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05-15-2017, 09:37 AM
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Yet another ignorant racist comment by Mr. Spellcheckisoff
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05-15-2017, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Jackie S
Germans are genetically programmed to invade the Low Countries and France above every 50 years or so.
It's been a while.
BINGO! That's why the Germans let in 2 million fighting age Jihads in to their country in the last couple of years... 10 million more on the way.
These type of people.
Islam: Beheadings, decapitation and butchering

Kosovo after June 1999: Made by Kosovo ISIS
The horrible pictures of the atrocious ritual beheadings of ICS, the Islamic Caliphate State, on the Internet, have shown an ugly face of Western leaders, avoiding and denying what is crystal clear, as if these heinous acts are not Islamic, and continuing their march of folly as if Islam is a religion of peace and compassion; as if ICS and Qaeda are in fact not Islamic; and as if these and other Islamic terrorist organization hijacked Islam, in order to smear it and de-legitimized its presence in the West.
However, these denials are not only a mental blindness processes of run-away leaders, but also represent Western demise and submission to Islamic encroachment.
Let’s think. Do beheadings not represent the tenets of Islam, or perhaps beheadings are the most typical element characterizing Islam? Here is the short Islamic history record: The ritual beheading has a long precedent in Islamic theology and politics, as the cultural favorite form of execution. The practice of slitting the throats of the opponents meant to reassure rulers; to terrorize foes; to secure alliances; and to impress the masses of the power imposed by the ruler. Above all, it has been a cultural-religious-ideological trait.
To smite the neck was not only the order of the Qur’an, and the interpretation of the Islamic exegetes. This is also the interpretation the great Islamic theologians and historians, like al-Tabari and al-Zamakhshari. The most influential modern exegete who interprets and explains these passages of the Qur’an is Abu al-A’la al-Mawdudi. He argues that under no circumstances should the Muslims start taking captives, but only after the enemy has been completely crushed. It is the task of the Islamic government to decide if it is necessary to kill prisoners, and he cites many historical examples of Muhammad ordering execution of prisoners.
Yusuf Ali, the acclaimed translator of the Qur’an interprets beheading as utilitarian: the neck is among the only areas not protected by armor, and mutilating an opponent’s hands prevents him from again wielding his sword or spear. In the famous battles of early Islam, Muhammad ordered to cut-off the heads of the enemy leaders and to put them on swords.
In the famous battles of early Islam, Muhammad ordered to cut-off the heads of the enemy leaders, and to put them on swords. Ibn Sa’d featured how the Muslims have dealt with Muhammad’s enemies: they cut off Muhammad’s enemy head and they cast his head before Muhammad, and he praised Allah on him being slain.
The well-known slaughter during Muhammad’s period was the beheadings of the Jewish Bani-Quraythah tribe after the battle of al-Khandaq. The Hadīth of Sahīh Muslim and Sahīh Bukhārī and the Sīrah of Ibn Ishaq clearly reveal that Muhammad ordered the execution by decapitation of 700 to 900 men of Bani Quraythah tribe at Medina for allegedly plotting against him. The men were lined up on huge dug up trenches and were brought out five or six at a time and beheaded. The women and children were taken as reward of booty to the Muslims. They were Islamized and traded off as Slaves.
In 680, the head of Hussein bin Ali was cut-off, put on a silver platter, and sent to Damascus. With him, the heads of all of Hussein’s 71 companions including a one-year-old baby boy were also chopped off.
During the Muslim occupation of Syria in 634, 4000 Christians were massacred; in Mesopotamia between 635 and 642, all Monasteries were destroyed and Monks were slain. In Egypt the Muslim conquerors slaughtered large groups of Christians, including women and children. Carthage was demolished and its people slain.
The Abbasids while taking control of the Islamic empire beheaded and massacred the Umayyads, their own brothers of religion, to the last person and baby.
From the 11th century, Muslim massacred large groups in India, quoting the Qur’an’s order to have slain the idolaters. In the year 1193, a Muslim general order to slaughter 50,000 Buddhists, declaring them as idolaters who had no right to live. In the Gujarati Sultanate of Western India, Sayyid Muhammad Jawnpuri (d. 1505) asserted that he was the Mahdi, and after accused of takfīr, he was beheaded with his followers.
