Originally Posted by boardman
We're not all asholes like Wakeup some of us are just slightly jaded.
Three weeks ahead of time is a little early to start posting threADs. I'm just sayin'.
You keep right on goin' girl. We'll have you figured out in no time. By the time you post that AD in the provider section we will have already made up our minds.
I think we are all a bit jaded...
When I tour I have always posted ads 3-4 weeks in advance, one per week until the arrival date, I've found that to be the best way to get all my appts sorted before I arrive, and it has always worked for me. It is on rare occasion that I take an appt after I've arrived at my destination....So I'm simply doing what works for me..
As far as having me figured out, good luck with that..I've still yet to figure myself out!
