ass of anyone I have ever seen. Inside and outside. It was like he routinely put his entire ass inside a dishwasher and put the setting on "scrub pots and pans". I think he gave himself clorox enemas or something because his ass literally was squeaky clean (but nicely moisturized).

Therein lies the tale of the one time I borrowed money from a hobby guy. It's 100% true right down to the sparkling clean ass. He's probably still around here somewhere- if so and you recognize yourself pm me because I can't recall your screen name here.

I'm positive that guy wasn't whispers btw.

Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
Whispers, your constant whining sure does get old. Did you ever pay her, or loan her money? If not, then why bitch? I bet there's something in the rules about respecting other board members too.
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:47 PM   #57
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Cool story Bro!
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:49 PM   #58
Leah Layada
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I swear it happened just like that. Hopefully the guy is still around and will see it and be able to confirm. We knew it was unusual even when it happened.

Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Cool story Bro!
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:53 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
I swear it happened just like that. Hopefully the guy is still around and will see it and be able to confirm. We knew it was unusual even when it happened.
The difference between your story...and say mine...is the Whore not only didnt offer to pay the money back, but said there was nothing I could do about it. Which is proving to be wildly false.

And I dont bleach my asshole.

Congrats on not being a money grabbing cunt.

I'm proud of you.
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:57 PM   #60
Leah Layada
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Thanks Toyz, your pride in me is what I center my life around so it really means a lot to see you write that.

Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
The difference between your story...and say mine...is the Whore not only didnt offer to pay the money back, but said there was nothing I could do about it. Which is is proving to be wildly false.

And I dont bleach my asshole.

Congrats on not being a money grabbing cunt.

I'6m proud of you.
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