And the fact that Jules is fucking 14 on this list makes it even more bullshitty.
14!?! Four-fucking-teen??!?!!??
No offense to the other ladies on here, but come on. Jules is fucking gorgeous. She's not even like, 'regular' gorgeous. She's SUPER gorgeous. She's, "How is it possible that she's THIS gorgeous!?!", gorgeous.
Btw, are you doing it, Jules? How is it possible that you're this gorgeous? Magic? Like, what?
She's so gorgeous, it's like, she absorbs other ladies' gorgeousness as she walks by them, adding to her own. Ladies, if you get momentarily weak walking by Jules, odds are she stole some or all of your gorgeousness.
It's like, she's the...GORGEOUS Medusa! Don't look directly at her beauty, or she'll absorb your beauty if you're a woman. If you're a man, she'll just turn you into stone.
The point I'm trying to make here is...oh, Jules. You so purrrdy.
Have y'all seen her latest picture?

God, man.
Gorgeous. Seriously.
[mumbling] How are you doing that??