Originally Posted by LuckJack
LMAO. Way too funny
OK, as a milestone birthday approached a couple of years ago I made arrangements with a well known and trusted provider (not the one above, although she is well know and trusted, she was eerrr...not available at the time). On the first afternoon I arranged to be dropped off at DFW she picked me up and took me to dinner, a special place to her. I spent the night and we didn't sleep much if you know what I mean and I think you do. The second day turned out cool and rainy so............later she made me an early steak dinner, OK I made the sauce. That night we went to a Halloween party, me dressed as my avatar and she as a pirate girl, short shorts, fishnets and all the cleavage I could stand. We got home late so we decided not to waste the rest of the night. After a couple of hours of sleep she dropped me off at DFW.
Compensation has been addressed so in this case, well obviously we had somewhat of a relationship but it is a business. We worked out a plan based on lost income instead of time together. On the first day she had finished her work day, on the second she never scheduled more than three appointments so I paid for four appointments, we were planning to go to the party anyway. We were both happy with the arrangements.