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Old 11-19-2023, 06:29 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
So you won't answer the question... Who are you goona believe corrupt bureucrats or your lying eyes. Why were those cases of ballots pre positioned at 8AM on election day, and why were they running them through the tabulator multiple times? Just give me a logical explanation of what the camera is showing... not what the "official narrative is"
THe claims of fraud that you just made were investigated by the proper authorities and found to be false.

"‘Smoking gun’ video of Georgia vote count is now evidence against Trump

The “suitcases” were official ballot containers. The “double-counted” ballots were only counted once. The “smoking gun” video for voting fraud showed normal ballot counting.

State and federal investigators quickly debunked a conspiracy theory sparked by surveillance video of ballot counting at State Farm Arena in 2020. That didn’t stop Donald Trump from making the video the centerpiece of his campaign to overturn the election in Georgia — even though some on his own team knew the voting fraud claims were dubious, documents reviewed by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution show."


You, like Trump, will not accept any proof that fraud was not committed despite investigations by reliable parties. You have unproven allegations of fraud. I present evidence that the alleged fraud was investigated and found to be untrue. You don't accept the results of the investigations because they disagree with your POV. You are wrong.
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Old 11-19-2023, 08:25 AM   #47
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Speed, I hope you realize that the idiots you keep providing information to can’t possibly comprehend it. I used to think they were just arguing for argument sake then I realized, with the help of my old fried Hedonist, that providing good sense and facts only causes them to dig deeper into the shit hole to cram more crap into their minuscule minds. It’s sad but they are beyond educating.
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Old 11-19-2023, 09:20 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Speed, I hope you realize that the idiots you keep providing information to can’t possibly comprehend it. I used to think they were just arguing for argument sake then I realized, with the help of my old fried Hedonist, that providing good sense and facts only causes them to dig deeper into the shit hole to cram more crap into their minuscule minds. It’s sad but they are beyond educating.
One in particular…
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Old 11-19-2023, 12:06 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Lads, THIS topic here has NOTHING to do with Fox-News.
For Truth, Justice and the American Way...
So true. foxy ain't about Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Only about their self serving interest.

Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
Obviously YOU are NOT aware of how many illegal ballots
are in-question. Me comment there is that Trump WON the state.

WHY are you off-topic and discussing the coming election??

#### Salty
That why did the Big Cheatos people EPICALLY blow the case when they FINALLY had all the chess pieces lined up and the spot light of the world on the case to FINALLY present ALL THIS PROOF they claimed to have.

I tell you, I was waiting for the corpsicle of Hugo Chavez to be introduced as evidence. Y'all uptight righties REALLY let me down there!

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
After Gov Kemp and SOS Raffensberger refused to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, Trump, in his vindictive ways, campaigned heavily against both men in their 2022 reelection attempts. Both won handily, certainly helped by Trump. And Georgia has 2 Democratic Senators, certain helped by Trump.
He can't accept the fact that one of their own was willing to not break the law and wouldn't kiss the ring (read that as the behind) of the Big Cheato.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
When someone goes before a judge and claims that fraud was committed in an election in a certain state, they are required to provide evidence of that fraud. In all 50 cases, the judges deemed that there was no evidence of fraud presented. Most were thrown out as being frivolous.

When the ballots were reviewed in the battleground states they were reviewed by members of both parties. Absolutely NO ONE objected to the findings that no fraud had been committed.

I'm not sure what sort of investigation you deem necessary to prove that there was no fraud in the election. Every claim of voter fraud was investigated by the proper officials in the contested states.

Your claim that Ruby Freeman committed fraud is a perfect example of the lunacy of the election deniers. She was guilty of nothing.

"Years after their lives were turned upside down by conspiracy theorists, Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea ArShaye "Shaye" Moss, were officially cleared by Georgia authorities on Tuesday.

Georgia’s State Election Board dismissed its yearslong investigation into alleged election fraud at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, more than two years after conspiracy theorists — and then-President Donald Trump — claimed that Freeman and her daughter had committed election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The fraud claims were “unsubstantiated and found to have no merit,” the investigation concluded, reporting on the work of the FBI, the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and investigators from the Secretary of State’s office vetting the alleged fraud."

And Rudy Giuliani will pay dearly for his unsubstantiated claims.


This is just one example of how wrong people who contest the 2020 election results are.
Speedy, I think you might be mistaken.

Out of all those cases, *I* don't think "fraud" was ever once mentioned by the people bring the cases to court. But they damn sure sang it at the top of their lungs in the streets.

