So, I perused this thread and maybe didn't read every detail, but I get the gist of it. Why the labels? It's somewhat in our nature and before all this tech and world travel it served a purpose. People that look like you are more likely to not kill you than the one's that don't. Don't forget I'm talking about a time when 25 miles away was across the world. It goes back to our survival instincts. Form packs with those like you for protection, compete with those different from you for resources. Every early culture referred to themselves as "the people" which put everyone else in the category of something slightly less than people.
Prisons are a good way to study this. Group with folks that look like you to survive. Another problem is you can know a person, but you can't know a group. Groups are different animals whether they are corporations or angry mobs, neither is easy to reason with and they tend to re-enforce their own beliefs. Logic and reason have little to do with it.
Youtube, and bulletin boards are also great studies because people behave they same way they do in prison, which is weird because no one wants to be in prison so maybe we just need an outlet for that drive to form groups and compete with other groups. Because we aren't that creative as a species at times we just fall back on old stereotypes that are convenient and get under everyone's skin. In reality there is practically no good reason to hate, persecute or intimidate anyone on this board who only post ads or reviews. It's a business the providers can price it as the feel appropriate and the guys can choose whether or not to pay it. Everyone has the right to say no. Uncomplicated, right?
But then maybe it wouldn't be as fun I guess.