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Old 09-18-2012, 05:52 PM   #31
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Obama is clearly an Anti Colonialist. He has not and will not do anything positive for this country at least not in the eyes of true Americans. If Obama gets re-elected America will never have another presidential election again. We will loose all connection with our constitution and the America we were born into.
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Old 09-18-2012, 05:54 PM   #32
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Where did he get the money to fund the "affordable Haelathcare Act"?
If I recall correctly over 700 billion was taken from the Medicare trust fund.

Exactly how much additional debt did Obama take on on behalf of the tax payer to fund all of these great works?
If I recall, he pledged to cut the deficit in half yet added more debt in three years than Bush did in 8 and this was with a Deocrat controlle dhouse and Senate during 8 of the 8 years which added almost as much debt as was added in the previous 6.

How much was spent to creat jobs and how much does that equate to on a per job basis?

Why are we still in Afghanistan?
I thought the reason we were there was to get Osama?

When aree we closing the prison at Gitmo?

Why do we need the NDAA now.

Why does Homeland Security determine what should be called a terroristic threat if it does not involve a terrorist?
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:05 AM   #33
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"Global Opinion of Obama Slips, International Policies Faulted"
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Old 09-19-2012, 05:13 AM   #34
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[QUOTE=The2Dogs;3211696]Where did he get the money to fund the "affordable Haelathcare Act"?
If I recall correctly over 700 billion was taken from the Medicare trust fund. You don't recall correctly. Obama's $700B comes from the healthcare providers reimbursements.

Exactly how much additional debt did Obama take on on behalf of the tax payer to fund all of these great works?
If I recall, he pledged to cut the deficit in half yet added more debt in three years than Bush did in 8 and this was with a Democrat controlle dhouse and Senate during 8 of the 8 years which added almost as much debt as was added in the previous 6. Uh, your memory is sort of FUCKED UP - again - the Cheney/Rove Administration had a majority of the Congress for 6 of his 8 years.

How much was spent to creat jobs and how much does that equate to on a per job basis? Less than it would have cost to rewind the Great Depression.

Why are we still in Afghanistan? Yes, we are.
I thought the reason we were there was to get Osama? Nope, that is why the Cheney/Rove administration took us there. bin Laden got out of Dodge almost 10 years ago and Lil' Georgie decided that he didn't give a sh*t about where he was.

When aree we closing the prison at Gitmo? As soon as you buy the houses on both sides of you and give them to some of those held there.

Why do we need the NDAA now. Beats the hell out of me.

Why does Homeland Security determine what should be called a terroristic threat if it does not involve a terrorist? Because it makes more sense than turning it over to you, IBS, Whirlygig, COsFb, SEE and the rest of you TPunk Parrotriots. [/QUOTE]

T2Nutlickers, your penchant for ignoring facts is fascinating.
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Old 09-19-2012, 05:19 AM   #35
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[QUOTE=acp5762;3211689]Obama is clearly an Anti Colonialist. And this is bad HOW? He has not and will not do anything positive for this country at least not in the eyes of true Americans. LOL, it's a shame you aren't one and don;t know any. If Obama gets re-elected America will never have another presidential election again. Hey Rush, go see your housekeeper and see if she can get you some more pills. We will loose all connection with our constitution and the America we were born into. We have already lost connection with what the Consitiution was and how it was interpreted - back in the 19th Century. Pining away for the "good old days," eh?[/QUOTE]

Another legend in his own mind.....
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Old 09-19-2012, 05:42 AM   #36
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I think you need to check your facts. , In order to make it look like it would not cost the more than a trillion dollars, they took the money from Medicare. So what you are saying is that Obamacare will take Medicare from seniors.

I had a typo it was 2 of the 8 so take a look at the last two years and see how much they spent and added to the deficit.

The over 25million that do not have jobs and or are undereemployed would tell you this is the great depression.

So you have no idea why we are still in Afghanistan.
So you are saying Bush knew where he was all that time., interesting.