Yusuf b. Tashfin (d. 1106) conquered Western Sahara and central Spain, and after the battle of Zallaqa in 1086, he had 24,000 corpses of the defeated Castilians beheaded, piled up and sent to all the major cities of North Africa and Spain as an example of Christian impotence. This became the rule where Christians were beheaded after any lost battle.
The Ottoman Empire was the decapitation state par excellence. Upon the Ottoman victory over Christian Serbs at the battle of Kosovo in 1389, the Muslim army beheaded the Serbian king and thousands of Christian prisoners. At the battle of Varna in 1444, the Ottomans beheaded King Ladislaus of Hungary. Upon the fall of Constantinople, the Ottomans sent the head of the dead Byzantine emperor on tour to major cities in the sultan’s domains. In 1456, the sultan allowed the grand mufti of the empire to personally decapitate King Stephen of Bosnia and his sons, even though they had surrendered and, seven decades later, the sultan ordered 2,000 Hungarian prisoners beheaded.
In the early nineteenth century, even the British were victim to the Ottoman scimitar. An 1807 British expedition to Egypt resulted in “a few hundred spiked British heads left rotting in the sun outside Rosetta. In 1842, the Afghans massacred 2000 British soldiers in Kabul, including their wives and children, by slitting their throats and hanging their heads on the walls of the city.
In Sudan, in 1880, Muhammad Ahmad declared himself Mahdi and led Jihad against the Ottoman Empire, by beheading his opponents, Christian and Muslim alike. The British governor, General Gordon, and his garrison had all been beheaded by the Mahdi. In Somalia, the rebel Mullah, had a large collection of Italian and British heads.
In recent history, beheadings in the name of Islam have become a show in front of world spectators on Arabic satellite stations and the internet.
In Afghanistan, in the 1980’s, 3000 Soviet soldiers were massacred and their heads cut-off by the Mujahideen. In 1986, the head of William Buckley, the CIA’s Beirut station chief was cut-off. The Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl’s decapitation in February 2002, catalyzed this cultural practice. The beheading of Nicholas Berg, Eugene Armstrong, Jack Hensley, and others from Korea, Bulgaria, Britain, Japan, including many Muslim Arabs and Kurds in Iraq, Algeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, and in Chechnya. The Dutch beheading of Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker, in Amsterdam in November 2004; the Egyptian Coptic family in New Jersey in January 2005; the slaughter of Rafsanjani in Paris.
Beheading has particular prominence in Saudi Arabia. In 2003 alone, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia beheaded more than fifty people. Over the past two decades, the Saudis have decapitated at least 1,100 for alleged crimes. In Iran the average of the yearly beheadings is 25. That is what we know about.
To the ignorant Western public opinion, Islamists sell a twisted and false reality, as if “beheadings are not mentioned in the Qur’an at all” (Imam Muhammad Adham al-Sheikh, head of the mosque in Falls Church, Virginia); “there is absolutely no religious imperative for this” (Asma Afsaruddin, an associate professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at the University of Notre Dame); “beheadings do not represent the tenets of Islam” (Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as well as the American Anti-Arab Discrimination Committee (ADC)).
Unfortunately, Western news media, academics and intelligentsia’s denial, out of political correctness, or their bias, or out of ignorance, has twisted the reality of Islamic history and propagated such lies. It is ordered literally in the Qur’an as a religious duty:
I shall fill the hearts of the infidels with terror. So smite them on their necks and every joint, and smite off all of their fingertips (Sûrat al-Anfāl, 8: 12).
When you clash with the unbelievers, smite their necks until you overpower them, and then bind the prisoners tightly… (Sûrat Muhammad, 47: 4).
To smite the neck is not only the order of the Qur’an and the interpretation of the Islamic exegetes, but they even put stress on the legitimate reasons to do so to the enemies of Islam, whether they are infidels, people of the book, or apostate Muslims. This is also the interpretation the great Islamic theologians and historians, like al-Tabari and al-Zamakhshari. The most influential modern exegete who interprets and explains these passages of the Qur’an is Abu al-A’la al-Mawdudi, who argued that under no circumstances should the Muslims start taking the enemy soldiers as captives, but only after the enemy has been completely crushed. It is the task of the Islamic government to decide if it is necessary to kill prisoners, and he cites many historical examples of Muhammad ordering execution of prisoners.
