Originally Posted by WTF
I'm as special as you. Don't you think?
This is the only guy in Pittsburgh who ever thought you were special WTF and he's dead. The rest of us just think you are a jagoff with poor posting skills.
Originally Posted by WTF
You were being civil? How about you want me (or somebody) to think you were being civil. You were being snarky. Like some passive/aggressive chick that got dumped.
I know when I'm in a civil conversation and I haven't had any from you. You wanna start acting civil, cut the bs and start talking like a man. The only one I've had any luck with not getting his panties in wad around here is bambino. .
I'm sorry but you really do need a reality check. They have meds that could help you. Maybe you should look into that.
I realize you only post in the political forms and therefore your social skills are lacking. I haven't seen anyone besides yourself get their panties in a bunch. Aren't you tiered yet of having your ass handed to you all the time???
Bam.......maybe for Christmas you can make WTF a butt buddy. I think his awkward posting style is his socially inept attempt to make new friends since the guys in Texas don't want anything to do with him. So in the spirit of the season don't ban WTF. I say lets include him and give him a number making him an official butt buddy.