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View Poll Results: Should there be a sticky listing PR and ML violators?
Hell yes.... expose them 70 92.11%
No.... keep it quiet 6 7.89%
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Old 02-16-2011, 01:23 AM   #46
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Pretty clear there's a lot of unresolved issues coming to the surface.

In my opinion, people who act disrepectful towards others reflect badly upon themselves. As noted in another thread, you can tell a great deal about some people based on their posting habits.

I know from talking to people (providers and hobbyists) that a lot of people feel that posting in Co-eDrama Discussion isn't worth the trouble. Which makes my life a little harder since that means I can't get a feel for compatibility based on their posts.

So, in short, could everyone tone the drama down so I can get laid? Thanks.
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:51 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29 View Post
sweet, now that I have your attention, can you please disable my account? I've been asking via pm for days now. I believe this is my third request. I believe as an American, the owners of this site should get to run this place however they want. Even when that means allowing pure hate threads to exist only to hurt the ladies business with lies and negative second hand opinions in the locker room, that is the board owners decision. That said, I shall excercise the freedom to do as Sixx and the others have been advising all along and just stop reading. I would like to take that a step further and just remove myself from this community completely and contrary to old urban legend, I have not used any suggestion, manipulation, or coersion to get any one to follow my example. I came here on my own and I will be happy to leave here just the same.

Thank you for all the fish. I shall now take my flabby thighs go home.

Good luck to you!
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:26 AM   #48
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Mojojo comes to save the day.........

Oh yes i have the appropriate party dress, very classy but VERY seductive!!
I'm trying to get at least one more chick...don't worry shes skinny!!!
Oh yea we better be going to hang with the strippers.......I FUKKN LOVE STRIPPERS!!!
My threAD is still coming its just getting looked over by a mod, so no infractions will happen with this one!!!

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
All this silliness......

People should learn to just get along......

Do you have an appropriate Party Dress for your visit?

IS it apparent yet why Austin is opening it's arms and wallets to visiting providers.

Did you find any other young ladies to visit with you? Or are we still on for recruiting and turning out strippers?

I'm sorry... too many questions huh?
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:21 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by babydollsnow View Post
My threAD is still coming its just getting looked over by a mod, so no infractions will happen with this one!!!
Classic...... Having a MOD proof a post before making it....

hmmm..... I seem to recall doing that a time or two over the years....
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:23 AM   #50
Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
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Originally Posted by bestoralntexas View Post
Ms. Taylor, "Mam, you need a break from the hobby, and definitely this forum." Not a ban, or any punishment, but a relaxing vacation, of choice.

You seem to be a passionate woman, who has gotten her feelings hurt, and we all do at some point. Life, and the hobby are not fair, and every human goes through feeling the way you do now at some point. Hell, some more than others, some have a lifetime of unfairness, and expect nothing different; they never speak out or take initive as you have. And I applaud your backbone, balls, and your very willingness to put yourself in the line of fire.
But, as much as I applaud the action, I caution the outcome.
We (you, I, and every other woman on this board) are here as providers 1st, each for our own benefit, and we belong to this community, a community of Hobbyist. This site is Co-Ed, and I think providers should post freely, but remember what you are here first for. You are here as a Provider, and just as clients, boards, clubs, and threads change their temperament, directions, and rules, one thing never changes YOU ARE A PROVIDER. We are here to make our income, and not to plot against other providers, or hobbyist, or to meet our true loves, or our best friend. Think of Eccie as a time clock if you have to, and do what a provider does.
A wise, but asinine Hobbyist told me not long ago, " If you are truly just a provider, STFU, and suck more cock!" I got my feelings hurt, and our Hobbyist Mercenaries, ate me alive in a thread. The best thing I could do, was to not do anything, and STFU.


Who cares what someone doesn't like about you. I'm sure there are several guys that like you just the way you are. If I spent my life trying to get people that didn't like me to like me, well I would just be waisting time.

To Vikki, I know you have a spirit that wont allow you to dwell on this for much longer. Let it go baby girl. You are well liked by many. Your personality shines! And i remember a thread you started a couple of months back about positive thoughts. Go to that place! Hugs!

Now, love amongst yourselves!
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:26 AM   #51
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by bestoralntexas View Post
We are here as providers 1st, each for our own benefit, and we belong to this community, a community of Hobbyist.

This site is Co-Ed, and I think providers should post freely, but remember what you are here first for. You are here as a Provider, and just as clients, boards, clubs, and threads change their temperament, directions, and rules, one thing never changes YOU ARE A PROVIDER.

We are here to make our income, and not to plot against other providers, or hobbyist, or to meet our true loves, or our best friend.

Think of Eccie as a time clock if you have to, and do what a provider does.