If they uttered that word once in court, the burden of proof would be on them to show it.

All you all in donnys group: Why did they not say Fraud in court than present the evidence?????

Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
So you won't answer the question...
Can't blame him since y'all can't say and prove Fraud in court where it would shut this whole shitshow down that y'all have fucked up democracy. Thanks alot.

Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Election fraud is food for dummies. It’s like cake. They just keep eating it. They don’t realize it’s made from shit though. This is the stupidest thing going 3 years later. Trump supports in particular love eating this shit over and over.

Yup. They love the smell of that shit all over them from hoisting that turd all these years.
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Old 11-19-2023, 12:51 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
Obviously YOU are NOT aware of how many illegal ballots
are in-question. Me comment there is that Trump WON the state.

WHY are you off-topic and discussing the coming election??

#### Salty
I disagree. When you wrote that "Trump surely WON" in your original post, you made whether Trump's a winner or a loser relevant.

Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post

... Crikey! Would ya look at that! ... Fulton County's
defence team - Donald F. Samuel and Amanda R. Clark Palmer
have motioned to withdraw from the Election Fraud case
in Georgia... Me Political "Insider" mates were reporting
on this today. ... The one with the FAKE ballots.

... If the defence barristers for the County have
requested to withdraw - it likely means that those
alleged "counterfeit" ballots - that are
UNDER COURT SEAL - have surely been destroyed illegally
- and the defence team does not any longer wish to be
associated with the lawlessness.
See this,


Fulton County tried to remove six defense attorneys involved in the racketeering case against Trump and 18 others for conflicts of interest. The six included Amanda Palmer and Don Samuel. The attorneys represented former clients who may be called as witnesses by Fulton County.

Some of these former clients, like American Hero Brad Raffensperger, signed waivers, dismissing any claim of conflict of interest.

As you know, Fulton County hired Samuel and Palmer to represent the County in the Favorito vs Wan case, where Trump supporters claim unlawful ballots were submitted in Fulton County.

That's a huge conflict. How are Samuel and Palmer supposed to represent one of the RICO defendants, while also representing the County? Whether there were illegal ballots may be an integral part of their RICO client's defense.

Here's some more info,


Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
Fulton was ordered - in this case that went to the
Georgia State Supreme Court - to produce these
absentee ballots months ago - and has surely REFUSED
the order to do so.

Please remember that this was a case challenging 150,000
ballots in the 2020 election for being counterfeit.
The trial has been delayed 2 years.

Remember too - Federal Law requires that ALL election
records must be preserved for 22 months.

... So it does stand to reason that the 2020 election
in Georgia should never have been Certified.

And also that Trump surely WON.
I don't know what I can show to cause you to change your mind. Here are some numbers, from Wikipedia, for Fulton County,

2016 Election: Trump received 26.85% out of 438,751 total votes

2020 Election: Trump received 26.20% out of 523,931 total votes

Trump's % of the total votes barely budged from 2016 to 2020. That would indicate to me there was no fraud in 2020, given that Trump was less popular in 2020, in part because of a poor economy as a result of COVID. The %'s are pretty close, although I guess you could argue there was fraud in 2016 too.

The population of Fulton County in 2020 was 1.066 million, also from Wikipedia. That means that 49% of the people in the county voted. Five million people voted in Georgia in 2020, and the population of Georgia then was 10.71 million, so 47% of the Georgia population voted. So yeah, Fulton County's % was a little higher, but not markedly so. Certainly not enough to make a case that there were 150,000 counterfeit votes for Biden.

Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
Fulton County has 30 days to comply.
IF those ballots aint counterfeit - produce them.
WHY the 3 year delay??

#### Salty
If what you wrote is correct, I'd be very surprised if they didn't preserve those ballots, given the existence of the court case.
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Old 11-19-2023, 09:59 PM   #51
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... There is NO ballot case with the Fulton County so-called
"counterfeit ballots" anymore - as the case has been settled
by the Georgia Supreme Count - who surely sideed with the
plaintiffs - "Show the ballots!"

So I'm not quite seeing the "conflict of interest" with the
barristers there being able to testify at Trump's trial.

Seeing as it's some 10 or 12 months away - if it happens at all.
Then there's the fact that those barristers may not even still be
employed by the county a year from now.

And I surely would hope that they've preserved the ballots
- that were under Court Seal.

... Yet again I will ask the same question: The State SUPREME Court
has ordered them to show the ballots. WHY HAVEN'T THEY??!

