Numbers are absolute (when it comes to stats / records) and, as they say, usually do not lie. Let's examine the Cowboy's cumulative win-loss record (per month) for the past five seasons:
Sept: 9-9
Oct: 6-11
Nov: 16-5
Dec: 11-13
I'd have to say being 15-20 (combined record for Sept / Oct) looks less than average to me.....doesn't really seem like the team showed up coming out of the gate, does it?
Now November's record indicates that "sense of urgency" taking place or easier opponents on the schedule or a combo of the two.
Cumulative record for Sept-Nov: 31-25 over the last five seasons looks somewhat mediocre when it's all said and not quite the "showing up" months as referred to.
And the "shit month"....December (two games under .500), while hardly stellar, can indicate numerous things taking place (ie: injuries to key players, no depth, poor play, change in the head coach mid-season, etc).
Originally Posted by jstone420
The Cowboys show up September to November but can't win shit in December