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Old 07-13-2013, 05:06 PM   #31
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According to testimony, Zimmerman broke off following Martin and headed back toward vehicle as instructed by 911. So at this point who became the aggressor? The outcome is unfortunate but Martin is not the innocent youth the press wanted to portray. The real question is why did the prosecution choose to pursue murder 2nd when the evidence to win was not there. Were there outside pressures? Dismissals & resignations during the investigation, a Judge that does not understand legal boundaries. Trial was doomed before it started.
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Old 07-13-2013, 05:07 PM   #32
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Rephrased...don't defend yourself when stalked at night in the rain if you don't have a gun. The other guy might...
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Old 07-13-2013, 05:21 PM   #33
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Looking at the diagram of where Zimmerman said his car was...where he claims he was assaulted and where the body was found...


It makes more sense that Zimmerman after crossing the cut to the opposite street was on his way back, still searching to re-acquire eyes on Marti, entered between the house rows to continue his search, then found/approached Martin to confront him.

The notion of Martin doubling back to ambush the hapless (yet emboldened enough by being armed to follow a guy he thought was a criminal [well at least he was black, which is kind of the same thing, right George?] through a neighborhood at night in the rain) Zimmerman seems pretty far-fetched.

Seriously, which of those two guys based on their phone calls leading up to the incident seemed more disposed to push things? Try to be objective.
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Old 07-13-2013, 05:31 PM   #34
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In response to his harsh criticism, Dershowitz claims Corey called Harvard Law School and, "threatened to sue the institution, get me disciplined by the Bar, and made accusations of libel and slander".[27] Angela Corey has been indicted by a citizens' grand jury, convening in Ocala, Florida, over the alleged falsification of the arrest warrant and complaint that lead to George Zimmerman being charged with the second degree murder of Trayvon Martin.[28] An IT director at the State Attorney's office was fired after disclosing information that was not released to the defense.[29]
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Old 07-13-2013, 05:35 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by MajorHands View Post
Looking at the diagram of where Zimmerman said his car was...where he claims he was assaulted and where the body was found...


It makes more sense that Zimmerman after crossing the cut to the opposite street was on his way back, still searching to re-acquire eyes on Marti, entered between the house rows to continue his search, then found/approached Martin to confront him.

The notion of Martin doubling back to ambush the hapless (yet emboldened enough by being armed to follow a guy he thought was a criminal [well at least he was black, which is kind of the same thing, right George?] through a neighborhood at night in the rain) Zimmerman seems pretty far-fetched.

Seriously, which of those two guys based on their phone calls leading up to the incident seemed more disposed to push things? Try to be objective.
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Old 07-13-2013, 05:49 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by roscoe14850 View Post
a Judge that does not understand legal boundaries. Trial was doomed before it started.
So we can assume you're a legal professional - since that's pretty much what you're telling us.

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
And yet another individual who's lost the right to consider the people on the OJ jury stupid.
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Old 07-13-2013, 05:59 PM   #37
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The OJ prosecution did a bad job. Jury let him off as the prosecution did not prove the case. Plus I do not think OJ did it IMHO. But dose know who did. again my opinion.
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Old 07-13-2013, 06:12 PM   #38
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In the Scott case it did go to grand jury first. But was pushed over racing as well as this Zimmerman case. I remember my democrat neighbors sayin

Who dos this Niger think he is killing white kids
Scoot is a hero in my book,
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Old 07-13-2013, 06:23 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by MajorHands View Post
Looking at the diagram of where Zimmerman said his car was...where he claims he was assaulted and where the body was found...


It makes more sense that Zimmerman after crossing the cut to the opposite street was on his way back, still searching to re-acquire eyes on Marti, entered between the house rows to continue his search, then found/approached Martin to confront him.

The notion of Martin doubling back to ambush the hapless (yet emboldened enough by being armed to follow a guy he thought was a criminal [well at least he was black, which is kind of the same thing, right George?] through a neighborhood at night in the rain) Zimmerman seems pretty far-fetched.

Seriously, which of those two guys based on their phone calls leading up to the incident seemed more disposed to push things? Try to be objective.
A lot of conjecture to reach that point. In a TRIAL you need to PROVE IT. Based on your reasoning I could argue Martin was a troubled youth with a past of street fighting, drug use, & larceny. Video, Tweets, Texts & school disciplinary reports exist that prove this. But this was a TRIAL. That evidence was not admitted and is moot. Based on the preponderance of evidence so is your argument. In a trial it doesn't matter what YOU think is far-fetched, makes sense, or is a notion; it's what's provable by the prosecution. Once again it is the prosecutions job to build a case they can win with charges that will stick. They failed and they knew it, which was why they added Manslaughter at the last moment. That along with the puzzling behavior of the judge will give the defense ample justification for an appeal that is likely to win.
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Old 07-13-2013, 06:28 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Hero Zimmerman View Post
Lessonlearned don't attack people especially gun owners.
welcome to upset NY..lol

this is just the usual clan of race baiters weighing in
partially, the libs have this undying need to try and look the most "sensitive"..and

"caring" its really just the usual blow harding that always bubbles up whenever they see some oporunity to use the black man for their agendas

you NEVER see any of these frauds speaking out against the daily black on black crime that runs rampant throughout our cities

their just the same as the media,,, divide up the people

and this situation becomes a win win because it involves firearms and that issue they care about more than any black guy.
they"ll be frothing at the mouth in glee to try and ban weapons....its sickening

.its ideology

the only time I spent on this horse shit is having to change the channel ,, every FUCKIN station goes on and on and on

I couldn"t give a fuck less about anyone walking around the neighborhood

neighborhood watch is a fucken cluster FUCK..

if your not smart enough to have a plan when someone breaks into your house

then you deserve to get robbed

i dont think any of you libs spend any real time in the city..lol I dont for a minute buy any of your crap

Originally Posted by Hero Zimmerman View Post
Lock and load. Riots are coming. If he is found guilty it won't be because of evidence or facts.
true dat.

prolly 50 rounds at the min..

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Old 07-13-2013, 06:29 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
So we can assume you're a legal professional - since that's pretty much what you're telling us.
Yes I am, I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night. Plus XY confirmed it for me.
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Old 07-13-2013, 06:37 PM   #42
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Hero to who? Please clarify. You seem like a good person in this board OSD but this kid did not deserve to die.

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
And Scott is a black man. And a HERO
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Old 07-13-2013, 08:56 PM   #43
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It doesn't matter anyway. Zimmerman's probably a dead man walking, because there just might be a black man out there who 'don't give a fuck' cleaning his shotgun right now, getting ready to 'fuck Zimmerman's ass up' (words he'd probably use).

There's a dead teenager and MF's out there celebrating and smiling in court, giving bullshit answers about a case that they know the perp was guilty.

Seriously, where's Zimmerman going to go? There are black people (and a few of other races) FURIOUS with him, in ALL states. Hell, he can move to Utah and still would get mean looks from people. What kind of life is he going to live now? He might as well have been guilty.
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Old 07-13-2013, 09:41 PM   #44
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Kindaa crazy. Wasn't expecting that outcome... it did seem like 2nd degree murder wasn't the right charge. Now, I wonder if the family will go the OJ route and sue in civil court?
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Old 07-13-2013, 09:44 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by BlackJedi View Post
Hero to who? Please clarify. You seem like a good person in this board OSD but this kid did not deserve to die.
to me. for shooting a 17 year old
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