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Old 07-23-2023, 08:37 PM   #571
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... And YET - the boycott continues on!

... Come to mention - didn't a few of you lads predict
a rather early end to this thing??

#### Salty
Dilly dilly
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Old 07-23-2023, 11:25 PM   #572
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Originally Posted by Chase7 View Post
To me, showing which beer AB produces/sells, it’s your choice to drink or not.

Until I seen this I did not know AB owned Stella. I have a few a couple times a year, it’s now my choice if I want to or not.
Correct - not sure why anyone would get upset over sharing some knowledge
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Old 07-23-2023, 11:26 PM   #573
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... And YET - the boycott continues on!

... Come to mention - didn't a few of you lads predict
a rather early end to this thing??

#### Salty
Oh they did indeed Salty. They laughably said it would blow over quickly. Of course they were wrong as usual
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Old 07-25-2023, 01:45 PM   #574
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Default Laugh it up fuzzball...

Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Dilly dilly
I wonder how many fools are still drinking Coors-Molsen products in protest. Not long ago was having a beer in a local tits out style watering hole a dude raised his bottle of Coors light in toast with a rowdy 'Fuck Bud Light Coors is a MANS beer' and someone from another table leaned in to give him the bad news. Seeing him stomp out was fucking hilarious!
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Old 07-25-2023, 06:46 PM   #575
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It's a delicious irony lost on many of the most vocal in this thread.
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Old 07-26-2023, 12:28 AM   #576
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Many of the most vocal here don't really do "irony".
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Old 07-26-2023, 01:46 PM   #577
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I believe the next earnings call is Aug 2nd
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Old 07-26-2023, 04:23 PM   #578
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I know dick about business and the financial world in general, but suspect Budweiser is not as nonchalant about this issue as you guys make them out to be. I’d lay some pretty big odds that they wouldn’t put the tranny kid in the commercial if they had it to do again.
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Old 07-26-2023, 11:50 PM   #579
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
I know dick about business and the financial world in general, but suspect Budweiser is not as nonchalant about this issue as you guys make them out to be.
They aren't indeed. So many leftists have been wrong on this since it happened and continue to be wrong. Want to know why Tranheuser-Busch is not nonchalant about it? They announced today they are restructuring their Corporate Offices and laying off hundred of people because of their sales crashing

Bernstein Autonomous analyst Nadine Sarwat recently wrote that A-B’s market share is at an “all time low” of around 36%. Sarwat added that “it appears that a significant body of former Bud Light consumers have not just boycotted the brand, they have deserted it.”
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Old 07-27-2023, 06:09 AM   #580
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For context the layoffs account for 2% of the total workforce.

Bud Light's market share went from 8% to 7%. They fell from most popular in bars to 4th most popular in bars. They also still appear to be turning a profit, but we'll see shortly how much that's been cut by.

This is what catastrophist berry doesn't point out as he only focuses on the sensationalist portions of the narrative. There's still a very healthy population of folks who still don't give a shit. And the boycott numbers are lower than he'll have you believe because, as Bam pointed out somewhat, while the initial single can tiktok promo pissed off of conservatives, the response and lack of support for Dylan Mulvaney pissed off some liberals, compounding the pain.

The "shove this down our throats" contingent, many of whom weren't Bud Light customers to begin with and added nothing but noise to the boycott efforts, don't want to call anyone's attention to the whole picture. Mostly because this is the first time in quite awhile they've actually affected the scale in a material and potentially lasting way.

But let's not overstate that impact. Bud Light still sells far, far more than it lost here. It's still an extremely popular beer nationwide, despite all attempts to portray otherwise.

These folks also pretend Forgiato Blow is a chart topper, think they won the long game against Target, cheered on shifting money away from a woke brewer to other woke brewers, cheer on a Mexican beer overtaking American beers and are, in many ways, the very same as the SJW woke mob cancel culture they despise. Drinking Coors Light, Miller Lite or Modello instead of Bud Light isn't the win some of you folks think it is.

And it's kind of hilarious to watch.
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Old 07-27-2023, 10:24 AM   #581
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It can be easy to box this up as a left v right debate. That doesn't really hold up when you look at it on a deeper level as human rights and equality among people is not something a Republican or Democrat gets to move the bar on because they may or may not like something 'the other side' is doing. When the issue is co-mingling in bathrooms or competing in the same sporting event it is very much a WE issue and often there is no workable solution that will satisfy any real majority of people involved. But the beer boycott isn't about those things is it?

When you strip away the sound bytes like 'go woke go broke' what is the real issue? Gay people. I understand why their existence offends some people though it does seem a bit silly they pick that issue to get so loud about considering all the truly dysfunctional sin based offenses people perpetrate upon others every day but I get it. What does not make much sense is this notion that they should do something about it. The Bible gives up plenty of insight into free will and last I checked proclaims us all sinners in the eyes of God. There are a great deal of teachings included on how we should treat others and witness to spread the word as well. So what is the goal in blasting Target, Budweiser, etc etc for supporting equal treatment regardless of sexuality? Are these otherwise rational people expecting some widespread revolution where being straight and conforming to the man+woman=correct model spreads through the world like a new flu strain? There is a difference from working to rebuke sin and trying to publicly shame and persecute others.

So we can rejoice that Bud is selling a few less beers and Target had to take some items off their shelves and then hope when it comes time to answer for our own misdeeds we will get a pass because our kinks and devious deeds weren't quite as bad as 'those people' maybe that is the win...
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Old 07-27-2023, 11:00 AM   #582
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More Go Woke, Go Broke

I am sure the 380 or so people out of a job at Transheuser Busch are thrilled that they decided to cater to the leftists Tranny agenda

Anheuser-Busch InBev is laying off hundreds of employees as it grapples with months of slumping sales for Bud Light.

Bud Light sales in the last week of June were down nearly 28% year on year, according to Nielsen IQ data cited by Bump Williams consulting.

I wonder if all these people out of a job thought just like the ill informed leftists did that this would all blow over quickly.
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Old 07-28-2023, 10:23 AM   #583
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Let me raise my glass to toast the NEW #1 Beer in the USA - Modelo

Once owned by the same parent company as BUD LIGHT it is now a product of Constellation Brands which has been recognized many times for their inclusive corporate operations.

"Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE: STZ and STZ.B), a leading beverage alcohol company, announced today that it received a top score of 100 points on the 2019 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the nation’s premier benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ workplace equality."


We can rejoice in the knowledge that as a result of their expressing dissatisfaction with InBev those mad about a beer can have opened the door for a company even more devoted to the effort of establishing fair and equal treatment of humans to continue the fight!

A few months ago when asked what it means to be an ally to the community this is what Constellation Brands offered in response:

"Allyship can’t just be for Pride. It must be 24/7/365. We must stand by and stand up for our queer friends and family."

(This message was brought to you in part by Gillette a company once sought out for CANCEL after an ad featuring <redacted for ease of consumption> yet continues to dominate the US shaving market with over 50% and an estimated 750 million men worldwide using their products on a daily basis)
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Old 07-28-2023, 02:41 PM   #584
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Modelo's still AB outside the U.S., though
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Old 07-28-2023, 03:25 PM   #585
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Modelo's still AB outside the U.S., though
Good point. Last I saw a few of the world's top sellers were Chinese brands with the top seller being Snow which produced around twice what Budweiser did but I doubt many of those offended by Bud Light would switch to a brew produced by communists. Coors is a big seller but also quite inclusive and between them and InBev the brands includes are quite extensive. Looks like disgruntled beer drinkers have a lot of homework to do. I just picked up some Negra Modelo for the weekend its going to be a scorcher!
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