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--i got mine, now don't tax me to give anyone else theirs
--cut gov't spending, but not in my district
--cut gov't programs, but not the ones I favor
--don't export jobs, but cut wages at home
--hold people accountable but gut the enforcement mechanisms to do so
Nothing new really.
It's a philosophy not confined to just conservatives. That goes on at every level with both parties.
When is the last time you watched Mr. Smith goes to Washington? Very little has actually changed.
Ben Carson has been on my radar since 1996 so he's not new to me, and I've been following Mia Love since 2009-2010; My problem with them is not that they are republicans but that they are hypocrites and promote ideas that don't stand up to the lowest level of scrutiny.... Government programs aren't evil by nature and if they were honest about this and instead talked about how to make the programs better, they'd win far more votes and be taken more seriously.
So what exactly are those "ideas that don't stand up to the lowest level of scrutiny"? If their ideas are as flimsy as you claim, then why don't you attack those ideas instead of desperately trying to dig up whatever dirt you can find about their personal lives?
I doubt if you ever really listened to either of them. Find me a quote where Carson or Love said all government programs are "evil" by nature. You don't even understand why conservatives are skeptical of government. It's not about good v. evil. It's about efficiency v. waste. In the private sector, if you screw up you go out of business. In the government, if you screw up you get more funding.
It's about efficiency v. waste. In the private sector, if you screw up you go out of business. In the government, if you screw up you get more funding.
The handy navigating device in nearly every car and Smartphone was also originally developed by the Defense Department in the 1970s to follow the exact locations of nuclear missiles and calculate their proper trajectories. Funding for the system was constantly questioned, however, given how expensive GPS satellites are to build and launch. Today, many GPS satellites are aging and the system is in desperate need of an upgrade, according to the Government Accountability Office. Doing so could cost the Air Force $5.5 billion.
Yes, you can again thank the DOD for being able to read this article right now (and, you know, anything else the Internet lets you do). In the 1960s, the military wanted to develop a communications system that was less vulnerable to attack than telephone operators’ rooms and began working on directly linking computers. The first network was called the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) – which was the basis for the modern Internet as we know it.
During WWII, the DOD provided funding to firms like Fairchild Semiconductor and Texas Instruments to build a tiny device that could help make missile targeting more precise. The resulting product eventually became known as the microchip – now used in every iPhone, computer and almost any electronic device.
An algae-based supplement that contains the same nutrients of breast milk was originally developed by NASA to help recycle oxygen in the air during space travel. The supplement is now found in 95 percent of baby food in the U.S.
Another technological game-changer came from funding by the National Science Foundation (NSF). In the early days of the Internet, the NSF funded the Digital Library Initiative to index and sort through the growing number of websites. Then Stanford grad students Larry Page and Sergey Brin (who was supported by an NSF Graduate Student Fellowship) created the algorithm that ranked web pages by importance, and by 1998, they founded Google, Inc. Don’t believe us? Google it. - See more at:
The Bar Code
Getting through the check-out line at the grocery store would take a whole lot longer if it hadn’t been for research funded by the NSF that developed the scanners to read bar codes in the 1970s. - See more at:
Goodyear Tires
The reason Goodyear’s tires last so long is due to a fibrous material (said to be five times stronger than steel) that was originally developed in partnership with NASA in the 1970s. NASA needed a lightweight, super-strong material for parachute shrouds to land objects softly on Mars. Goodyear expanded the technology and created a tire that was estimated to have a tread life 10,000 miles greater than those before it. - See more at:
The system Dr. Carson grew up in is designed to keep people down and dependent on government. He did not succeed because of the system, he succeeded in spite of the system. Better than most, he can identify those parts of the system which are truly helpful in promoting economic independence, and which do not. The idea that one must continue to worship the system they were brought up in is no better than slavery. Thank God our Founders didn't feel that way. "Look at those colonists. After all we did for them, and now they turn on us!" OT, WE and their ilk are the hypocrites, not Dr. Carson.
