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Old 05-18-2022, 06:15 AM   #46
ICU 812
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[QUOTE=Levianon17;1062846747]This country is pretty dangerous without them.[/QUO

The silent majority of fly-over country is the most potentially dangerous group in the nation. They are hard workingf middle of the road family raising folks who just want to get on with their life. But they see so many things going on that they knoiw cann not be right.

They hear the twisted rhetoric of Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the progressive squad trying to distroy everything they know to be good, from schools, church their work place and on and on. These folks were all educatred in public school before the need for more than two different bathrooms and they learned how to use pronouns.

This group amounts to near a hundred million individuals. They have no community organizers coordinating their run for school board or city council, but they are angry and awakening.

This fall will see most of them turn out to exercise their right to vote in a fair and legitimate election. Do not let them feel cheated again.
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Old 05-18-2022, 07:39 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
The only Gun Control Law Abiding American Citizens need is to keep the Gun they own with them.
I was in Israel during the 2nd intifada. The most surprising thing was seeing young women 17-25 or so, all armed with M-16s slung over their shoulders as if it was just another fashion accessory. It was a very polite society (except for the cabbies). No reason we shouldn't be able to do the same especially with Democrats trying to foment chaos and social instability by releasing the criminal class back into the general population.
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Old 05-18-2022, 09:35 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Curious if any of the Tucker Carlson Right will own up to a piece of responsibilty? Will any of the Tucker Carlson's, Kevin McCarthey's, Hell, Donald Trump talk about toning down rhetoric? Or will they dig in their heels, and avoid public comment?

I'm not picking on the Right. I want to know what the Left has to say about this...


Now, we haven't got a racial breakdown of Milwaukee, but do we need one? I think we already know. There was 50% more people shot in Milwaukee, than in Buffalo.

I barely heard about the Milwaukee event. Buffalo will be non-stop for a week. Just saying.

Toning down rhetoric? Have you heard Joe Biden speak lately?

I started a post on the "Tucker Carlson caused Buffalo" BS and pointed out that the Left is completely spinning what Carlson said which just happens to be exactly what Biden said, that Whites with European ancestry, will soon be in the minority and AGAIN, even though Biden and numerous commentators have said the same thing, the Left wants you t believe that what Carlson "actually" meant, was that "these people" must be killed. Carlson never said any such thing or anything close to that.

What he is being called on mostly, is that this Great Replacement Theory, is being orchestrated by Democrats. Who the hell could deny that with what is going on at the border? Democrats want non White, non European people because they believe, even the White Leftist, which I find stunning, are the cause of all evil.

There will be a direct undeniable link come Nov. between Biden's rhetoric and the lose of his parties Legislative seats. If Biden doesn't tone down this rhetoric he is currently using, this will absolutely escalate to something very few want to see happen.

Joe Biden, "the MAGA crowd", the Republican party, is an existential ( it only took Biden 3 tries to get that word right ) threat to the country. Well, what do you do to an existential threat to the country? Well, if one is a good patriot, I guess you kill them right? Isn't that the logical conclusion of what Biden is saying? Kill the existential threat?
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Old 05-18-2022, 01:31 PM   #49
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It's one thing for an immature 18 years old to become radicalized. But how about our very special, all grown-up, well educated Democrat members of Congress

Tlaib, Squad introduce resolution recognizing 'catastrophe' of Israel's creation



I guess this would be Muslim/Black Supremacy
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Old 05-19-2022, 04:55 AM   #50
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Default What color is your flag?

" Is Right-Wing Rhetoric Partially Responsible for Buffalo?"

Let's try this one on for size:

Is Left-Wing Red Flag Law's Abject Failure Totally Responsible for Buffalo?

NY 'red flag' law should have thwarted Buffalo massacre ...nypost.com/2022/05/17/ny-red-flag-law-should-have-thwarted-buffalo-massacre-expert
The Buffalo supermarket massacre should never have occurred under New York’s “red flag” law, which is designed to specifically keep firearms out of the hands of disturbed individuals, a gun policy...

New York’s “red flag law” should have prevented the ...vox.com/.../2022/5/17/23104692/buffalo-shooting-red-flag-gun-new-york
New York state police decided not to invoke that law against the Buffalo shooter, who didn’t have a previous criminal record, but had made serious threats of violence. On Wednesday, Hochul issued...

New York’s ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law Was Not Invoked Against ...nytimes.com/2022/05/16/nyregion/red-flag-gun-law-buffalo-suspect.html
Gabriela Bhaskar/The New York Times Since taking effect in 2019, New York’s so-called red flag law, which lets judges bar people who pose a danger to themselves or others from possessing a firearm,...

New York’s red flag law should have helped thwart the ...nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-yorks-red-flag-law-helped-thwart-buffalo-mass...
Since New York's red flag law went into effect on Aug. 25, 2019, 1,464 extreme-risk protection orders have been issued, a New York Unified State Courts spokesperson said. State Sen. Brian Kavanagh,...

Did NY's red flag law fail to prevent Buffalo mass ...news.yahoo.com/did-nys-red-flag-law-070917176.html
Broome County District Attorney Michael Korchak, whose district includes the shooting suspect’s small rural hometown of Conklin, made the comments as questions mounted about whether New York’s...

Did New York red flag law failed to prevent Buffalo mass ...usatoday.com/story/news/2022/05/18/buffalo-shooting-did-new-york-red-flag...
Did NY's red flag law fail to prevent Buffalo mass shooting? Broome County DA weighs in. A New York prosecutor asserted state police, educators and medical workers acted
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Old 05-19-2022, 07:23 AM   #51
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I wonder when JL will fully reveal himself? He’s dying to do so right now.

My best guess is within a week.
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Old 05-19-2022, 09:04 AM   #52
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the shooter is not far right or far left, just far out of his mind for a smart kid
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Old 05-19-2022, 04:17 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
If Biden doesn't tone down this rhetoric he is currently using, this will absolutely escalate to something very few want to see happen.
You are exactly 100% wrong. That rhetoric on the part of the Demtards isn't accidental. They WANT some type of violent incident before the election. If they don't get one, they will manufacture events to achieve it, see J6.

J6 didn't get the result they want so there will be escalating violence until some legitimate Conservative says enough and decides to shoot at some federal targets like an FBI office etc. If they don't get it, they will stage one.


Because they know how bad the election is going to go. Normally you'd see a party backpedaling as fast as they can... but not the Biden Regime. Just like the guy who didn't campaign got more votes than Obama, the election will be manipulated either by some event that allows the Dems to soften the losses, or flat out suspend the election.

They are hell bent on attacking Russia... I wouldn't doubt the Demtards capable of working with the Intelligence agencies to stage a dirty bomb or suitcase nuke on the US to blame the Russians to achieve an election suspension.

The DemoCommies doubling down on the rhetoric makes the likelihood of shenanigans stronger. It's as if they don't
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Old 05-19-2022, 05:23 PM   #54
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Old 05-19-2022, 11:14 PM   #55
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Fake news from the supermarket check out line. Gab.

Ain’t you got nothing from the Beltway Douchebag?

How bout the Daily Dildo?

Next time, identify the source of your horse shit please and thank you.

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Old 05-20-2022, 04:16 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
...How bout the Daily Dildo?

Next time, identify the source of your horse shit please and thank you...
You are the Daily Dildo, aka prime source. But the sources were listed and you even chose to comment on them. Your flailing is failing - again.
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