#### Salty
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Old 11-19-2023, 10:12 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... There is NO ballot case with the Fulton County so-called
"counterfeit ballots" anymore - as the case has been settled
by the Georgia Supreme Count - who surely sideed with the
plaintiffs - "Show the ballots!"

So I'm not quite seeing the "conflict of interest" with the
barristers there being able to testify at Trump's trial.

Seeing as it's some 10 or 12 months away - if it happens at all.
Then there's the fact that those barristers may not even still be
employed by the county a year from now.

And I surely would hope that they've preserved the ballots
- that were under Court Seal.

... Yet again I will ask the same question: The State SUPREME Court
has ordered them to show the ballots. WHY HAVEN'T THEY??!

#### Salty
The Georgia Supreme court remanded the issue of standing to an appeals court, which ruled that the case against Fulton County to unseal ballots may proceed. The case has not been settled. Neither the Supreme court nor the Appeals court has ordered Fulton County to show the ballots. That will be left up to a jury or judge.

Why doesn't the county want to unseal them? Hell if I know. I believe it's extremely unlikely there were a significant number of fraudulent ballots in Fulton County, for reasons other posters have cited in this thread. And if there were, so what? Trump lost by 74 electoral votes and 7 million popular votes.
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Old 11-19-2023, 10:26 PM   #53
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... No, the appeals court decision was appealed to the Supreme Court
- who sided with the plantiffs - show the ballots.

You are getting the "Fulton County semantics" there.
And it's NOT about Trump winning or losing the 2020 election.

It's about showing the ballots - and whether or not
the ones in question are illegal or not.

... So, since you're spending a lot of time on this,
you're with ME - that they should show the ballots, yes?

#### Salty
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:18 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... No, the appeals court decision was appealed to the Supreme Court
- who sided with the plantiffs - show the ballots.

You are getting the "Fulton County semantics" there.
And it's NOT about Trump winning or losing the 2020 election.

It's about showing the ballots - and whether or not
the ones in question are illegal or not.

... So, since you're spending a lot of time on this,
you're with ME - that they should show the ballots, yes?

#### Salty
I'll ask again. Would you please provide a link supporting your statements concerning the Georgia Supreme Court request to show the ballots. I ask because I can find nothing related to that.

I did find this:

+ June 20th, 2023

On Tuesday, the State Election Board dismissed case SEB2020-059, a long-running investigation into alleged malfeasance during the 2020 election at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. Over the course of the investigation, it was confirmed that numerous allegations made against the Fulton County Department of Registration and Elections, and specifically, two election workers, were false and unsubstantiated.

The investigation, which included Secretary of State Investigators, and Special Agents with both GBI and FBI revealed “there was no evidence of any type of fraud as alleged.” Through the course of the investigation, “three law enforcement agencies reviewed the entire unedited video footage of the events in question surrounding [the two election workers] at State Farm Arena,” and additionally, reviewed social media posts allegedly made by a Fulton County election worker stating they engaged in election fraud, which was found to created by a third party who “admitted he created a fake account and confirmed the content that was posted on the account was fake.” Ultimately, “all allegations made against [the two election workers] were unsubstantiated and found to have no merit.”"

I am not saying you are wrong but I find it strange I can find no mention of it anywhere.
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:45 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I'll ask again. Would you please provide a link supporting your statements concerning the Georgia Supreme Court request to show the ballots. I ask because I can find nothing related to that.

I am not saying you are wrong but I find it strange I can find no mention of it anywhere.
Oh they exist alright- but only "in the minds" of those who have been activated by their Manchurian Candidate operative word: "Fake NEWS". Once that word is heard, they CAN and WILL do anything they are able to protect the insurrectionist planning team that ends with DJT.
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Old 11-20-2023, 08:25 AM   #56
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Twisting in the wind.
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:08 PM   #57
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... I'll address all this again once the ballots are shown.

#### Salty
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Old 11-20-2023, 08:07 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Twisting in the wind.

if you say so
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Old 11-21-2023, 07:34 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... I'll address all this again once the ballots are shown.

#### Salty
So you have no links to support your statement that the Georgia Supreme Court has in fact requested that those ballots be shown.
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Old 11-21-2023, 11:33 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
So you have no links to support your statement that the Georgia Supreme Court has in fact requested that those ballots be shown.
That's because Salty is wrong, the Supreme Court never ordered that the ballots be unsealed. As I posted above, the Supreme Court remanded the case to an appeals court, which ruled that the plaintiffs do have standing to sue (in a lower court) to force the county to unseal the ballots. The case hasn't been heard. The jury or judge in the case may or may not determine that the ballots will be unsealed.


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