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Old 01-28-2018, 10:39 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Look, eeehbhhuuurrr< ..whatever that is iffylube spit it out. the "republican" they wrote a article about you... Hahaha!
Nothing you would post would be about me iffylube.
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Old 01-28-2018, 11:06 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Vichy Republicans still sleeping with the enemy
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Old 01-30-2018, 08:37 PM   #48
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Looks like the 2nd phase of the "BIG UGLY" has begun... fuckem!


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Old 01-30-2018, 09:00 PM   #49
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Come join us on The Roof@ https://theconservativetreehouse.com/

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Old 01-31-2018, 08:12 PM   #50
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McCabe sat on the big Weiner...
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Old 02-01-2018, 06:12 PM   #51
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Trey Gowdy could be appointed Special Counsel to investigate the criminal uni-party/globalist/anti American cabal...


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Old 02-01-2018, 06:15 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Just trying to make my previous post show up. Thanks!

EDIT: and it worked...
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Old 02-03-2018, 05:04 AM   #53
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1. THIS is exactly what I thought.

Donald Trump Jr.

Now I really want to see the IG report.

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2. The memo, to me, was perfect. It was a hard hitting and damning indictment of highly illegal activity by a corrupt FBI / DOJ gang that normies will be able to digest.

3. As we discussed yesterday, our remote corner of twitter has been all over this for months (if not longer). However, the majority of people out there have had no idea. Many will privately be thinking 'WTF?' when they read this.

4. To be honest, it's quite shocking for a campaigner like me to see it in B&W as a Congressional document. And anyone who is claiming it's a nothingburger is either too dumb to understand it, or being deliberately misleading.

5. The memo IS a bombshell. It sets out a deliberate and highly illegal scheme by the people involved to LIE to the FISC, so they could spy on Team Trump. And they did this 4 times, which I wasn't aware of, knowing that the dossier was full of lies AND was a Clinton /DNC product.

6. Putting aside the crimes involved, as well as the fact that they seemed to be doing this AFTER the election (important!) , does everyone realize how frightening this is?

It means that Obama's administration were using the power of the state to target innocent citizens.

7. So let's say you were highly critical of Obama. What this proves is that with a click of his finger, he could set his dogs onto you, using false evidence to spy on you, the FBI to intimidate you and your family & media slaves to denigrate you.

Folks, that's what dictators do.

8. ALL of the people named in this memo must be fired and prosecuted for their role in this illegal conspiracy.

Any investigation or indictment resulting from the illegal FISA warrants will be overturned.

That's a MINIMUM.

9. It's also hard to see how the Mueller SC can continue, given it's based on a lie. The Trump-Russia smear is now a proven Clinton/DNC fiction. Any investigation resulting from it, for example Comey's FBI investigation, is at best flawed, at worst criminal.

10. And what an utter scumbag this memo shows Comey to be. Remember when he told POTUS Trump about the dossier before the inauguration? Essentially 'its pretty bad, sir, wouldn't it be terrible if it got out there, but don't worry etc etc'...

11. Comey KNEW the dossier was BS, he KNEW it was a Clinton/DNC document, he KNEW they'd used it illegally 4 times for FISA warrants.

But he NEVER told POTUS what he knew.

Comey was trying to blackmail the President of the United States!

12. It's sad to see deluded liberals try to play this down and protect these criminals.

They just don't get it. Many have probably not even read the memo. Most have absolutely zero understanding of the facts.

It's truly pathetic. It guarantees their irrelevance, going forward.

13. Most have no idea that this memo is only the start. A small taste of a devastating blow coming down the line, that I think will expose Obama & Clinton as THE central figures in this crime, as well as Obama as the mastermind behind many others.

That's the OIG report.

14. The memo is a turning point, because it now moves this scandal into the public space in a new and powerful way, in a way normies can digest. It opens the door a little, preparing the population for what's coming.


