Originally Posted by pyramider
Dear DeerHunter,
How is a fucktard to respond to a lady's comment that I am such a better lover than Wakeup and Wayward?
Again, a minefield is placed before me......
we all know the hooktard is lying.
It all depends on what "is" is.....the vague nature of the question screams "caution" to the Fucking prophet.....the fact that I am the Fucking prophet does give me some insight into the 3 fucktards in question.....it doesn't hurt that we break bread together on ocassion.
I must first analyse the 3 dick monkeys:
Wakeup-This one is easy....what you see is what you get....no fucking around.....no sweet talk to get something extra....the pussy gives it up or she is out the door.
Wayward-This one is more complex....although fraught with danger zones this one can be predictable on Mondays and Thursdays (the rest of the week you are on your own).....unless the pussy is into a little whip and chain action, it is easy to see how almost any fucktard is a better "lover" when faced with those options.
pyramider-would seem to be the unknown quantity in the mix.....but, you need only look at the handle to know what you get....what do you get when you turn a pyramid on its side......a pyramid......consistancy will usually win the day, and considering your competition it is little wonder that you were considered the better "lover".
Besides, Wakeup has a gay lover, it has been said wakeup/wayward are in fact the same person.....and there is a rumor of a missing body in a cage somewhere in Wayward's past....but, those is just rumors......and the Fucking prophet doesn't participate in rumor mongoring.