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Old 12-09-2022, 11:40 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
Yeah, retina scanning can now be made to work. I forgot about DNA data banks too.

But again, these are details and technology; the means and mechanics to determining positive of individuals.

Why is it wrong to require such a citizen to present a valid, positive ID when voting?

There are still twenty-three months left to get this done.
You haven't ever been poor, have you?

You've never helped an elderly gentleman who lost his DL try and get another.

If memory serves...they needed like 3 months of electric bills. So at least two trips to the motor division...unless of course you think research folks are computer literate and/or enjoy standing in line for long periods.

If you really cared that American citizens were able to vote...you make it easier for them, instead of harder. There would not be these long lines in cities as opposed to short lines in rural areas where they tend to vote Republican.

I could go on and on...
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Old 12-09-2022, 05:15 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You haven't ever been poor, have you?

You've never helped an elderly gentleman who lost his DL try and get another.

If memory serves...they needed like 3 months of electric bills. So at least two trips to the motor division...unless of course you think research folks are computer literate and/or enjoy standing in line for long periods.

If you really cared that American citizens were able to vote...you make it easier for them, instead of harder. There would not be these long lines in cities as opposed to short lines in rural areas where they tend to vote Republican.

I could go on and on...

your memory is wrong.


don't expect me to have one iota of "sympathy" for a homeless person being able to vote. homeless people don't have the right to vote because they aren't part of society and as such have given up their right to vote by being homeless bums.

you know, you could save yourself a lot of embarrassment by googling this stuff before you claim how difficult it isn't to get a valid id to vote.
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Old 12-09-2022, 07:08 PM   #48
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Ok....now that you've given me your opinion on the homeless not having a right to vote, my opinion is that anyone who has voted for DJT more than once has lost the right to ever vote again.
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Old 12-09-2022, 08:40 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Ok....now that you've given me your opinion on the homeless not having a right to vote, my opinion is that anyone who has voted for DJT more than once has lost the right to ever vote again.

speaking of homeless people and voting .. i just got back from my nightly supply run. for the essentials of life. a 5th of gin from Spec's, a brisket mac and stack from the Dickey's next door. 37 dollars spent so far. then across the street to the 7-11 for gas to fill up my truck, 75 dollars and buy a new 2 pack of nicotine cartridges for my njoy vape device. 10 dollars. 132 dollars spent. while at 7-11 i saw some woman, probably middle aged, maybe a bit younger. standing by the garbage can about 20 feet from the front door. looked homeless at a glance. all the usual signs, wearing a knit cap, ratty clothes, poking around in some plastic bag. not sure if she was trying to find stuff in the trash can or not. so i set the pump and get it filling up, walk in the store and get my stuff. of course this woman is still there, probably not in a hurry to go anywhere as it's likely this person really didn't have anywhere to go. until it was time to find somewhere to sleep for the night.

do you think if this person really is homeless, that they have an id to vote? probably not. do i care if she votes? nope. then i thought .. "what would WTF do?" would you go over and give this woman 20 dollars? (i had 150 dollars in cash in my wallet). i bet you wouldn't. yet you gonna lecture this forum about homeless people? and voting?

when was the last time that woman even voted at all? how many years? unknown. could easily be years ago. odds are if i gave that woman 20 dollars she'd buy a $4 ham sandwich and the rest on the biggest cheapest bottle of wine she can find. how is that going to help this woman? it's not. it's just going to keep this person in a lifestyle they choose to be be in. most homeless people choose to be. i don't care why, that's their choice, their problem. don't bore me with silly studies about homeless people and the reasons why written by some stupid liberal think tank. the authors probably haven't met a homeless person in their lives.

how many homeless in San Francisco for example that is enabling their homelessness and {forbidden topic} use even care about voting? they care about their next {forbidden topic}. voting isn't even on their radar. they probably couldn't tell you who was president let alone who was the governor of Kalifornica. these people don't deserve to vote because they don't care about voting.
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Old 12-09-2022, 08:50 PM   #50
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Damn waco, I thought you were going to lead up to a link to a review of a street person.

