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Old 01-24-2015, 08:11 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
If we ever had any doubts that WE was not and a complete moron they're gone now. You have no idea what modern conservatism even is. The closest thing to it is traditional liberalism with people like Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison, and George Washington as it's champions. Here are a few bullet points that you can stick up your ass;
Conservative believe in small (not no, those are anarchists) government that is only big enough to do what is necessary.
What is necessary is enshrined in the Constitution and not in the minds of small men like WE or Obama.
This is a Republic and not a democracy.
The politicians work for us and should be reminded of that at every opportunity.
Once we reduce the size of government, then taxes should come down to match.
Politicians should live in fear of the people and not the other way around.

Anyone care to add anything? Pretty simple really but WE will never understand and that goes for his little sex poodles like Timmie, EVA, and FuckZup.
Can you please tell me when that great day will come? Why haven't you answered my simple question- Did Reagan- whom many republicans regard as a great President- did he downsize govt or increase govt? Your last GOP President did he make govt smaller or did it increase? It's obvious why you are avoiding the question and it's sad to know that you are too stupid to realize that Republicans don't want smaller govt- they are all in this together and dumb asses like you keep falling for the same ole rhetoric election after election. As I stated before- Bush grew the govt larger than any President before him and keep in mind that includes the liberal POTUS.
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:22 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I have seen many of you boast about having conservative values, beliefs and ideology. However, think about this what do the Taliban, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Syria, and Somalia have in common? Well, the answer is the nations or groups are the most oppressive in the world and they all have very conservative values and ideology.

It's no different in America where many of you "conservatives" embrace your values and you believe that all muslims are terrorist or that being muslim is a bad thing(just look at the comments from my previous thread) or that Women should not be paid equal pay for equal work than a male(also see my previous thread). The conservatives want power to stay as status quo and in a conservatives mind in America it's the belief that the country should be ran by white males.

Now if you look at countries that are non-oppressive and here's a classic case: Turkey is an Islamic state, but they are liberal- women can vote, get educated- they are not required to wear the Chador and cover their faces- compare that to Saudi Arabia which is very conservative- Women are severely restricted in the country and have to obtain permission from a male guardian if they want to travel, work, study or marry. Saudi women are also banned from driving and freedom of speech, opposition parties and political gatherings are also banned.

This whole idea how Republicans are conservative and want less govt and don't want govt in your lives is a smokescreen.
It's no debate that having liberal ideology ensures freedom for mankind- if not name me one liberal country that has oppressed people to the same degree as a Saudi Arabia! Case Closed!!!!

This is your brain on drugs..............
Any questions ?
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:34 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by rioseco View Post

This is your brain on drugs..............
Any questions ?
Brilliant! After all these comments, this is the best you've got, rio?

Of course it is.

BTW -- Me,town much, JDIdiot? 5 out of 6 posts in a thread? I can almost see the little ball of white spittle hanging onto the corner of your mouth and the blood squirting from your red, bulging eyes! You're squealing like one of Joni Ernst's nutless hogs!

Great job, WE. Que huevos!
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:38 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I'm watching Boardwalk Empire and it occurred to me that WE is showing the symptons of late stage syphilius just like Al Capone. Not saying that he has it but he has the symptons.
Speculating on one's medical conditions is against forum rules junior. Maybe JL will RTM you.
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:40 AM   #50
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You think that old slave fucker would have the balls to do that? I still think he's lying about the last time he claimed to RTM a post ...

With that many handles, I really wonder tif he knows himself.
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:41 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Brilliant! After all these comments, this is the best you've got, rio?

Of course it is.

BTW -- Me,town much, JDIdiot? 5 out of 6 posts in a thread? I can almost see the little ball of white spittle hanging onto the corner of your mouth and the blood squirting from your red, bulging eyes!

Great job, WE. Que huevos!

I see you are back with more insults and hatred. I am a threat to your pinko beliefs so you hate me. I get it Yssup. And to that I say let true freedom ring from every roof top. Not Yssup and Commrade Obama's brand of freedom but true pre-T.R. Roosevelt freedom.
God bless America and yes even race baiting, hateful, pinkos like Yssup Rider !
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:42 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I have seen many of you boast about having conservative values, beliefs and ideology. However, think about this what do the Taliban, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Syria, and Somalia have in common? Well, the answer is the nations or groups are the most oppressive in the world and they all have very conservative values and ideology.
why does USA think they need to go around making sure everyone can wear the same clothes, have same rights as others?
are we so retarded we need to go and spend money doing shit that doesnt help us?
do we do it out of fear someone, somewhere will get a nuclear weapon and throw it at us?

it has to be the latter, if it was the former, then I'd wonder why we are so worried about other people's relationships and not out own relationship with the people of this nation.

(just like it's easier to see flaws in other peoples lives/relationships and not your own life/relationships)
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Old 01-24-2015, 08:46 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Your master Alinsky taught you well, WTF the NeoLiberal
Why thank you , the Fuhrer taught you well , IIFFOFRDB the Nazi. Don't you have some blacks and gays to bash?
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Old 01-24-2015, 09:50 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Maybe JL will RTM you.
JL, are you listening?
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Old 01-24-2015, 10:55 AM   #55
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am still waiting for Jackie, THN or IB to explain why your last conservative President George Dubyah Bush seemed to not uphold the constitution with his spying methods which clearly violates the constitution, but again since he has an "R" after his name it's oj- or maybe you all suffer from short tern amnesia.
I will answer this way. I consider The Bill of Rights our most sacred document. Any polititian that introduces any measures what so ever to change, or weaken these first Ten Amendments to our Constitution are not worthy of my vote, regardless of what "letter" he has after his name.
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Old 01-24-2015, 10:58 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I live here because I love my freedom and I want all walks of life to have freedom.
that's the problem
why are we interfering with other countries?
what gives us that right? because we feel that their religion/customs are wrong?

so why can't cops bust down someones door and yell at the parents, HEY YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FEED YOUR KID candy bars for dinner and NO MORE TV until you do your homework!

That's the same thing, yet one is illegal and the other just costs us money for no benefit, yet we spend billions doing it.
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