Dr Carson knows one perspective .... that does not make him an expert on welfare reform. Hell he might be a learned expert but if he is it isn't because of the reason you boys are implying.
I've never seen a bigger group of goobers decry government and then cry for that very government to protect them from say getting the Ebola shits!
So what exactly are those "ideas that don't stand up to the lowest level of scrutiny"? If their ideas are as flimsy as you claim, then why don't you attack those ideas instead of desperately trying to dig up whatever dirt you can find about their personal lives?
I doubt if you ever really listened to either of them. Find me a quote where Carson or Love said all government programs are "evil" by nature. You don't even understand why conservatives are skeptical of government. It's not about good v. evil. It's about efficiency v. waste. In the private sector, if you screw up you go out of business. In the government, if you screw up you get more funding.
First off I'm not a democrat/liberal. I'm not a republican/conservative either. I dislike political parties in general. I vote according to my conscience and try to inform myself on all issues prior to voting, which means I end up voting for candidates from different political parties each election.
That said, this thread started out with Ben Carson's ideas on the welfare state, which are that the presence of welfare programs for the poor makes them lazy and dependent on the government. This is a common belief among conservatives, but Ben Carson's inspirational life story contradicts that belief. He and his mother were welfare recipients but it didn't make them lazy or dependent on the government. Millions of other Americans are just like them. Those are simply the facts and I'm not digging up dirt by mentioning that; he mentioned these things in his book "Gifted Hands" that I read in 1996. These are simply facts and he's simply a hypocrite with ideas about welfare that don't stand up to scrutiny.
Mia Love always talks about her family "never taking a dime from the government". That's one of her slogans, and something she was quick to quote the night she got elected. I guess she doesn't count her parents receiving amnesty and/or her parents being illegal immigrants as never taking a dime from the government. This is basic hypocrisy. She'd be far better off saying yeah my parents overstayed their visas or received amnesty by virtue of her being born in America and how she can empathize with those that came to this country to find a better life instead of lying about the facts in order to keep the campaign donations coming in and to continue to be propped up by the Republican establishment. I hope you're aware that most of her campaign funding came from out of state, by the way, to the tune of 90%. So much for all politics being local...
Where has Carson said he isn't in favor of government helping the less fortunate?
Answer: He has never said such a thing.
Liberals can't stomach the idea of a conservative black voter; much less a conservative black politician. For some psycho-sick reason they feel it is their duty to tear those persons down - personally and politically.
Be careful blackmaleindallas! You sound rational. That is a rare commodity on this particular forum and some of the inmates feel obligated to attack rational thoughts.
The system Dr. Carson grew up in is designed to keep people down and dependent on government. He did not succeed because of the system, he succeeded in spite of the system. Better than most, he can identify those parts of the system which are truly helpful in promoting economic independence, and which do not. The idea that one must continue to worship the system they were brought up in is no better than slavery. Thank God our Founders didn't feel that way. "Look at those colonists. After all we did for them, and now they turn on us!" OT, WE and their ilk are the hypocrites, not Dr. Carson.
I actually agree with much of your point--my frustration is most conservatives want to throw out the good parts with the bad, and most liberals want to keep the back parts with the good. We have been living with a political system that is more about winning than thinking.
It's a philosophy not confined to just conservatives. That goes on at every level with both parties.
When is the last time you watched Mr. Smith goes to Washington? Very little has actually changed.
Not going to disagree with you. I tend to poke at the RWWs here more because they are a target rich environment of irrational posters. On other boards I poke at the LWWs because they are the predominant vermin there.
Rather than bashing Carson; the black community should be asking themselves =
Has Obama ruined the chances for another black man to become president of the USA?
This is the most absurd statement on this post. Obama has been elected twice dimwitt how in the hell would he have ruined the chances o another Black man to become President of the USA- if anything he has increased the chances of minorities to run for office regardless of political party- hence Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, and Herman Cain.