Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
...and the fun and informative items are buried underneath it all.
What "fun and informative items" are those of which you speak? I think politics is fun and informative and really enjoy getting the wackos spun up by never insulting them and asserting completely made up accusations and insinuations that make InfoWars looks absolutely tame. Lob a bomb, be polite, sit back with the popcorn and watch the fireworks!

or if it is really good, order a pizza, sit back and watch LOL

(sorry, I just really liked the smilie)
Aren't there already forums for all those other non-political "fun and informative items"?
Besides, I thought Sandbox was created to remove politics from Diamonds and Tuxedos? What next, banning politics from the "Political Hole"?
Originally Posted by Yxes
How about we just make ECCIE a politics free zone. This is a hobby board.
"Politics" is anywhere there is less of something than people who want/need it. That pretty much applies to everything in life IMHO.
Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Ban politics, someone will hate on you loving puppies.
On the interwebs - True That!
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I can't see it happening. Too many things are connected to politics today and I don't think the mods want to get into that argument.
Things connected to politics in the last month;
genetically modified food
the military
the environment
the environment
I could go on but I think you see the point.
Dead on JDB! This concerns me greatly that I agree with JDB on anything. Oh well, sigh
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What's next; keep another forum "politic free zone"?
The Sandbox was specifically designated to accommodate political threads; which were removed from Diamonds and Tuxedos; hang out in that forum if you don't like the Sandbox !
OK, what is happening here, first I agree with JDB (but he forgot guns - maybe that second "the environment" should have been guns) and now with Whirly? What is the world coming to?
I thought the Sandbox was specifically designated to accommodate
MY amusement as a place to be unfailingly polite to those who would flame and insult me (and anyone who agrees with me or doesn't agree with them and occasionally does agree with them but they can't figure that out) and to throw absurdist word bombs to set the wackos off even more. Oh, sorry, same thing!
May I humbly suggest that once the OP defines the non-political "fun and informative items" of which he speaks it might just be easier to point out the appropriate forums to which he and others of his ilk should post. Perhaps a Sticky could be made or enhanced to point this out to those who are allergic to politics?
St. C, in the event my above suggestion is overruled or insufficient, we (the politicized trolls and others of less trollish nature) will follow your inestimable wisdom in confining the political fun and games to any forum you and the wisdom of the mods dictate.