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Old 03-11-2016, 03:21 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Look around... ur in my thread... who is coat tailing who? I want u to be right. Show me. Prove me wrong. Make all these guys jump thru hoops for u. Let me see how it's done. I am even trying to help u. SIS!
I don't want your help or need it..
You are't my sister not even close..Alabama board was fine before you start spamming it..I had put you on ignored 3/4 of treads were hidden because you answered every single ones even the ladies that plan visiting..You are attacking an hobbyist hère for no reason than him calling you on your own stupidity..
It's not my first rodéo in Alabama

go eat horse shit!
I came on the tread because you attack people ..you are HIIGHLYdelusional
I asked you to not coat tail me as per your comment i would never want anyone to think you are someone i would interac in my work life or private one or even talk to..

You aren't happy because ladies don't back you up on your delusional claims and treads
Who in their right mind would
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Old 03-11-2016, 05:23 PM   #47
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Feel better now? LMAO. U just broke powder room privacy but I am not going to hit rtm. I am just gonna watch u show me how it's done... attacking providers? Bringing a cat fight to open forum? Show me, I am curious. Take a big leap... show me Bham is not alphabet... I wanna be wrong. I know I am not but I AM NOT GIVING U MY SOURCES!!! PERIOD!!! IT'S CALLED DISCRETION!!! You may get away w bullying others but u can kiss my ass!

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Old 03-11-2016, 06:34 PM   #48
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OMFG what in hell are you referring to..I have no idea what you are reffering aside been hère and you tried to coat tail every single ladies steps
Making pool want ladies to be part of it
Please keep responding to your own tread several times it sure scream i'm normal
I came on the tread because you attacked someone that i believe just call you off on your bullshit

You bring issues you bring drama..As for powder room you shouldn't even have access to it..They should be a meter for crazyness that would keep you out
I'm straight forward and say what is need to say but i have better value than discussing what is going on in a private lounge..Never did never will

I don't want to know your source or whatever shit you discuss..It's nonsense

"I wanna be wrong. I know I am not but I AM NOT GIVING U MY SOURCES!!! PERIOD!!! IT'S CALLED DISCRETION!!! You may get away w bullying others but u can kiss my ass!"

JUST that is crazy have no clue what you are talking about...
And dear i will start rimming before i kiss your ass..Ain't bullying just calling the shit you posted..Since January you have post more stupidities than some in years not on one board but on severals in the south..
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Old 03-11-2016, 07:14 PM   #49
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Feel better? You made me laugh, u would rim me before kissing my ass. DEAL! LMAO.
Look... ur pretty. But that's it. You don't get it cause u can't get it. There's nothing I can do for u. Demanding me to prove how I know IS demanding my sources. I could be mean. Give u an example. How come some of ur reviews are 5'7-5'8 and some are 5'2? New surgery I am not aware of? Fake reviews? What's up w that? The difference between u and I, sprinkles, is about 10 years and 60 IQ Points. But u r very entertaining so keep on. You just told everything about the powder room and directly said u would never right after. I am sorry but I find that funny as shit! U r in MY THREAD starting shit w me and I am laughing at u as I wait for u to lick my asshole. Sounds fun. Let's do it! Sell tickets!
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Old 03-11-2016, 07:27 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Feel better? You made me laugh, u would rim me before kissing my ass. DEAL! LMAO.
Look... ur pretty. But that's it. You don't get it cause u can't get it. There's nothing I can do for u. Demanding me to prove how I know IS demanding my sources. I could be mean. Give u an example. How come some of ur reviews are 5'7-5'8 and some are 5'2? New surgery I am not aware of? Fake reviews? What's up w that? The difference between u and I, sprinkles, is about 10 years and 60 IQ Points. But u r very entertaining so keep on. You just told everything about the powder room and directly said u would never right after. I am sorry but I find that funny as shit! U r in MY THREAD starting shit w me and I am laughing at u as I wait for u to lick my asshole. Sounds fun. Let's do it!
you must be on something...
i don't have fake reviews neither than my reviews says im 5'2
i have reviews from establish members and even have close to 500 reviews on TER
And you sure do not understand what people wrote or even sarcasm..Your interpretation is a wonder even been french i couldnt do worse

I never said anything about private lounge stop claiming this
Your IQ
well as a frog my dear...
As mine i dont want to make a contest on a hooker board but sure have more and certainly more common sense...I'm currently extremely stupid to reply to you..Will work on that

you can laugh..you are the only one laughing as most see how crazy you are
T'e folle une pute sans cerveau mais qui pense qu'elle en a un
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Old 03-11-2016, 08:00 PM   #51
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Vous agissez comme un tout savior et prouver le contraire!
Je refuse d'avoir un battle au l'esprits avec une personne non armee!
Voulez-vous vraiment que je vous embarASS dans votre propre langue?
Ce que vous avec ecrit n'a pas de sens meme en francais!
J'en ai fini avec vous! Au Revior!
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Old 03-11-2016, 09:18 PM   #52
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Notice height and build... compare to ECCIE reviews. Not over 500 reviews there either. Not even 5. J/S. I got this link from her showcase so she can't deny it!

If ur gonna sing it... be able to bring it!

