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Old 10-11-2015, 06:22 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms View Post
Sure, here's why I ask for your license:

I can't speak for other providers. When I arrive and see your driver's license, I'm verifying you are the gentleman I screened. I'm looking at your legal name and picture. I don't see anyone on handles, aliases, etc, I need to know who you are and verify who you are. There is no way I know you are papadee so I don't look for any info attached to that handle. Simply put, I'm confirming who you are.

Without a legal name, there isn't a screening method that is safe, I'm simply wasting my time. Website handles, P411 and Date-Check info is easily stolen and shared. Before I had a clue, I had 3 different guys give me the exact same RS2K info, P411 info and handles from 2 different reputable websites. These 3 guys were sharing info.

There are bad guys who prefer to see ladies on website handles or screening site handles, anything that can easily be changed and not identify them as bad guys. Without any real info, I could be seeing someone who has raped, robed, stalked or otherwise hurt or been a danger to providers. These guys get caught and get new accounts on websites or claim to be papadee, who is a great guy. He shows up at my door or I show up at his place and by the time I realize someone stole his handle it's to late. Lots of guys have multiple handles on websites.

Simply put, when I see your driver's license, I'm making sure you are who you say you are.

Whenever you allow aliases to be easily use, your setting yourself up to be hurt...sooner or later. Bad guys LOVE situations where they can be bad and not get caught.

I have a lot to live for and people who depend on me, I don't have time for bad guys

I understand some gentlemen are uncomfortable and that's fine. I don't judge or think of them in a negative way, I respect their comfort zone. I'm upfront with what I do with your info...screen you then delete and destroy all info. I keep no records.
If I had bad intentions, I would already have a fake ID to show you. How would that make you feel any safer? To each there own...
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Old 10-12-2015, 08:22 AM   #47
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Default Already thought of that...

Originally Posted by rrabbit6926 View Post
If I had bad intentions, I would already have a fake ID to show you. How would that make you feel any safer? To each there own...
This is a common question I get.

Of course you would, no more different than an underage kid using a fake ID in a bar. To deal with this issue, bars educate their employees so they can spot a fake ID. There is also technology that can spot these.

There's a 75% chance I'll catch the fake name in my screening or tell if the ID is fake. I also require a driver's license, nothing else will do.

In this hobby, none of us, not even you, can eliminate all the risk we take. We can only minimize it. Knowing who I'm seeing and making sure they are who they claim to be is the absolut only way to screen anyone. Anything done without any real info is a waste of my time, has no value to my safety and would make me too uncomfortable to enjoy myself with you.
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Old 10-12-2015, 03:20 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms View Post
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
as a client, can I see your drivers license?
Then i will stick with the ones I know real name of then thank you.
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Old 10-12-2015, 06:55 PM   #49
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You're gonna have to man up and fuck a couple of newbie friendly providers who will provide you with references.
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Old 10-12-2015, 07:33 PM   #50
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My thoughts are the same, in addition, ask if they have a company ID card or/and a TWIC card.Three ID's with the same pic is about as good as it gets.
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Old 10-12-2015, 07:37 PM   #51
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Or we have the provider give a DNA test along with a polygraph . Nothing wrong with asking for what makes you feel comfortable but I'm sure for some there is never enough info that will be enough.
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Old 10-16-2015, 05:32 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms View Post
This is a common question I get.

Of course you would, no more different than an underage kid using a fake ID in a bar. To deal with this issue, bars educate their employees so they can spot a fake ID. There is also technology that can spot these.

There's a 75% chance I'll catch the fake name in my screening or tell if the ID is fake. I also require a driver's license, nothing else will do.

In this hobby, none of us, not even you, can eliminate all the risk we take. We can only minimize it. Knowing who I'm seeing and making sure they are who they claim to be is the absolut only way to screen anyone. Anything done without any real info is a waste of my time, has no value to my safety and would make me too uncomfortable to enjoy myself with you.
But why are you criticizing the OP's way of screening? If she has the guy's name, address, DOB, and phone number then she should be minimizing her risk significantly, right? What other information are you asking for? Work info is all I can think of. And even then, that doesn't tell you whether or not he is a bad guy, just more proof that he is who is claiming to be. Your way of screening is no safer than her way of screening. Do you really think a guy is going to assault, rape, or murder a girl when she has all that information? A guy that would rape a girl in this scenario would also rape you.
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Old 10-16-2015, 05:57 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms View Post
I also require a driver's license, nothing else will do.
Just a procedural question if I may. When I created my P411 account, I was told to use number,selections in my ID that I could show someone on one of my ID's. So, I have an expired Drivers License with my picture on it, and the P411 numbers found in my P411 account and all OTHER information, like my name or street address or zip, etc blacked out.