The siege and occupation of Constantinople (1453) is well known in its bloody savagery history by Ottoman Muslims. The Ottomans, Seljuk Turks, a tribe from Central Asia who appeared in the 11th century. The first blockade occurred between 1390 and 1402, which was failed. Then came the double siege of Constantinople, in 1411 and 1422, which were unsuccessful. But these failures strengthened the Ottomans’ will to occupy the city, as the model for the destruction of Christianity, with bloody results.
The occupation of Constantinople (İstanbul’un Fethi), the capital of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire on 29 May 1453, witnessed the great massacre of Christians. It marked the end of the Roman Empire, which lasted for 1,400 years. The city became Istanbul, the new Capital of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, by Sultan Mehmed II.
After the occupation, Mehmet II allowed his troops to plunder the city for three days and spoils of war, like women and possession. The Ottomans made a great slaughter of Christians through the city. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and 30,000 civilians were enslaved. The sea was full with huge piles of the Christians bodies floating around. Eyewitnesses described the horrors of massacres and rapes, without any resistance. They were intent on pillage and roamed through the town killing, raping, taking captives, and using all sorts of beheadings and decapitating. Rape was the most common. The frantic brutes stormed into the young girls and women, tore them, raped them at all sorts, and made them submit to the most terrible outrages. Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers’ breasts and crushed to the stones. Temples, holy icons and books were desecrated, pillaged and set on fire. The Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque.
The massacres in Greece and the Balkans. From 1453 with the fall of Constantinople until the revolution in 1821 Greece was under the cruel occupation of the Ottoman Turks who control the entire Middle East and the Balkans, to the gates of Vienna. Their rule was cruel, fanatic and barbaric, in which collective punishment of beheadings, rapes and kidnapping was on daily basis. Military attacks were part of the system, like the attack on the inhabitants of Chios, in April 1822, resulted in the deaths of twenty thousand civilians, and the forced deportation into slavery of almost all the surviving seventy thousand local inhabitants.
For almost three hundred years, beginning from the late 14th century, the Ottoman Empire used the Devshirme system (collection). Christian boys and girls between 7 and 18 but mainly between 7 and 10, from the Balkans, were kidnapped and forcefully converted to Islam as slaves to serve the Ottoman government, mainly the military: the cavalry (Kapıkulu Süvari, the Cavalry of the Porte) and infantry (Yeni Çeri, the New Corp, transliterated as Janissary). The girls were taken as concubines and slaves.
The Devshirme was a ‘forcible removal’ of children of the Christian subjects from their ethnic, religious and cultural environment. It was cruel penalization imposed on the Balkan peoples since their ancestors resisted the Ottoman invasion. It was a periodic conscription of kidnapped tribute boys and girls from their families and communities to be molded into Ottoman praetorians owing their total allegiance and literally their life to the Sultans. From Islamic perspective, “The conquered are slaves of the conquerors, to whom their goods, their women, and their children belong as lawful possession”.

Kosovo after June 1999: Made by Kosovo ISIS
The Armenian Genocide (Medz Yeghern, “Great Crime”). The word “genocide” is the combination of the Greek prefix geno- (tribe or race) and caedere (to kill in Latin). It is defined as “a systematic organized and premeditated extermination of a people and a nation.” The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in 1948, defined genocide as acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, including by the means of killing members of the group.
The Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against its religious-Christian minority was the first modern mass murder in large scale. It was started on April 24, 1915 and ended with the estimate death toll of almost 1.5 million victims.
For the objective of executing the genocide, Special Forces (Teşkilat-i Mahsusa) were organized by the Turkish government. Like other mass-massacres during Islamic history, and followed by the ICS (Islamic Caliphate State) massacres and ethnic cleansing in Iraq and Syria, the Armenian Genocide has been an organized policy and it was legitimized by state laws.
The preamble to the genocide was the Hamidian Massacre. On 1 October 1895, 2,000 Armenians massacred in Istanbul, and very soon it engulfed the rest of the Armenian-populated provinces, with 100,000 and 300,000 victims. It was followed by Adana Massacre of April 1909, ended with a total of 30,000 victims.
Deportations. On 29 May 1915, the Central Committee of the Young Turks passed the Temporary Law of Deportation, and the mass slaughter of the Armenians ensued, and their property was confiscated. The systematic mass murder of the Armenians was “authorized and organized by the government,” in the face of the world. It was clear that the deportation order was genocidal. Theodore Roosevelt would later characterize it as “the greatest crime of the war.” World media reported it almost on a daily basis, and yet nobody did anything to stop it.