I see you admit that Obama did not have a clue when it came to Gitmo.

Once again you support the Democrat grab of freedom and liberty and like a sheep agree because Obama thinks it is ok.

Once again, I can see your desire for the socialist regime to be able to control the freedom of individuals, specifically citizens of these United States of America, by giving unlimited power to idiots like the TSA.
You shold check up on what is going on in your heighborhood. Check on how many "terroristic threats" have been recorded by the various government agencies.

Damn sheep.
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Old 09-19-2012, 07:35 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
1. He has given us an insight into how tyranny will prevail in this country.
2. He has exposed the Republicans for being as anti-freedom and anti-American as the Democrats by obtaining bipartisan support for the NDAA.
3. He has strengthened the hands of banksters by refusing to rein in the Fed, or support an audit thereof.
4. He has shown us how good our medical system used to be before he handed control of it to the IRS.
5. He has (hopefully) galvanized the Liberty Movement to take back the country from the statists in four years, should there be any country left.
He has given paranoid whackos a reason to get up in the morning.
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Old 09-19-2012, 08:18 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
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...Passed a stimulus bill that, while too small, did avert a major depression.

...Restored out standing in the world.
Perhaps I could quibble with some of other items on your list of Obama's "accomplishments", but those are a couple of pretty juicy servings of low-hanging fruit.
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Old 09-19-2012, 08:29 AM   #39
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Well, the list is up to waaaaay over 5 but the dogged TeaLiars are still at it. Bless their little ol' hearts.....
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Old 09-19-2012, 02:24 PM   #40
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Why can't Obama think of 5 things he's done for the country

.... in the past 3.8 years?

I mean like by himself ... you know ... without Bush, Pelosi, Reid, or Michelle ...

... oh yea, and the Seals!
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:25 PM   #41
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1st: Stopped a national if not global depression. Hard to prove, but in all of our economic indicators where as close as close can get in 2009 and 1929. In 1929, the economic indicators continued to fall. In 2009, they stabilized. By most real smart economics type persons, we came back from the brink of another depression. Kudos bailout and obama.

2nd: finally got some sort of reform of health care pushed through. Although I'm not sure that needs to credited to dems. A. Romney passed a similar health care bill in Mass B.) Was basically the same health care bill which was pushed through in 1989 by a republican. I honeslty don't know why all the parisan bullshit about this health care bill, but he did it.

3rd: Credit Card Reform: these include: bans universal default, time limis on interest rates, resriction of fees, ground rules for processing payments so that you can pay balances down quicker, more information about practices released (probably read by none), but it's there.

4th: Banking Regulation: Called the Wall Street Dodd-Frank Consumer Proctection Act. Probably not enough, as Obama is not a socialist idealouge, but really a pragmatist at heart, but whatever.

5th: I could mention other things, but you just asked for five. On a cultural level, and I think that's important, he came in full support of gay marriage, thereby helping to marginalize a large portion of our population. I mean, yes, America's support of homosexual rights is pretty much a done deal, so it wasn't like Licoln signing the Emanciapation Proclamation or anything, and perhaps politcally motivated since it really is a benign topic, but I still say Kudos!

Okay, there's five.
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:27 PM   #42
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Oh yeah, and we got Osama.
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:36 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Obama is clearly an Anti Colonialist. He has not and will not do anything positive for this country at least not in the eyes of true Americans. If Obama gets re-elected America will never have another presidential election again. We will loose all connection with our constitution and the America we were born into.
Oh stop it, chicken little. Obama is hardly a radical. Now FDR radically changed the way government worked in America. We survived that and many other more far-reaching government programs than anythingObama has proposed. the sky will still be here when he is gone.
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:46 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
. Bless their little ol' hearts.....

Hey quit stealin my back handed compliments that aren't compliments at all, but rather a sinister ploy to lul you to sleep, booger.
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Old 09-19-2012, 04:43 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Annef View Post
Oh yeah, and we got Osama.
. . . and the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens .

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