Would that data that verified my P411 ID be acceptable to you or not? or do you require Real Life name and only that will satisfy?
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Old 10-16-2015, 08:08 PM   #54
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I totally understand where providers are coming from. There are a lot of reasons for them to screen and get RL info. It can make it next to impossible for newbies though.

I'm a newbie, I moved to Austin about 3 months ago and am definitely looking to see a provider or two. However, I'm married (my wife lives on the other side of the country and we see each other for a week every two months) and I run a small start up with three friends. My friends are very religious, and if anyone were to call them and say I had seen a provider, that would be the end of my career. Obviously my wife wouldn't be happy either ;-)

I'm down with paying for an OTC coffee date. I think I come across well in person. I'll jump through hoops, but P411 isn't getting my RL info, and neither is anyone in the hobby. I can't fault any provider for seeing me as too risky, but I'm sure I'll find one I can click with eventually. Fortunately I'm not desperate. I think that's where things get dangerous for everyone involved.
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Old 10-17-2015, 05:52 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Vitamin View Post
But why are you criticizing the OP's way of screening? If she has the guy's name, address, DOB, and phone number then she should be minimizing her risk significantly, right? What other information are you asking for? Work info is all I can think of. And even then, that doesn't tell you whether or not he is a bad guy, just more proof that he is who is claiming to be. Your way of screening is no safer than her way of screening. Do you really think a guy is going to assault, rape, or murder a girl when she has all that information? A guy that would rape a girl in this scenario would also rape you.

I'm happy to discuss my screening process and why I do it however, I won't involve myself in drama. I will simply ignore it. I'm not criticizing anyone, only sharing my opinion. No one has to like or agree with it however, I respect others enough to be honest. I'm all about safety.

Simply having your info does nothing for safety. What a lady does with it is what matters. If I don't use it for screening, it does me no good to have your info. HAVING your info does nothing to minimize my risk if I don't use it for screening. I'm making sure he's the gentleman I screened. Simply having your info doesn't make me feel an ounce of safety.

I don't feel safe with the theory "I have his info so he won't hurt me",
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Old 10-17-2015, 06:12 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
Just a procedural question if I may. When I created my P411 account, I was told to use number,selections in my ID that I could show someone on one of my ID's. So, I have an expired Drivers License with my picture on it, and the P411 numbers found in my P411 account and all OTHER information, like my name or street address or zip, etc blacked out.

Would that data that verified my P411 ID be acceptable to you or not? or do you require Real Life name and only that will satisfy?
P411 is great, I love that site however, from their number, I can only tell your first name, the day you were born the last digits from something from your wallet. How many "Johns" or "Mikes" were born on the 2nd of any given month? Personally, I don't feel safe using this as a way to identify you,

I won't accept an expired driver's license or one that has info blacked out. I would walk out of the meeting if someone did this.

I accept P411, if you have OKs, it makes it easy to contact other ladies for a reference. I would ask for your legal name and check your ID to be sure you are you.

Most providers I know use verifyhim, it checks blacklists, sex offender registry, criminal records and reports from other providers. Most clients I search on this site are fine, they have nothing that keeps me from seeing them. This site has kept me from seeing a gentleman that's a sex offender in 4 different states, one with a history of domestic violence and another known to be violent towards providers. These are only 3 bad guys I found on there. They all had references, 2 of them had references that checked out.

In this hobby we are all responsible for our own safety and we all choose which level of safety is right for us. We alone are the only ones that can keep us safe. I don't get my feelings hurt when someone doesn't want to see me because of my screening, I wouldn't see them to begin with so it's no big deal. For every guy that doesn't see me, there are 5 that do. I often get compliments from my clients for being so careful. Some see me because of my screening, they feel safer.
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Old 10-17-2015, 06:14 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Come_and_gone View Post
I totally understand where providers are coming from. There are a lot of reasons for them to screen and get RL info. It can make it next to impossible for newbies though.

I'm a newbie, I moved to Austin about 3 months ago and am definitely looking to see a provider or two. However, I'm married (my wife lives on the other side of the country and we see each other for a week every two months) and I run a small start up with three friends. My friends are very religious, and if anyone were to call them and say I had seen a provider, that would be the end of my career. Obviously my wife wouldn't be happy either ;-)

I'm down with paying for an OTC coffee date. I think I come across well in person. I'll jump through hoops, but P411 isn't getting my RL info, and neither is anyone in the hobby. I can't fault any provider for seeing me as too risky, but I'm sure I'll find one I can click with eventually. Fortunately I'm not desperate. I think that's where things get dangerous for everyone involved.

I appreciate your understanding and respect how you feel.
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Old 10-17-2015, 06:55 AM   #58
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Old 10-17-2015, 03:09 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms View Post
I would ask for your legal name and check your ID to be sure you are you.
Thanks for answering my question. I have all the information I needed.
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Old 10-17-2015, 09:25 PM   #60
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Don't ever show your ID ever. smh
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