Death marches and systematic starvation. The Armenians were marched out to the Syrian town of Deir al-Zour. Hundreds of thousands of Armenian deportees were forced to march to the Syrian Desert without food and drink, condemned to death.
Concentration camps. A network of 25 concentration camps situated in the region of Turkey’s borders with Iraq and Syria, was set up by the ottoman Government, as to dispose of the Armenians who had survived the deportations and massacres. They also used Mass burnings, drowning, poison and gas slaughtering, and Typhoid.
Like ICS today, the Turks decapitated the heads of many Armenians, mainly their political and intellectual elites and displayed them of central public places. They served as a model to the systematic policy of extermination.
Confiscation of property. Following Abandoned Properties Law, the Ottoman parliament passed the “Temporary Law of Expropriation and Confiscation”, on 13 September 1915 that all property, including land, livestock, and homes belonging to Armenians was to be confiscated by the authorities.
The Greek genocide was the systematic massacre of two million Christian Greeks, instigated by the Ottoman Empire, during the First World War and its aftermath (1914–22). This included massacres and extermination; forced deportations and death marches; and ethnic cleansing from their historic homeland in Anatolia. By the end of the 1919-1922 Greco-Turkish war, most of the Greeks of Asia Minor had either fled to Greece or had been exterminated. The remaining were transferred into Greece under the terms of the “1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey.” The Ottoman government was accused of crimes against humanity, and the International Association of Genocide Scholars passed a resolution in 2007 recognizing the Ottoman Empire massacre against Christian minorities as genocide.
The genocide of Buddhists and Hindus. The Brutal Islamic Jihadi campaigns against the infidels have reached its peak concerning the genocide of Buddhists and Hindus. Though every country the Muslim Jihadi invaders conquered has a separate history of blood bath, plundering, rapes, and slavery, however, Buddhists and Hindus perhaps have taken the lion’s share. From the 8th to 18th century, the number of the butchered Buddhists and Hindus is between 80 and 90, these figures exceeds all the massacres carried out all over the world put together. The number of Hindu and Buddhist slaves and raped women kept as sex slaves is almost the same.
Just imagine, the two perhaps most horrible states concerning the treatment of women, Afghanistan and Pakistan, where Buddhist before the Islamic occupation. Just imagine the horrors the Muslim invaders brought to the peoples: plundering, torturing, crucifying the males, while shouting the frantic cry, “Allahu Akbar,” and meanwhile raping the wives and daughters, to begin to understand how that is these countries has become Muslim.
Starting in 712, Muslim jihadi raiders, headed by Muhammad Bin Qasim, entered the port city of Dubal, near todays Karachi, plundered palaces and temples, killed vast number of men and carried off their women and children to slavery, after mass rape and torture. Hajjaj Bin Yousef, the governor of Iraq, wrote to him, quoting Surat Muhammad, 47:4: when you encounter the infidels, strike off their heads. This command of Allah must be obeyed and followed. You should not be fond of mercy. Able-bodied men are to be killed and their women and children are to be enslaved. This order was obeyed on the attack of the city of Brahminabad, when massacring over 10,000 men and enslaving their women and children, after mass-rape. The same process with huge butchering occurred in Afghanistan by Mahmud al-Ghazni in Afghanistan, starting in year 1000, and was the tide of plundering, butchering, mass-rape and slavery endorsed and executed over 800 years on the vast lands of Asia.
Perhaps the worst of all Muslim invaders was Timorlane. His invasion of Hindustan, Tuzk-i-Taimuri, records:
“In a short space of time all the people in the fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels. The Muslims set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground. All infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives.”
The fate of the Hindu women captured alive by Muslims was worse than death. Even as their fathers, husbands and children lay killed they had to dance and sing before Muslims and after mass rape they would then be given in slavery to the Muslims.
One can conclude with the harsh situation of contemporary Christians in the Middle East. Among the so many anomalies of Obama Administration, like the refusal to label “Islamic” and “terrorism,” and to continue labelling Islam as a religion of peace, the most vicious is his refusal to call the persecution and annihilation of Christians in the Middle East as genocide. What is happening to religious minorities in the Middle East is not only prejudice and persecution, but systematic extermination.
