Originally Posted by zebra
after reading all of your NO reviews I came to the conclusion maybe the problem lies on YOU. Savanna claims you were rude and speaking to her hateful, etc. and truthfully I hardly believe Savanna drove out to your Casa and looked like she just woke up.
I mean this young lady has earned her stripes "so to say" in this business. And I am not taking up for Savanna or being a White Knight here. Maybe you need to look in the mirror & reevaluate the situation at hand. Ok, this was your experience and not a good one so move on. There are plenty of other ladies in DFW, (631) as of 6:15 am this morning. I have had some bad experiences but I don't whine about them. It was your choice to give Savanna the "entire donation" when you could have handed her $ 50.00 cancellation and said hit the road girl.
You say $ 12,500.00 of your time was wasted. Tell me, why are you wasting your valuable time with a $ 300.00 dollar Provider when you should be spending you hard earned dollar on a High Dollar Hottie like Amy Taylor or others who can cater to you and meet your needs. I say BULLSHIT one more time! Maybe you are making poor choices one after another, but I doubt it.
I come from the old school, ASPD 1998 and honestly started posting as a regular contributor to the site in 2000. Oop's, just showed my age. Need to go put my Boots on, the bullshit is getting DEEP in the isleway.
Savanna, I like the new boobie picture. Yes she is quite the sweet.treat.
I did not read through every single page of this thread. However, I did read enough to say this.
1-The OP is an epic @-hole (without a doubt). If he does, in fact have that much cash and earns that much per hour he's just a cheap @-hole because he wouldn't have to waste his time with providers he has never met before. He would have an assistant pre-screen the girls for him and have a harem of HDH girls as SB's for him to bang whenever he so pleases.
2-If there is a "do not see hobbyist list" as I am sure there is...he has probably put himself in the #1 position as providers now know he's a total douche bag and probability of receiving a "no" is high...although he did provide great advertising for ST69. lol
3-I have not me with ST69 yet...due to my crazy travel schedule...but I will say that in emailing with her she has been NOTHING BUT SWEET AND FRIENDLY to me...and I'm looking forward to meeting her soon...
SNL - out.