You need more than an umbrella to protect you from my Rayne lmao! The really sad thing about a guy like you is you will be paying for azz FOREVER trying to get the approval you were deprived of as a child lol. People who do nothing but beg for attention by mocking the less fortunate may as well be child molestors. Did you hurt little kittens when you were 5 as well? You are a freshman psych student's dream thesis! Literally textbook tragedy lol. I actually feel kind of sorry for you. At least most of us are here because we want to be...not because we need to be.
I wanted to ask the same question,you are an asshole of massive proportions you like to start BS for absolutely no reason and with no purpose served. You are negative,hateful,and seemingly a woman hater so why on the board in the first place? To further spew you negative disdain for providers and woman period for that matter. Just like you guys can get together when you dont like a provider we ladies have the power to spread the word about you Wakeup or whatever your other handle is. Of course one rude fella doesn't keep providers from coming here thats giving him too much credit ladies. You keep on doing what youre doin darling you are keeping ladies all over the board from giving you the time of day. You make it easy for us all to smell you coming so we steer clear. Happy Holidays Grinchy Poo