One has to recall that the Middle East is the embodiment of Arab Islamic total imperialism and colonialism. The European, Soviet and American imperialism were here and gone. The Arab-Islamic imperialism has occupied the Middle East and perpetrated systematic policy of Arabization and Islamization in the entire region, by exterminating its genuine peoples.
Today the Christians have become an extinct species in the Middle East. Hundreds of thousands of Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities have been driven from their ancestral homes; have been slaughtered, butchered, crucified and beheaded; and have been raped and desecrated by the Muslims. However, this is also true to slaughtering of Muslims who do not behave according to the strict order of the Shari’ah, and they are labelled as infidels too. Iraqi Christians were about two million, now tens of thousands left. In Syria, out of 1.2 million, perhaps three hundred thousand left, living in deep intimidation and harsh conditions. Only in Egypt, due to the military regime of al-Sisi, the Christians’ condition is better, after they have passed through persecution, women kidnapping, and conversion to Islam during the short-lived period of Mursy Muslim Brotherhood’s regime.
These events occurred all along Islamic bloody history do tell us why Muslims today who strictly follow Islam want to carry out the same things of the Islamic past. It leaves no doubt that the events on our screens today, the beheadings, the barbarism, the bombs are a byproduct of an Islamic era that is being revived by the fanatic Muslims all over the world.
By David Bukay
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05-15-2017, 04:12 PM
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Who was US Special Representative to Kosovo Frank G. Wisner?
On December 19, 2005, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced the appointment of Ambassador Frank G. Wisner as the Special Representative of the US Secretary of State to the Kosovo Status Talks.
Who is Frank G. Wisner, Jr.?
If his name sounds familiar that is because he is the son of Frank Gardiner Wisner, Sr., the CIA agent most responsible for the recruitment of Nazis by the US government after World War II. A former member of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the World War II precursor to the CIA, Frank G. Wisner, Sr., was one of the most infamous CIA agents, the man behind Operation Bloodstone, the US government program of recruiting Nazis and SS members.
Wisner also organized Operation Mockingbird, the successful CIA program to co-opt the US media in the CIA’s propaganda and information war against the Soviet Union and “global Communism”. Wisner was able to co-opt to the CIA the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek, and other US national publications, as well as prominent US journalists. Wisner recruited Philip Graham, who owned the Washington Post with his wife Katherine Graham, to run the operation. According to biographer Deborah Davis, in the biography Katharine the Great: “By the early 1950s, Wisner ‘owned’ respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles.” Ben Bradlee, Joseph and Stewart Alsop, and James Reston, were among the prominent journalists who were part of Operation Mockingbird. The CIA also controlled foreign media outlets, such as the Rome Daily American, the Manila Times, and the Bangkok Post. In addition, the CIA had its own propaganda dissemination and infowar media outlets, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, RFE/RL. This was a blatant violation of the First Amendment Constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This was an example of government control of the media in the US. Wisner’s counter-intelligence and subversion operations undermined and subverted democracy and constitutional freedoms in the US.
Wisner’s subversion operations in the US resulted in conflict with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who dismissed the OPC as “Wisner’s gang of weirdos”. Hoover investigated members of OPC and found that many had been members of “leftist”, i.e., pro-Communist or socialist, organizations in the 1930s. This information was turned over to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Communist witch hunts of the 1950s.
During the Cold War, Wisner was responsible for the CIA overthrow of democratically-elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammed Mossadeq in 1953, Operation Ajax. In 1954, Wisner organized the CIA overthrow of democratically-elected President of Guatemala Jacobo Arbenz, Operation PBSUCCESS.
Frank Wisner is really where it all started for Kosovo. In 1948, Wisner headed the Office of Special Projects. Wisner subsequently was put in charge of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). Under its charter, the OPC engaged in “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.” In 1949, Wisner became the CIA chief in Albania, then considered “ripe” for the CIA’s first major covert proxy operation in Europe, Operation Valuable. Wisner, as a head of the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination, financed the “Committee for a Free Europe”. The CIA used Committee for a Free Europe funds to bring the Albanian National Committee to the US. The US was recruiting former Albanian Nazi and fascist ultra-nationalists to participate in Operation Valuable, a covert CIA operation to overthrow the Communist regime of Enver Hoxha. Absurdly and ironically, it was US and British intelligence that installed Hoxha as a Communist dictator in the first place in Albania. Similarly in neighboring Yugoslavia, it was US and British intelligence that installed Croat-Slovene Communist dictator Josip Broz Tito in power. The intelligence action in Albania was one of the first “regime change” operations by the CIA in Europe. Former Balli Kombetar (BK, National Front in Shqip) leader Midhat Frasheri and Dzafer Deva, an important Kosovar Muslim Albanian fascist and Nazi leader in the Nazi/fascist created Greater Albania, were important Nazi/fascist recruits. Wisner was one of the organizers of Operation Valuable, known as Operation BG/FIEND by the CIA.