Oh. this is the PF.

Mea Culpa.
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Old 12-10-2022, 10:08 AM   #51
ICU 812
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You haven't ever been poor, have you?

You've never helped an elderly gentleman who lost his DL try and get another.

If memory serves...they needed like 3 months of electric bills. So at least two trips to the motor division...unless of course you think research folks are computer literate and/or enjoy standing in line for long periods.

If you really cared that American citizens were able to vote...you make it easier for them, instead of harder. There would not be these long lines in cities as opposed to short lines in rural areas where they tend to vote Republican. I could go on and on...
Yes, yes . . .I get it that being poor is a bitch.

Many of us here on this board have paid our dues in one way or another and managed to stay afloat. I am not about to start swapping stories about how tough I or anyone else have had it. I have been on the cusp of homelessness and facing dissolution of my family while circling the whirlpool of failure, but that is all I will say about that.

Socio-economic problems and mental health issues are not the topic set out in the OP of this thread.

At this time, there are twenty-three months left before the next major national election. There are plenty of NGOs that will help someone with these issues. I say If it is a big enough deal foe anyone, whatever their circumstances, they should get their ID and voter registration done in the next 345 (or so) days left.

Why is it fundamentally wrong to require a citizen to present availed, positive ID when voting? Why is it a bad idea?
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Old 12-10-2022, 12:04 PM   #52
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I've already told you, more than once...I think every citizen should be able to vote without restrictions.

Name and SS number. Vote.
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Old 12-10-2022, 02:05 PM   #53
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Name and number . . .without a government issued picture ID it means nothing.

Relying on one's SSN is not reliable as a positive ID.

I have known people who had several SSNs at the same time.

Today, a positive ID must be established with biometric technologies. Until then, what we get from the DMV is as good as it gets . . .for now.

Its gotta be better than just giving a SSN.
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Old 12-10-2022, 02:34 PM   #54
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A tangent but related aspect of this discussion is that ensuring a secure and credible election process underlies the issue of ensuring that voters present a valid, positive ID.

The past twenty years or more have seen every electikon challanged by either or both sides with garve doubts. Lets not get tied up in discussions of disinformation, ballot harvesting ets. The point is that huge numbers of people don't have confidence in the process . . .for whatever reason.

One aspect of re-establishing general public trust in the election process has got to be ensuring the identity of each voter. Perhaps I should have expressed this in the Op rather than assuming it as a given.
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Old 12-10-2022, 04:09 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
Name and number . . .without a government issued picture ID it means nothing.

Relying on one's SSN is not reliable as a positive ID.

I have known people who had several SSNs at the same time.

Today, a positive ID must be established with biometric technologies. Until then, what we get from the DMV is as good as it gets . . .for now.

Its gotta be better than just giving a SSN.
scammer will love that poll worker job ????
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Old 12-11-2022, 04:29 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I've already told you, more than once...I think every citizen should be able to vote without restrictions.

Name and SS number. Vote.
Sure. Do that and your income tax refund will never come again, neither will your SS check when that becomes appropriate.

Why not post your SSN here, and on any other social media accolunt you may have?
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Old 12-16-2022, 04:27 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Ok....now that you've given me your opinion on the homeless not having a right to vote, my opinion is that anyone who has voted for DJT more than once has lost the right to ever vote again.
Every citizen has the right to vote. That has been made explicitly clear through several amendments to The Constitution that everyone born in the USA has that right.

However, it is MY opinion that if someone is in such dire straits in life that establishing their identity to the DMV (or whatever agency) is too demanding on their physical, financial or emotional resources to accomplish, probably has higher priorities related to survival.

These other existential issues to resolve may be where to find their next meal and how to stay warm in the next 24 hrs. Getting that sorted out would rank somewhat above dealing with the state bureaucracy for voting if it were me sleeping in a cardboard box.

Everyone has the right to vote. For some, it may not be their highest priority.
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