Oh wait... I forgot... since all my reviews were on websites that are gone... this IS my first rodeo... heehee!

I am done with this girl. I am done with all trolls. I have given almost everything to the powers. Time for fun!
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Old 03-11-2016, 10:04 PM   #53
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You can't even speak french please don't be a disgrace i can tell when someone google translate as you can even understand that i am french i am fucking québécois and only the people that speak my language understand it unless they are a wee bit smarter than you are and figure it's QUEBECOIS french which 3é4 people do

Vous agissez comme un tout savior et prouver le contraire!
Je refuse d'avoir un battle (bataille ma grande )au l'esprits avec une personne non armee!(dont get this one as it doesnt make any sense)
Voulez-vous vraiment que je vous embarASS([COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]did you mean embarrasser?[/COLOR]) dans votre propre langue? (if so learn so actually know the language)
Ce que vous avec écrit n'a pas de sens meme en francais!(it's because you aren't french or even understand the language )
J'en ai fini avec vous! Au Revior!(ayoyé ostie arrête avec tes ostie de conneries...il n'y a pas personne intéresse a tes foleries)

T'e une pute pas de tête une folle qui a besoin de médicaments...Comme on dit en français ..en québécois Sacrament est-ce qu'il y a de la jugeote dans ce cerveau parce que calisse mon oreiller a plus d'intelligence que toi
Attache ta tuque avec la broche parce que si tu me cherche encore tu vas me trouver ma tabarnac(now if any of you know or understand french québécois you have an idea of what i said..No you cannot google translate it its slang we use)

nothing is wrong in my stats and once again you can read as i have said i have nearly 500.. 482 to be exact and bat shit crazy you are

Please be done..Remove yourself from the boards stop begging people to back your delusional shits

I have manage to know several language but i sure dont talk your language
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Old 03-11-2016, 10:20 PM   #54
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Took four years of French at Ohio State. No I do not speak French ghetto. There are different French dialects just like here in America. No, I meant embarrASS! But that's something only Americans get. Are u saying I used google and google is stupid? Don't believe I had a reason to beg. I believe my character is known enough to know that's a lie from all my posts. LMAO. Your stretching cause ur embarrASSing urself. I don't care about that poll as is apparent in my second post on the poll about me. I don't care if u wanna tease Alabama. I don't care because I don't care Victoria. Ur vicious. Vicious Victoria. I am still laughing at u waiting for u to rim me. The guys want pics. Now call me a bitch in English so all the other Americans who didn't get it know... and do u know u just called them all stupid in ur genius rant? I got u don't understand what I have been saying since u first opened ur mouth. It's obvious! Would u like me to dumb it down for u? Show us ur 500 reviews... giggles! I am bat shit crazy. I have to be to deal w the morons. Read my signature line.
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Old 03-11-2016, 11:04 PM   #55
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In a nutshell... she said "bitch u r crazy, get medication, ur brain and ur mouth are not connected, seek help"! She also so said "come on and read this French bitch. It's Quebec street and u will never get it because u r too stupid. Bring it on". Lol

I am done. My stomach and face hurt from laughing. I got things to do. "etre poli Victoria". Au revoir!
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Old 03-11-2016, 11:12 PM   #56
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This will be my last reply

you don't know french..You have no idea where i come from..
you still have a poor compréhension of eenglish as i said i would rim before i kiss your ass and itvs been know a service i do not provide
I donèt need to prove you more i have my links to my 482 reviews and others and
I never called anyone stupid except you..Don't twist words

I have visit Alabama several times and have regulars there

I will say in English you are a crazy person and get off your shit
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Old 03-11-2016, 11:32 PM   #57
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U forgot to call me a bitch in English: FOLLE
U just said u were from Quebec. Canada is on ur profile.
I am sure u talk hooker to ur pillow often. LMAO
I said "in a nutshell". That means "the short version". She is saying because I didn't put that she called me a stupid hooker and her pillow was smarter than me that I don't speak french. I don't take the Lord's name in vain Victoria. I am a Christian.

What I said to her was: u act like a know it all and prove urself wrong. I refuse to have a battle of the wits w an unarmed person. Don't make me embarrass u in ur own language. The french u wrote didn' t make sense either. I am done with u. Good bye".
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Old 03-12-2016, 02:57 PM   #58
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Moderators, as the subject of the OP, may we NOW close this thread or change the title of this thread since this thing hasn't been close to the origional thread title in a long time.

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Old 03-12-2016, 04:38 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by LgTdyBr View Post
Moderators, as the subject of the OP, may we NOW close this thread or change the title of this thread since this thing hasn't been close to the origional thread title in a long time.

I'm usually for leaving threads open. But the area of the site i'm from will close a thread if the wheels come off the wagon. And they sure have here. Alot of false claims made. Directed both at Hobbyist (I wonder who ) and Providers. I'm still waiting for that *alleged* Powder Room reference to be removed by a Mod. I can't see any taboo info from the Ladies section posted in the open.

LgTdyBr, I think your intuition was dead on years ago seeing how things went here.
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Old 03-12-2016, 04:39 PM   #60
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P.S. LgTdyBr, I hope I don't have to put up a Disclaimer replying to your posting
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