A wise, but asinine Hobbyist told me not long ago, " If you are truly just a provider, STFU, and suck more cock!".

I got my feelings hurt, and our Hobbyist Mercenaries, ate me alive in a thread. The best thing I could do, was to not do anything, and STFU.
That is probably one of the better posts I've ever seen a woman make on a board.

If more ladies could sit back and realize that most of the discussions are about their business and not attacks on them personally we would have far less drama. Too many though take things as rude or personally offensive that had nothing to do with them at all....
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:41 AM   #52
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is being banned from this site such a bad thing? Do I lose my birthday?. does it mean I can't fuck beautiful women anymore?

seems like this is a elementary school forum, "if I dont like you, and you do something against the so, called rules" you are banned.

but, if I like you and you do something against the rules, no worries, its all good, wink, wink.

this slob whispers takes out a "hate" thread, but its all good, no worries , bro.

then I see I was about to get banned for what was it again, rule 18 .
Mods, you are all a bunch of little men with a little power and dont know how to handle it.

Ban this @ssholes
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:47 AM   #53
Natalie Reign
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Well, now. This was all certainly very entertaining.

Back to the topic at hand: PR and ML violators.

The "blanket excuse" that everyone can find the info they want on the site-that-should-not-be-named (oh, hell, I'm just going to call it "Valdemort" from now on) doesn't hold water with me. I looked over the site when it first surfaced, found the information to be incomplete, chaotic, and frankly, just a big freaking mess.

The PR exists as an information exchange. I haven't ever posted anything back there that I would be concerned about leaking... but I know that a great deal of information exists about dangerous individuals and frightening situations. Having that information be available to the general public could really endanger a provider's life if found by the wrong person. And that's just not acceptable. Beyond that, sometimes providers need to vent. It's not fair that certain providers feel it's kosher to share venting threads with hobbyists, either to ingratiate themselves to those hobbyists, or to put themselves in a better light than the venters. I need to know that I can trust the ladies in the PR not to leak information by copying and pasting threads and emailing them to hobbyists, or by blatantly posting info in Co-Ed. And if I know a lady is capable of doing that, I will be much more cautious with what information I share with her, and which clients, if any, I refer to see her.

Likewise for the LR. Men either pay, or contribute through reviews, to have special access to a men's only area. I used to think I'd like to see what goes on back there, but given the opportunity, I have found that I really don't want to know. I don't want to know who thinks I'm too expensive, too cheap, too fat, too skinny, too smart, not smart enough... because in the end, I really don't care. I realize that I am not the perfect provider for every hobbyist, and I don't aspire to be. I strive to give the best sessions possible to every client, and if we don't "click" I will refer him to someone else. I have off days with some, and sometimes I take a few days off to decompress, and am not immediately responsive to gentlemen who contact me. I wish that weren't the case, but we can't expect to be 100% on, all the time. We're human. I do hope that if a client sees a way I can improve my business, he will share it with me in a constructive way... but I feel I am intelligent enough to know where I can improve without sneaking a peek at the Locker Room or manipulating a client into sharing private information with me. In the end, I know that if my business is steady, I'm doing my job. If it falls off, all it takes is a bit of reflection and self-awareness to find the rough patches and do a little housekeeping.

All of the drama here lately has really caused me to reevaluate how much time I spend interacting with everyone online. I like a great many people here, and even love several of them, and consider them family. I have welcomed people into my personal life. Some I regret, some I do not. My feelings for my friends here haven't changed; but my impression of how an Internet forum should affect my everyday reality certainly has. I was personally affected by leaks/invasions on more than one occasion, and while I've come to realize that this board should not have a bearing on my personal life, I have also come to realize that those who don't value the privacy of the ML and PR should be prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions, as those actions affect a wide circle of individuals, whether they realize it or not at the time.
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:33 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post
Except the fact that no one is reaping any benefit or, better yet, getting paid.
Darlin, that's why I said I WOULDN'T hang!
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:40 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by gigabitbucket View Post
is being banned from this site such a bad thing? Do I lose my birthday?. does it mean I can't fuck beautiful women anymore?

seems like this is a elementary school forum, "if I dont like you, and you do something against the so, called rules" you are banned.

but, if I like you and you do something against the rules, no worries, its all good, wink, wink.

this slob whispers takes out a "hate" thread, but its all good, no worries , bro.

then I see I was about to get banned for what was it again, rule 18 .
Mods, you are all a bunch of little men with a little power and dont know how to handle it.

Ban this @ssholes
Take some STFU and kiss my ass while you are at it!

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Old 02-16-2011, 11:48 AM   #56
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This thread has veered so far from the original intent and subject. It is time to move on.

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