Originally Posted by ChloeCox
Laughing my ass off! This post honestly makes me laugh. Theres always two sides to every story. Enough said.
If there is another side, I would respectfully suggest that you share it.
As stated above, Chloe, it's NOT enough said. If you had a legitimate defense, we'd have heard it. My experience with investigations, which goes back more than two decades, is that the clip from The American President notwithstanding, when only one side is doing the talking it's because the other side is guilty of whatever is being alleged. In this case there are half a dozen hobbyists giving a similar version of being ripped off, and all you have to say is that there are two sides but don't offer up any details? In any court in the land, including the court of public opinion, you look guilty as hell. If you aren't, then share with us the other side of each of these stories. Inquiring minds want to know.