Originally Posted by Whispers
Why does looking for cheap mean he may not have got it here? ECCIE has a section for streetwalkers.... There are trannys here as well as an assortment of cheap whores.....
He very well may have got it from a recommendation on here but not likely from a PROVIDER on here. I'm only talking about female PROVIDER, mind you.
Originally Posted by Kickrocks
I wonder what the percentage of people on this thread probably have it?
HSV 1 is extremely common over 4 million people have it and it usually appears around the mouth as a cold sore. It is usually called the kissing disease as you can catch it via saliva. It rarely but can appear on the genitals, and that's just bad luck since it very common. So it's very possible most of the people here and around where you live have it.
HSV 2 on the other hand is very similar but is only transmitted via genital contact and is the worse form of Herpes as it causes damage to the spine and internal organs if un treated. I venture close to no one here accept maybe the 1st poster has that. Though he may only have HSV 1 that unfortunately manifested on his genitals, he needs to get tested and give more information, which he isn't and that makes me think he might be trolling.