15. We may also see some major developments in the next few weeks that will shock liberals. Rosenstein is toast, he will go. Trump won't fire Mueller, but Mueller may well fire himself, ie clear Trump & close down the SC unilaterally.

Another thing.

16. I can't see how the major players in this scheme avoid indictment. In fact, IMO it's important that this happens fast - again, to start prepping the population for what's coming.

Another reason : they are criminals.

Amazing day. Never thought I'd ever see the like.
17. But these are amazing times.


The end.
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Old 02-03-2018, 03:45 PM   #54
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Keep WRINGING your 0zombie hands!


Tony Tucci‏

1) In regard to #TheMemo from @DevinNunes, Melissa @ima_imp asks “What part of having FISA warrants out on Carter Page is a scandal?”

5:35 AM - 3 Feb 2018
96 Retweets 120 Likes #AdamSchiffisabobbleheadcometo lifeLLassC ❤️ZMelvin GainesMeMe BestPray for AmericaΜΕΓΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣBill DeanLouise

New conversation

9h9 hours ago

2) Democrats and the Left are playing #SpinTheMemo now. They want to ‘spin’ the fact that pro-Hillary, anti-Trump government officials colluded to first sink the Trump campaign, and - after he unexpectedly won - to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s victory.

9h9 hours ago

3) The left’s zealous #resistance to all-things Trump means they are willing to overlook their side weaponizing the FBI and DOJ in favor of one candidate against the other while deliberately misleading a federal judge.‏

9h9 hours ago

4) Let that sink in for a moment.

9h9 hours ago

5) The Obama administration and the Clinton campaign colluded with senior pro-Hillary officials at FBI and DOJ to use an unverified anti-Trump dossier (funded by the Clinton campaign) as the basis for getting FISA warrants to spy on her political opponent!

9h9 hours ago

6) The never-Trump Left and rabid Democrats can’t disprove that point. What they will do now is redirect and deflect from the facts at hand. Facts which paint a picture of criminal conduct.

9h9 hours ago

7) The Steele dossier served as the basis to get a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page in October 2016. Page was a foreign-policy adviser to Trump’s campaign. He left the campaign in September 2016 after allegations of contacts between him and Russian officials.

9h9 hours ago

8) The FISA warrant for Page was issued in October 2016 based on information in the Steele dossier, which was funded by the @HillaryClinton campaign. Notice a problem here?

9h9 hours ago

9) Obama’s Justice Department and FBI used an unsubstantiated dossier to convince a federal court to issue a warrant authorizing surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser and in turn, Trump himself.

9h9 hours ago

10) The FISA court was not told that this dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign. Former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, is on record stating that he was “desperate” to prevent Trump from being elected President.

9h9 hours ago

11) The FBI never verified the dossier’s allegations, which were a compilation of Steele’s reports, based on anonymous Russian sources. Of course, the FISA court was never informed about the unsubstantiated nature of the dossier’s explosive allegations.

9h9 hours ago

12) Because Carter Page is an American citizen, FISA required the government to show probable cause that Page’s activities on behalf of Russia were in violation of federal criminal law before they would issue a warrant for surveillance. Page was alleged to be an agent of Russia.

9h9 hours ago

13) Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is on record stating that without the Steele dossier, there would not have been probable cause justifying issuance of a FISA warrant. No warrant would have been issued without the dossier information.

9h9 hours ago

14) The insignificant campaign adviser Page was never the main target. The anti-Trump faction was always intent on uncovering the possibility of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. This is also what inspired Steele to write his dossier.

9h9 hours ago

15) In a June 2017 Senate testimony, former FBI director James @Comey acknowledged that the allegations in the dossier were “salacious and unverified”.

9h9 hours ago

16) We have been told that when the first FISA warrant was granted in October 2016, the FBI’s efforts to corroborate Steele’s claims were in their “infancy”. They knowingly used highly questionable information as the basis for securing a FISA warrant to spy on a US citizen.

