Originally Posted by The Player
I guess I am stalking all the girls I have given multiple reviews too? Don't see a flood of chicks just ember and a newbie. Oh and one or two trolls who comment daily.
How do you know your alerts aren't in the ladies' only area? Or ladies' only sites? Let's say hypothetically that you have more than 20 alerts and warnings about YOU floating around out there, what would you say?
I'm only bringing this up for the chicks who don't have access and don't use the same resources other providers may use, because you're trying to make it seem like you are squeeky clean, and you're anything but. Pretty disturbing actually.
Point blank, get pussy and cut this other faggotry you're doing out, if getting pussy is your goal here. Unlike what you would like to believe, you are not a player (if you are your game is weak as hell) and bitches do not love you. WTF!! What day is February is this again?!?