I would say 10 is the deep end, and get ur brain examined, but yes aliens, lol. I worked with a guy with a guy thought he was abducted, and was very sensitive about it. The other 10 would be beastiality, or something warm.
Pretending to be a animal would be a 8 or so. I must admit the last time I was dining at the Y, I want to start growling like dog, a big dog, but held back and kept quite, don't want to scare the provider. LOL
Its been a long time since I did public sex, and listening to these stories, will be putting that on the bucket list this year.
Awesome thread Frankie Fine!
Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
*I like the way you made the list! I am pretty sure I can check mark each off from 1-9, but 10??? Are we talking about flutes,remotes, contruction cones...or aliens?!