9h9 hours ago

17) Steele himself was suspended and then terminated as an FBI informant shortly afterwards for publicly discussing his status with the FBI in an interview with Mother Jones.

9h9 hours ago

18) At one point, the FISA court raised concerns about the lack of verification of the dossiers claims. FBI and DOJ claimed that the dossier information was reliable because it was independently corroborated by a story published by Yahoo’s Michael Isikoff in September 2016.

9h9 hours ago

19) But the court was not told that the main sources for the information in the Isikoff article were Fusion GPS and ... Christopher Steele. The FBI was citing Christopher Steele to corroborate Christopher Steele!

9h9 hours ago

20) FISA courts do not have competing pleaders. When the FBI and DOJ apply for a warrant, the FISA judges depend on candor from both. But the FBI never informed the court that Steele was in effect working for the Clinton campaign.

9h9 hours ago

21) The research firm Fusion GPS hired Steele for their DNC-funded anti-Trump project. At Fusion, Steele worked with Nellie Ohr, the wife of then DOJ Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with the deputy attorneys general who approved the FISA warrants.

9h9 hours ago

22) The Nunes memo tells us that Associate Deputy Attorney General Ohr eventually provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS.

9h9 hours ago

23) We now know that the Steele dossier was the foundation for the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page, which in turn was the cornerstone that launched the Trump-Russia investigation and led to the appointment of special counsel (and former FBI director) Robert Mueller.

9h9 hours ago

24) These are facts. Very disturbing facts.

9h9 hours ago

25) Democrats and the never-Trump Left will continue to spin these facts to suit their agenda. They will distort the facts, deflect and redirect.

9h9 hours ago

26) But this is a fact: The Obama administration and Clinton campaign colluded with officials at FBI and DOJ to use a dubious anti-Trump dossier to first attempt to undermine the Trump campaign and then to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s victory.

8h8 hours ago

27) And if that doesn’t concern you, I don’t know what to say to you.

/ end
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Old 02-03-2018, 04:05 PM   #55
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This is what a globalist uni-party RAT looks like... he's got a tail 12ft long! Mitt's tail is 14ft long...

Evan McMullin‏Verified account
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The inclusion of the dossier in FISA applications may represent an unprecedented collision of opposition research and national security, but remember: the cause of that was a presidential candidate’s likely collaboration with the very foreign adversary attacking our democracy.

12:57 PM - 2 Feb 2018
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Old 02-04-2018, 07:55 AM   #56
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Right out of the 0zombies playbook...

HERE--> https://idahoconservatives.com/natio...ma-fusion-gps/

The FISA Memo Exposes Fusion GPS Obama 2012 Campaign Links

The 2012 attacks were a preview of what happened in 2016. Obama’s team wrote the playbook for taking out their enemies:

1.Investigate enemies through Fusion GPS
2.Attack enemies with multiple news stories
3.Use Government departments to punish enemies (IRS, FBI, and DOJ)

In 2012 Obama’s team used the IRS to go after Romney donors listed on his “Enemies List“. In 2016, Obama and Clinton’s shared law firm coordinated with Fusion GPS, FBI, and DOJ to manufacture a dossier as the basis to open a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. However the left tries to spin this, this is is a direct assault on our civil liberties. Rep. Nunes and President Trump did the right thing in releasing the FISA memo and exposed the systemic corruption that plagued the Democratic Party over the last decade.
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Old 02-04-2018, 08:16 AM   #57
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Old 02-04-2018, 11:16 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by bamscram View Post

YES! Thanks, so much...

by the way, check this out scrotumhummer...

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Old 02-04-2018, 11:30 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Trey Gowdy could be appointed Special Counsel to investigate the criminal uni-party/globalist/anti American cabal...

Yes and you may be appointed President of MENSA

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Old 02-04-2018, 12:02 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes and you may be appointed President of MENSA
The next 7 years sure are going to be fun, boy...

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