I haven't even started my own thread and have done nothing but ask a couple questions and share a bit about my life with people here. I would be glad to post photos, rates etc. but this board limits those things to verified providers and I'm not verified.
You are really skittish...next time all the boys climb up your treehouse with the big "Girls that talk and have feelings are YUCKY and NOT ALLOWED" y'all should discuss switching the great big bleeding asshole macho guy from you to RandBFan- IMHO he does it better. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your attempts but it just doesn't have a natural flow. You write like a guy with a small dick...insecure and constantly in need of affirmation.
Originally Posted by Toyz
Of your 31 posts, tell us which ones are not in an effort to bring attention to yourself?
You don't provide A N Y T H I N G other than a bitchy cuntish attitude to the board.
Do everyone a favor, post a picture, offer a rate, and do what bitches are here for, fuck guys...
Still Looking provides more assistance for working girls than any other monger in Austin. His reviews alone have made girls thousands of dollars. He is a friend off the boards to any who want to tap into his experience or connections. He brings humor to the board and is the first to laugh at himself if there is a reason to.
He is our Uncle Looking and you are nothing more than an obviously jaded and ALWAYS angry poster. I would hate to have your life...
Mandra, at least consider it please...