1st off Chinco for someone who wants to act like such a wiseguy ur really showing what a dumbass u are!
If u dont know shit about dubai or shit about what happened between me and the douche bag that trys to manipulate providers then best to stay out of it ...
In order to start a business in the UAE u must be sponsored by a local emirati man! I realize u want to act high and mighty but u really need to get out of ur barn that u live in and educate yourself on international business if u want to make retarded comments! This is the law in dubai . U have to have a local sponsor u ! Period on that subject!
Next. .i cant help but laugh when u say that im potentially dangerous? U must be taking the same things as jimmy!
I dont do illegal substances which i was offered many times in exchange for my services ..other providers may but im drug free and dont drink alcohol! Cash only babe!!
As far as the money that was given to me that nite i did spend over 1 hr and a half with him and he chose to talk about random stories the entire time. .so that being said btw he only paid me half of what i charge..he was impossible to reschedule with and wouldnt allow me to give him the money back bc he just wanted to f#*k me! He set up 2 other appts and didn't end up being there. .so he wasted more of my time and gas! So it wasn't a loan..i agreed to reschedule being a good person that i am, which other providers would have said oh well u chose to talk the entire time that was ur choice..but no i gave him the benefit and agreed to come out again! Actually 2 more times! So no loan given. .
So Mr Wise guy not that i needed to explain myself but there it is for u!
With all ur money that u claim to have unfortunately it cant buy u class! Which u obviously have none to sit here and try to debate with a woman is low class and Jerry springer style!
So what else can i answer for ur backass comments?
As far as RR i wasnt throwing myself at him lol! I was teasing with him in a playful way which u dont know how to do bc ur so angry with the world and so hateful u wouldn't know what playful means! Guess money cant buy happiness either;/
U may intimidate other members and providers on here but i can hold my own!! Thanks and have a great day

haha ..NOT!
Try to act like an intelligent respectful classy gentleman and it may get u a little farther than being a dominating douche on a hooker board!