Originally Posted by Slim Goddess
I don't need to say I made a mistake at all how can he prove its not him by his number but I see that's not a option cause he could be him and he made the mistake and second how I promote my Bussiness is my way but just like I prove it throw text message he can prove it as well by text message and he can't do that cause it's him so none factory hope he call you tonight to pay you for taken up for him PS any body can say it's not him and he can say it's not his number until I see other wise it's him
Blah I see you aren't the brightest crayon in the box...
So what do u want the people of Eccie to do? Give him a spanking? Public internet beat down? A good ol Eccie trial?
You are having a hard time understanding the point here.
Anyone can text you and say they are so and so from eccie. It happens a lot people pretend to be mods and other members all of the time. All they have to do is make up a number via a text app and text you. Without making them send a pm via Eccie to confirm they are who they say they are you are putting your own safety at risk.
I can text u now from a throw away number saying I am any member I pick from here and without u checking you could be getting references for Johnyfuckoff and really seeing an unknown person.
I saw the texts you emailed me, it honestly sounds like another racist member who is known for trolling providers from the things they are saying but I don't want to accuse without proof.
Honestly you are making way bigger of a deal out of this than you have to. Block the number and move on with your day. It's the Internet and this is the sex business you have to have thick skin there are trolls everywhere.
When I suggested you no longer advertise your number it was a suggestion that helped me stay safe. I don't give a fuck how you run your business.
I just don't understand why u are getting so defensive why post here if u don't want feedback