Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
It better not be Rip... I like Rip.
That's why it very well might be Rip. Who doesn't like him?
If there's anything that TWD and GoT did it was to get us used to all characters being disposable, even the most loved ones. Remember Hershel? Then Glenn? The whole internet was like WTF ? both times. I wasn't into GoT but a lot of friends were and I heard about that shit all the time.
When you look back on it for some of the signs you see that the character sometimes runs out of story line and you realize you should have seen it coming. Other times the actor just wants out.
Case in point on TWD. Glenn's story seemed to have hit a end and Maggie's story couldn't continue in the way it did with him in the picture. One of them had to go.
Andrew Lincoln wanted to go home. The show isn't the same to me without Rick though.