This is actually where the US involvement in the Kosovo conflict begins. Midhat Frasheri and other former Nazi and fascist Albanian leaders, such as Hasan Dosti, the Justice Minister in the fascist/Nazi-created Greater Albania from 1941-1944, which included Kosovo-Metohija, were important CIA recruits or “assets” in the Captive Nations Movement, a movement to undermine the Communist countries of Eastern Europe. The CIA manufactured the “captive nations” scheme to engineer “regime change” in the Eastern bloc, the “denied areas”. The CIA set up front organizations and private-sector groups to conceal the fact that this subversive activity was being done by the US government. Midhat Frasheri, the Nazi/fascist leader of the ultra-nationalist Greater Albania movement, Balli Kombetar, was put in charge of the CIA-created National Committee for a Free Albania. A “free” Albania meant a proxy and satellite of the US. This is where it all began. The CIA perceived Kosovo as part and parcel of the US policy of subversion and control of Eastern Europe under the “captive nations” paradigm. Everything followed from this. The later involvement of Robert Dole, Joseph Biden, Tom Lantos, Joe DioGuardi, and the Albanian American Civic League (AACL) in Kosovo separatism emerged on the foundations of this initial CIA role. Wisner established the modus operandi that is followed by the US government to the present time. It is ironic that the story now comes full circle in Kosovo.
Frank G. Wisner, Jr., and Richard C. Holbrooke, were both board members of the American International Group (AIG). AIG is a US corporation that provides insurance and financial services and products in 130 countries. AIG common stock is listed in the US on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as on the stock exchanges in Paris, Tokyo, London, and Switzerland. This demonstrates the constantly changing or revolving roles that Wisner assumes in government, diplomacy, and business, intertwining and enmeshing corporate, political, and diplomatic functions, “the revolving door”. It is more like a symbiotic relationship between all three sectors.
AIG, like Enron, was involved in a corruption and fraud scandal itself, but Wisner escaped unscathed. In September 2003, the US Securities and Exchange Commission imposed one of the largest penalties in its history, $10 million, against AIG. The Commission accused AIG of engaging in a conspiracy in an accounting fraud scheme that sought to conceal its losses at a cell phone company. The fraud scheme consisted of giving a $12 million asset in exchange for a clandestine $100,000 fee. The Commission also determined that AIG staff had given false answers during the investigation, lying to federal SEC investigators.
Richard C. Holbrooke is the foremost advocate of Albanian separatism and secession and supports fully a Greater Albania. In 2006, both Wisner and Holbrooke met with members of the Albanian lobby in the US to ensure them that they would support Albanian separatism. This raises potential issues of conflict of interest and bias. Wisner is not a detached, uninterested, and neutral negotiator.
In 1965, Frank G. Wisner, Sr., committed suicide using a shotgun on the family farm in Maryland. The shotgun belonged to one of his sons. His son, Frank Gardiner Wisner, Jr., joined the US State Department as a Foreign Service Officer in December, 1961, and after receiving Western Arabic Language training in Morocco, was subsequently assigned to Algiers. In 1964, he was sent to Vietnam. He was assigned to the US Agency for International Development in Vietnam. In Vietnam, he was the Staff Aide to the Deputy Chief of Mission, Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Civil Operation, and Senior Advisor to the Vietnamese province of Tuyen Duc.
In 1968, Wisner returned to the US when he was assigned to Tunisia in the US State Department. Wisner was subsequently the US Ambassador to India, Egypt, Zambia, and the Philippines.
On October 28, 1997, Wisner joined the board of directors of the Enron Corporation. Enron became the subject of a major corruption investigation and trial and scandal. Wisner was no stranger to allegations of corruption and conflicts of interest. When Wisner was the US Ambassador to India from 1994 until 1997, he was involved in the Dabhol corruption scandal. Wisner lobbied the Indian government to accept the Enron power plant project which overcharged India for power. The Indian government later rejected the deal alleging influence peddling and bribery. US Vice President Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice pressured the Indian government to accept the Enron deal.
US corporations like Enron use their connections to the US government to advance their economic and corporate interests. The best example of this is Halliburton, of which Vice President Dick Cheney was the former CEO, which constructed Camp Bondsteel and Camp Montieth in NATO/US occupied Kosovo in a contract for $829.2 million, Brown and Root, Schlumberger, and Baker-Hughes. US corporations have unlimited associations, connections, and ties to the US government. This is known as “the revolving door”. There is a corporate and government nexus that emerges. It becomes difficult to separate the interests of the US government and corporate interests which are inextricably intertwined and interlinked. Frank G. Wisner, Sr., for example, overthrew the democratically-elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1953 to protect US and British oil interests, particularly those of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), which became British Petroleum (BP) in 1954. In 1954, he overthrew the democratically-elected President of Guatemala to protect the economic interests and investments of the United Fruit Company. Frank G. Wisner, Sr., recruited many of the “spooks” for his CIA operations from his Wall Street law firm Carter Ledyard, which in turn benefited from government policies which its former employees initiated. Wisner legally represented wealthy right-wing ultra-nationalist Albanian emigres who would benefit financially from a “regime change” in Albania. There was a symbiotic relationship between the private business sector and the US government.
Wisner worked under Kenneth L. Lay, the Chief Executive Officer of Enron Corporation. Lay, like Wisner, was also a veteran of the Vietnam conflict. In 2006, Lay was convicted of securities fraud in a major corruption case.
Wisner also worked as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs.
Wisner is a veteran of “economic espionage” and is believed to have used his diplomatic cover to advance US governmental and corporate economic interests while he served as a diplomat to Asia. A member of Wisner’s staff told InterPress Services in 1997 that “if anybody asked the CIA to help promote US business in India, it was probably Frank”.
Wisner advanced the economic and corporate interests of Enron when he was the US Ambassador to the Philippines from 1991 to 1992. Enron was negotiating a deal to manage the two Subic Bay power plants at that time. Wisner lobbied for Enron which resulted in a successful bid by Enron. Similarly, while the US Ambassador to India, Wisner worked on behalf of Enron to secure lucrative deals for Enron there.
Like his father, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., is part of “the invisible government” that subverts and deters democracy, an unseen actor that shapes the globalist economy and maintains political order.
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05-18-2017, 07:32 AM
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talks about american involvement under clinton in the bosnian & kosovo conflict and in the process changed the purpose & function of NATO. It does ignore German involvement in this mess.
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05-18-2017, 07:41 AM
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this is located in Bosnia. (how do you even pronounce srpska????)
srpska was actually winning in that bosnia war before they were forced to remain in bosnia via the dayton accords. they had control of little more than half the country.
now Srpska wants to break away from Bosnia which is nothing more than a fake state. they were however threaten with intervention if they did that.
why do the powers that be want to avoid a break up of bosnia after they instigated a break up yugoslavia on purpose?
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05-18-2017, 09:37 AM
Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
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Fake state?
When did we lose the ability to speak English?
Fucking idiots!
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05-18-2017, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fake state?
When did we lose the ability to speak English?
¡Cuando los liberales gay dejan entrar a millones de personas que no hablan inglés!
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05-18-2017, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fake state?
When did we lose the ability to speak English?
Fucking idiots!
Fake stake, I say that because Bosnia does not have the support of the serbs and the serbs are part of it under duress. It could not support itself on its own. It would be something like the situation Kosovo is under with E.U. support.
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05-18-2017, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When did we lose the ability to speak English?
Fucking idiots!
what does not speaking english have anything to do with this thread?
I believe you are looking more like an idiot savant.
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06-07-2017, 03:47 AM
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Germany And Turkey Are Creating The Migration Crises In Europe To Bring Back Nazism And To Destroy Christendom. In The End The Muslim Ottoman Empire Will Unite With Protestants To Butcher Catholics And Orthodox Christians
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06-07-2017, 06:02 AM
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Germany And Turkey Are Creating The Migration Crises In Europe To Bring Back Nazism And To Destroy Christendom. In The End The Muslim Ottoman Empire Will Unite With Protestants To Butcher Catholics And Orthodox Christians
I always ask myself Why, Why, Why would Germany and western Europe allow millions of mooslimbs into their countries...
Now I have the answer...
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